About the Department
The department of Information Science and Engineering is a unique department created to address the rapidly evolving requirements of the information age. The department is now offering a unique four-year B.E. Information Science and Engineering program since academic year 2018-19.
From the HOD’s Desk

Mr. U. Thiruvaazhi,
Assistant Professor III & Head
Emerging technologies and innovations are key for us to become successful in this age. We all know the criticality of “Information”. Though we use the word Information in a lose context, Claude Shannon defined Information Entropy and gave a formula to calculate a numeric value of it giving birth to Information Theory. A lot has happened since then in terms of coding, processing, communicating, storing, and securing Information. The branch of study of Information Science and Engineering is still nascent though Information is at the foundation of most of the emerging technologies including Artificial Intelligence. This department aims to contribute to a systematic development of this field of Information Science and Engineering both in its deep theoretical rigor as well as spinning out broad emerging technologies of immediate value to people and businesses. Towards this we have a hybrid mix of appropriate people, innovative processes, and leading technologies to create, continually improve, and effectively deliver the program of Information Science and Engineering. Students going through this program will develop the capability to make sense of information, model it for organizations to provide maximum utility while assuring the security and privacy of information, which is critical in the world moving towards artificial intelligence. The world is just beginning to know the importance of these attributes. If you are interested, we urge you to join us to ride this wave for the benefit of all stakeholders.
To create an ecosystem that empowers human intelligence through information science and engineering for sustainable development.
- Nurture human capabilities in emerging areas with strong foundational knowledge, through a harmonious, stable, and dynamic process of synchronization with changing technology landscape
- Build multidisciplinary network of competent people to solve global challenges by providing innovative, integrated, and impactful solutions.
UG – B E – Information Science and Engineering (8 Semesters)
The graduates of the program will be able to:
- PEO1: Make appropriate decisions based on balanced information
- PEO2: Perceive and deal dynamically with multiple dimensions of information
- PEO3: Adopt inclusive approach in every aspect of information system, especially in dealing with personally identifiable information
Graduates of the Information Science and Engineering Undergraduate Program will have the ability to:
- PO1: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- PO2: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- PO3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- PO4: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO5: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- PO6: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- PO7: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- PO8: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- PO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- PO10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- PO11: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- PO12: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Graduates of the Information Science and Engineering Undergraduate Program will have the ability to:
- PSO1: Maximize the Utility of Information through Data Analytics.
- PSO2: Assure the Security and Privacy of Information through appropriate Integration of People, Process and Technology dimensions.
- B.E Information Science and Engineering has been started in the year 2018 under the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with an initial intake of 60 under the affiliation from Anna University.
- The programme is now administered under the Department of Information Science and Engineering from 1st September 2020.
- The Department has signed Memorandum of Association (MoA) with Data Security Council of India (DSCI, industry body on data protection in India set up by NASSCOM), Center of Excellence (CoE) for Cybersecurity Technology department. The MoA signed on 24th March 2021 addresses collaboration for conducting joint programs on Cybersecurity, Privacy and many more between Ramanandha Adigalar Foundation, Coimbatore and Data Security Council of India, Noida.
- Conducted an Institution Level Value Add Course on Experiencing Emerging Technologies from Feb 16 to Feb 21, 2021.
- Conducted a department level Value Added Program on Mobile Application Development from Feb 23 to Feb 26, 2021.
B.E. ISE Class Rooms | |||||
ASC Building | – | Class Room | I ISE | 102.88 | 66 sq.m |
D Block Ground Floor | D101 | Class Room | II ISE | 102.88 | 66 sq.m |
D Block Ground Floor | D102 | Class Room | III ISE | 102.88 | 66 sq.m |
B.E. ISE Faculty Rooms | |||||
MVB First Floor | AD201 | Faculty Room | Faculty Room | 47.65* | 30 sq.m (6 * 5) |
B.E. ISE Laboratory | |||||
ASC First Floor | SC210 | Laboratory | Computing Laboratory | 107.9 | 66 sq.m |
M-GATE WAY | – | Laboratory | Prototype Design and Development Laboratory | 74 | 66 sq.m |
M-GATE WAY | – | Laboratory | Machine Learning Laboratory | 74 | 66 sq.m |
M-GATE WAY | – | Laboratory | Cloud Computing Laboratory | 74 | 66 sq.m |
Events conducted

- Data Analytics for Utility
- Information Security
- Information Privacy
2020 – 2021
- D. Chandrakala, Mobile Based Leaf Disease Classifier, BBRC Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Volume 13 Number (11) Vol 13 No 11 (2020) Pp-82-87, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.11/19
- Suguna M, Published book chapter,” COVID19 AND ITS IMPACT- Design and Implementation of a virtual machine video conferencing application “, January month, ESN Publications, Chennai, India, Online ISBN-978-81-947019-4-1, pp: 211-230, 2021.
