About the Department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 1987 and since its inception, the department has progressed with a vision and a strong commitment to developing competent programmers with uncompromising standard of excellence in training, both through class room sessions and hands on sessions. The department has well equipped computing laboratories and a rich repository of software covering a wide spectrum of applications. It presently offers undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes in the Computer Science and Engineering stream.

From the HOD’s Desk


Dr. Divya Vadlamudi,

Professor & Head

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the most coveted engineering branches of KCT that offers a wide range of basic as well as advanced courses in Computer science engineering at the Under graduate and Post graduate levels. The well-equipped laboratory facilities provide extensive application oriented learning strategies to students to become academic and industry leaders. Solving of real life problems and familiarity with new technologies are improved through Internship, Case studies, Guest Lectures and workshops, participation in contests, Open house exhibitions of ideas and project work based on industrial and societal problems. A good number of students are involved in the projects like full stack web development, Ethical Hacking, Data Science and Virtual Reality, Robotic arm, IoT based Smart Home solutions. They learn the different techniques required to develop a valid prototype, and gain valid insights on real industrial requirement.


To evolve as a School of Computer Science with centers of excellence having international reputation to serve the changing needs of Indian industry and society.


  • Computer Science and Engineering department is committed to bring out career oriented graduates who are industry ready through innovative practices of teaching-learning process.
  • To cultivate professional approach, strong ethical values and team spirit along with leadership qualities among the graduates by organizing workshops, seminars and conferences periodically. Association with professional bodies and invitation to external experts should help this.
  • To contribute towards techno-economic and social development of the nation through quality human resource and encouraging entrepreneurship among the young graduates.

Head of the Department

Dr. Divya Vadlamudi

[email protected]

0422 - 2661282

Alumni Coordinator

Dr. S. Rajini

[email protected]

Communication Coordinator

Dr. G. Kanagaraj

[email protected]

Placement Coordinator

V Senthilkumar

[email protected]

B.E – Computer Science and Engineering

Programme Educational Objectives

  • PEO1: Enable graduates to be successful in their chosen careers, by applying their continual learning of Computer Science and Engineering in their work and life situations.
  • PEO2: Enable graduates of the program to continue to adopt latest technologies and be critical learners displaying creativity and demonstrate to be leaders.
  • PEO3: Prepare graduates of the program to be innovative product engineers catering to the requirements of the enterprises and society.

Programme outcomes

  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes

  • PSO 1: Proficiently develop useful products by applying appropriate hardware and software technologies.
  • PSO 2: Organize heterogeneous data for accurate large-scale data processing using appropriate algorithms and tools
  • PSO 3: Understand modern networking technologies and apply programming skills to create scalable real-time applications.

Salient Features of B.E. CSE Program

  • Syllabus is designed to match with industry needs. Internet of Things, Agile Software Development, Cloud Technologies, Mobile Application Development, Data Analytics and other latest technologies have been included in the curriculum in line with industry expectations.
  • More credits have been given for project work in the curriculum to make the students employable.
  • Theory and practical courses are embedded for better understanding.
  • Assured placements for all students willing to join industry.
  • Industry internships with stipend are arranged by the department for all meritorious students in their final year of study
  • Meritorious students are offered scholarships every year.
  • Established in the year 1987 with a UG programme in CSE.
  • Offers PG programme in CSE from the year 1999.
  • Recognized as Research center for Ph.D programme
  • Double intake sanctioned from the year 2011.
  • Accredited by NBA 2000, 2003, 2007, 2012, 2016, 2019.

Data Analytics and Cloud Computing Laboratory:

This Data Analytics and Cloud Computing lab is precise and equipped with high end HP desktop machines for data analytics and cloud projects. This Lab has 25 Intel i5 machines with 16 GB RAM, exclusively dedicated for faculty members and students to take up research and strengthen their knowledge in Data Science. In addition to this, it enables the students to gain more practical knowledge, obtain international certifications and secure jobs in the core industry. EMC Center of Academic Excellence (CoAE) in Data Science and Big Data Analytics is established to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (sq.m.)
1 HP prodesk 400 G3 MT/ Intel core i5-6500 6th Gen processor/ 16GB RAM/ 512GB SSD HDD/ GT730 2GB Graphics Card/ 18.5” Monitor with keyboard and mouse 25 85

Mobile Application Development Laboratory:

The mobile application development lab is well established and equipped with Dell core i5 and desktop PC’s. This lab is utilized by UG students for getting expertise in various languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and database management system. The lab system is upgraded with 8GB of RAM to support Android application development. And this lab support various hypervisors like Oracle VirtualBox, Xen, OpenStack, etc., This lab facilitated with high speed internet connectivity of the machines for online access.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 DELL 3020 MT, Intel i5 processor 3.30GHz, 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 18’5” TFT Monitor, Dell Keyboard & Mouse 15 123
2 DELL 3010DT, Intel i5 processor 3.20GHz, 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 18’5” TFT Monitor, Dell Keyboard & Mouse 55
3 Projector 1

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Laboratory:

