Fluke Corporation, the world leader in the manufacture, distribution and service of electronic test equipment and software is set up in KCT with an aim to enhance students’ practical knowledge in calibration.

A pioneer in the area of Distributed Control System (DCS) Yokogawa has established its center in KCT to train students, academicians and technicians of electronics and instrumentation engineering with the latest industrial practices and needs.

Bosch Centre for Automotive Electronics was established in KCT where faculty of different disciplines engage in developing projects using the facilities supplied by Bosch.

To help students take an extra mile industrial automation for building a technology of superior quality, Siemens automation lab is set in KCT. This lab will give hand-on training on research and testing in automation.

Thick India Innovation Centre (TIC) is set up for students to develop project ideas into real time kits. It will focus on building students’ knowledge on the latest trends in embedded systems and IOT applications.

Salzer innovation center (SIC) in KCT aims at developing knowledge base to the students in the area of design of circuit breakers and relays. The centre is equipped with latest CBs and relay setups for enriching students knowledge in field of Switch gear components.

CEAD is established in KCT to address the technological needs of the country and has MOU with industries like Dynaspede, Cameron, Thermax, Altair, Pricol, Forbes Marshall etc, to facilitate researchers and industries to interact and collaborate.