- Suguna M, G. Shobana, J. Cynthia “Priority-Based Task Allocation and Scheduling in WSN Using DMPS”, in Advances in Materials Research, Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 5. Springer, Singapore, 05 February, ISBN-978-981-15-8318-6, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8319-3_111.
- Suguna M, S.Nithya Priya, G.Thenmozhi, “Agri image processing using UML model” in International journal of BBRC Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Volume 13 Number (11), pp 11-15, 2020.
- Ms.Shobana G., Suguna M, Sports Prediction Based on Random Forest Algorithm. In: Advances in Materials Research, Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 5. Springer, Singapore, 05 February, ISBN-978-981-15-8318-6, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8319-3_99, pp 993-1000, 2021.
- R.Kalaiselvi, V.Vanitha,V.P.Sumathi, Protection of Mental Healthcare Documents using sensitivity based Encryption, International Journal of Cloud computing, vol.10, Issue1/2. 2021.
- K.Meena,R.Kalaiselvi, “Properties of nano Δ* open sets”, International conference on Material Science and Manufacuring Technology 2021 (ICMSMT 2021).
2019 – 2020
- Chandrakala D, Sumathi S, Saran Kumar A, Sathish J, “Text Clustering Using PSO Based Dynamic Adaptive SOM for Detecting Emergent Trends”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 3, July-September 2019.
- G.Shobana, M.Suguna, C. Umamageshwari, ”Smart Adoption System using Image Processing Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 84-87, 2019.
- M.Suguna, G.Shobana,”Smart Equipment Charger”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 6 , pp. 99-10, 2019.
- S. J. Syed Ali Fathima and Suguna M, “Virtual reality engineering paradigm for the simulation and gamification of real-time applications” in AIP Conference Proceedings 2270, 140015, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0019412
- Suguna M, S.J.Syed Ali Fathima ,G.Shobana, “IoT based engineering paradigm for real time home automation” in AIP Conference Proceedings 2270, 140014 , https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0019418, 2020.
- Suguna M, Prakash D, Shobana G, ” Online Attendre Tracking System “, Sustainable Communication Networks and Application-june 2020, Ebook chapter, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Online ISBN978-3-030-34515-0, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34515-0, 2020.
- Suguna M, Prakash D, Cynthia. J, ” Examination of Healthcare Diagonosis using IOT “, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019.
- Suguna M, Prakash D, Shobana G, ” Research on Privacy Preserving Models for Efficient Healthcare Big Data Sharing in Cloud”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6S, August , 2019.
- G. Shobana, Suguna M, ” Road Traffic Monitoring System”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S3, September, 2019.
- R. Kalaviselvi , G. Santhoshni, “A Comparative Study on Predicting the Probability of Liver Disease”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 560-564, October-2019.
- Kalaiselvi, R and Kousalya, K, ‘Enhanced protection for textual healthcare documents in cloud Environment’, Taga Journal of Graphic Technology, vol.14, pp.1940-1956, 2018.
- K.Meena, R.Kalaiselvi, “Significant Results On Normal Spaces And Regular Spaces”, Journal of Xidian University, pp.5979 – 5982, May 2020.
- Syed Ali Fathima, Saranya.K,” Advent of augmented reality experience in retail and online shopping and its influencing significance in future.” MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2),35-47. https://doi.org/10.20319/mijst.2019.52.3547
- K.Saranya., S.Jayanthy, Fathima S J,” Image and brain signal processing based drowsiness detecting and alarming system.”Matter: International Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2),190-201. https://doi.org/10.20319/mijst.2019.52.190201
2018 – 2019
- Thiruvaazhi, U., Arthi, R., “Threats To Mobile Security And Privacy”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) , Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 407-412, 2018.
- Suguna M and Sharmila, D, “Heuristic task workflow scheduling in cloud using spot and on-demand instances” ICACB18: Special Issue on: “Advanced Computing and Communication Systems “ International Journal of cloud computing, 2018.
- Suguna, M., Prakash, D., Yamunathangam, D., and Shobana G., “Heuristic task workflow scheduling in cloud using spot and on-demand instances”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, Vol. 15, Issue. 8, pp. 2483-2680, October-2018, IF: 1.666.
- Suguna. M,M.G. Ramalakshmi Cynthia. J, D.Prakash,” A survey on Cloud and Internet of Things based healthcare diagnosis”, IEEE-International Conference on Computing comuunication and Automation(ICCCA2018) at Galgotias University,Delhi. published in IEEE Xplorer, 2018.
- Suguna, M., Prakash, D., & Cynthia, J., “Secure Data Access Privacy Preserving using Cloud Services”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 321-324, 2018.
- B.Priyanga, Suguna M, “A Survey on Semantic Web based Ontology Development using Cloud Environment” in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, E-ISSN: 2321-0613, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp.13-16, 2018.
- B.Priyanga, Suguna M, “Implementing Question Answering System using Various Techniques” in Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming, E-ISSN: 2321-0613, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp.20-24, 2018.
- Cynthia, J., Suguna, M., and Senthil, S., “Mapping the vegetation soil and water region analysis of Tuticorin district using Landsat images”. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 161-165, 2018.
- Cynthia J, ,M. Sankari,Suguna M, D.Rajesh kumar, ”Survey on disaster management using VANET”, IEEE-Xplorer,International Conference on Computing comuunication and Automation(ICCCA2018) at Galgotias University,Delhi.published in IEEE Xplorer, 2018.
- Kalaiselvi, R and Kousalya, K, “Statistical modelling and parametric optimization in document fragmentation”, Neural Computing and Applications, pp.1-10, 2019.
- Shobana ,G., Vigneshwara, B., and Maniraj Sai ,A., “Twitter Sentimental Analysis”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 343- 346, 2018.
- Yamunathagam, D., Shobana, G., and Suguna, M., “Smart Care -Predicitve maintenance system in washing machine using IOT”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 914-917, 2018.
- Saranya, K., and Jayanthy,S., “BCI Based EEG Signals For Emotion Classification”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, issue. 4, pp. 385-389, 2018.
- Saranya, K., Syed Ali Fathima, S. J., and Mohd N Azri Ismail., “Enhancing customer engagement using Beacons”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 390-393, 2018.
- Sowmiya, K.S., Saranya, K., Sumathi, V.P., “Exploratory Data Analysis of Drug Consumption”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 416-421, 2018.
- Syed Ali Fathima, S. J., Saranya, K., and Rajini,S., “Secured Post Office Protocol for E-Commerce Application”. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 15, Issue.11/12, pp. 2390–2394, 2018 .
- UvaDharini, P., Monisha, S., Narrmadha, K., Saranya, K., “IOT Based Decision Support System for Agriculture Yield Enhancements”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 362-366, 2018, ISSN: 2277-3878.
- Chandru, T.K. Dinesh Kumar, M., Karthikeyan,S., and Saranya, K., “Interactive Coding Platform for Students”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol.7, Issue 4, pp. 295-299, 2018.
- G.Shobana,Suguna M ,D.Yamunathangam “Identification of Crop Disease by Predictive Analysis in Hadoop Environment ”in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118 No. 18,2805-2809, 2018.
2020 – 2021
- D.Chandrakaala, “Awareness of student wellness in Covid 19 lockdown”, Proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, AICTE sponsored International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, 2020.
- D.Chandrakala, “Mobile based leaf diseases classifier”, Proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, AICTE sponsored International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, 2020.
- Suguna M, “Remote Power Theft Monitoring Using IoT”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Smart Computing, BIT, Sathy.17, October 2020.
- Suguna M, “Enhancing Customer Engagement using Beacons Mobile-Healthcare Emergency” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Smart Computing, BIT, Sathy.17, October 2020.
- Suguna M, Indhusree, Kanimozhi, Naveenkumar, ”Smart shopping bag using IoT”, International conference on SCI-2020,Vasavi Engineering College,Hydreabad,10 October,2020.
- V. Sudha, R. Kalaiselvi and P. Shanmughasundaram, “Blockchain based solution to improve the Supply Chain Management in Indian agriculture,” 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS), 2021, pp. 1289-1292, doi: 10.1109/ICAIS50930.2021.9395867.
- Sudha V., Kalaiselvi R. (2020) The Sudoku Puzzle Generator Using DNA Computing. In: Kar N., Saha A., Deb S. (eds) Trends in Computational Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things. ICCISIoT 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1358. Springer, Cham.
- K.Saranya, “Augmented Reality Based Learning With Mobile Decision Support System” ,Proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, Image analysis for treatment of Human infectious diseases, 2020.
2019 – 2020
- Suguna M, J.Cynthia, Presented a technical paper on “Examine the Healthcare Diagnosis using IOT”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative & Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICIAMR ), 12-13 October, 2019, Nanyang Technological University(NTU), Singapore.
- Suguna M, Prakash D, Shobana G,” Online Attendre Tracking System “, Sustainable Communication Networks and Application -ICSCN -July 2019, Surya Engineering College, Erode.
- M. Sankari, Suguna M, Cynthia. J, D. Prakash, “Review on Privacy Preserving Models for Efficient Healthcare Big Data Sharing in Cloud”, International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (I-STEM) 2019, at KCT, Date: Feb 15, 2019.
- Mohana Priya.P, Kishore.R, Suguna M, ShobanaG4,” Effective Management of Parking Area”, International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (I-STEM) 2019, at KCT, Date: Feb 15, 2019.
- Kalaiselvi R, Sumathi V P, “Encountering Privacy – Sensitive Information in Medical Documents”, ISTEM 2019.
- S. Rajini, “Generalized Regression Neural Network For Word Sense Disambiguation”, Proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, AICTE sponsored International Conference on Image Analysis for Treatment of Human Infectious Diseases, 2019.
- K.Saranya, “Image And Brain Signal Processing Based Drowsiness Detecting And Alarming System”, Second ICSTR Bali – International Conference on Science and Technology Research, 2019.
- K.Saranya, “IOT based Pest Control System”, International conference on communication and electronics system, 2019 IEEE conference and the proceedings beign published in IEEExplore and indexed in scopus.
2018 – 2019
- Chandrakala D , Ponemaharani D, Software Defect Prediction Using Apriori Based Cascaded Random Forest Algorithm, International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Feb 2019.
- Suguna M, Priyanga.B,” Automated Generation of Question Answering System using Semantic Web”, International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (I-STEM) at KCT, June 10-12, 2018.
- Suguna M, D. Prakash, Cynthia. J,” Secure Data Access Privacy Preserving using Cloud Services”, International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (I-STEM) at KCT, June 10-12, 2018.
- Cynthia J,, M. Sankarj,Suguna M, D.Rajesh kumar,”Survey on disaster management using VANET”, IEEE-Xplorer, International Conference on Computing communication and Automation(ICCCA2018) at Galgotias University, Delhi, 2018.
- Suguna.M,M.G. Ramalakshmi, Cynthia. J, D. Prakash,” A survey on Cloud and Internet of Things based healthcare diagnosis”, IEEE-International Conference on Computing comuunication and Automation (ICCCA2018) at Galgotias University,Delhi, 2018.
- R.Kalaiselvi, V.Vanitha, and V.P.Sumathi, “Protection of Mental Healthcare Documents using sensitivity based Encryption”, Online International Conference On Innovation In Electrical, Electronics & Intelligent Computing, ICI2EIC 2019.
- Sudha V, and Kalaiselvi R, “A novel solution to overview on slight barriers of using blockchain in healthcare”, ISTEM 2019, 2019.
- Nandhini R, Atchaya P, Kavyasri S, Chandrakala D, “Video based car number plate recognition”, State level symposium on Predictor and Recommender system using AI and ML. March 2021.
- Deepika M, Gowtham R N, Shalini R, .R.Kalaiselvi, “A survey on the Mechanisms for Monitoring and Controlling Smart Electricity Meters”, State level symposium on Predictor and Recommender system using AI and ML. March 2021.
Association Activities

- Dr. M. Suguna received an award for maximum authors contributing for a Book titled “COVID 19 and its Impacts” ESN Publication in January 2021.
- A project titled “Hybrid Black Box” is being done by Hemashree and Sudharsan is funded by ‘Re’. The amount sanctioned for this project is Rs. 26,000.
B.E Information Science and Engineering has been started in the year 2018 under the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with an initial intake of 60 under the affiliation from Anna University.
Many of our students has completed their internship with various company like MAKTO, Knowillence private limited, AAFT School of Animation, etc. They got trained by Industrial experts in various domain like development of game using Unity, React-Js, Cloud computing, Ruby-on-rails, etc.,
All the students are getting trained to face their Placement Drive with the coordination of Placement Cell.
More than 35 students are learning in the Digital Nurture Programme conducted by Cognizant Corp. Students studying about various modules in the programme, after completion of each module they take up an assessment after completing of modules and get a Certification for each module. The shortlisted students will be given an internship in Cognizant, once they complete the internship, the toppers of the internship will be provided with the Offer Letters from Cognizant Corp.
More than 20 students are shortlisted for the second round of interview with the ZOHO Corp.
Students trained and looking forward for the roles like Information security analyst, Data scientist, Data analysts, Business analysts, etc.
MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other institutions, industries, corporate houses etc.
S.No. | Organisation with which MoU is signed | Name of the institution/ Industry/ Corporate house |
Academic Institution / Industry |
National / International |
Date of MoU signed | Duration | Nodal Officer for MoU |
1 | Memorandum of Association (MOA) with DSCI National Centre of Excellence for Cybersecurity Technology Development for Collaboration in various areas of Cybersecurity and Privacy | Data Security Council of India , NASSCOM Campus, Plot No. 7-10, Sec- tor 126, Noida, UP, India | Industry | National | 24-03-2021 | 3Years | Prof. Thiruvaazhi U |
2 | Course 5 Intelligence | Course5 Intelligence Limited 201, Ceejay House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai, India – 400018 |
Industry | International | 21-04-2022 | 3Years | Prof. Thiruvaazhi U for KCT and Mr. Ajith Sankar for Course 5i U |