This Design and Analysis of Algorithms lab Lab is well established and equipped with HP Elite core i5 and Dell Desktop core i5 PC’s. This lab is utilized by UG students for getting expertise in various languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and database management system. This lab facilitated with high speed internet connectivity of the machines for online access. Additionally, students are doing consultancy work in the same lab. Guidelines are provided to the students by faculty experts and technical supporting staff members.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 DELL 9020, Intel i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, 18’5 TFT, DVD Drive 12 121.97
2 DELL 3020, Intel i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 18’5” TFT Monitor, Dell Keyboard & Mouse 16
3 HP Elite 7100MT, Intel Core i5,8 GB RAM,320 GB HDD 19” TFT Monitor 25
4 HP 280 G1, Intel i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 20” LCD Monitor, HP keyboard and Mouse 19
5 Projector 01

AI and VR Laboratory:

AI and VR lab is launched with an intention to develop research oriented Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications like Gaming, Brain Computing Interface (BCI), Natural User Interface (NUI) Computing like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. To facilitate this, the lab is equipped with higher end hardware components like HTC Vive, BCI Kits, Leap motion controller, Microsoft Kinect and GPU server with higher graphics and computing power. The students and faculty are given wide opportunity to explore their potential in AI Techniques. Using this AI/VR workspace, lot of curriculum enhancements has been taken, to become centre of excellence in AI and provide consultancy services.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (Nos.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 HP Elite 7100MT,Intel Core i5,8 GB RAM,320 GB HDD 19” TFT Monitor 35 103.35
2 DELL 3010DT, Intel i5 processor 3.20GHz, 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 18’5” TFT Monitor, Dell Keyboard & Mouse 05
3 GPU System with Intel Core I7, DRAM4 16 GB Corsair Vengence and S.G. Card 11GB MSI 1080 TI 01
4 HTC VIVE – Virtual Reality System 01
5 VR BOX – Virtual Reality Headset 06
6 Neurosky MindWave Mobile Brainwave Starter kit 01
7 Leap Motion Controller 01
8 Myo Gesture Control Armband 01
9 Microsoft X-box one Kinect sensor and Adapter for windows 01
10 EMOTIV Insight 5 channel EEG Mindset with USB Receiver 01

Programming Laboratory – 1

The lab aims to facilitate programming skills to the first year students in languages like C, Python and Matlab Programming. The students can develop their programming skills in IDE’s like codeblocks, Matlab, etc.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 NCOMPUTING N-400 THINCLIENT With Dell Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse 65 114.37
2 HP Laserjet 1020 plus Printer 1
3 Sanyo Projector 1

Programming Laboratory – 2

The lab aims to facilitate programming skills to the first year students in languages like C, Python and Matlab Programming. The students can develop their programming skills in IDE’s like code blocks, Matlab, etc.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 NCOMPUTING N-400 THINCLIENT With Dell Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse 65 114.37

Activities Done:

  1. Sales Force Elective Course-5 days Training Programme for Students on Salesforce platform App Builder (Dev 402) conducted in Association with ICT Academy
  2. Train the Trainer Programme on Python Programming conducted by Infosys.

Digital laboratory:

Digital laboratory is equipped with computer hardware components such as Microprocessors, Digital Circuit components, IoT Components, Motherboard, CPU, Disk drives and Routers. It is designed to facilitate the students to carry out hardware-based experiments to obtain a comprehensive practical knowledge on computer architecture and interfaces. It also helps the students with adhoc access to the hardware components during Hackathon or Project competitions.

S.No Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 Raspberry Pi4 4GB 1 121.97
2 SD Card (minimum 32GB) class 10 01
3 HDMA to VGA Convertor Cable 15
4 USB power cable -5v adapter 15
5 LED 5mm 100
6 Resistor 156 ohms ¼ watt 100
7 Push button 20
8 Buzzer 12v 20
9 Ultrasonic sensor –HC SR04 20
10 Web camera- with USB port 05
11 LCD Display 16×2 20
12 LM35(Temperature sensor) 10
13 MCB 3008 Board with IC 15
14 Servo Motor-Tower Pro SG 90 20
15 PIR Sensor 20
16 LDR Module 20
17 Connecting jumper wires(M2M,M2F) 480
18 Raspberry Pi4 2GB 10

Open Source Laboratory:

Open Source lab is equipped with 10 Dell Desktop Systems and 20 Workstations and several hardware and IOT interfacing kits. In this lab, as part of their final year projects the students work together to develop many open source applications, the hardware interfaced projects and Cloud based projects carried out will be undisturbed until they complete the project. The key focus is on instructing students to use Open Source Tools.

S. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity (No.) Lab Area (In sq.m)
1 DELL Desktop 10 69
2 DELL Workstation 20
3 Projector 01
Faculty involved Activities
IOT & Analytics
  • Dr. J.Cynthia
  • Dr. V.P.Sumathi
  • Ms. X.Francis Jency
  • Ms. N.Jeba
  • Ms. D.Aswini
  • Ms. D.Yamunathangam
  • Ms. C.Bharathi Priya
  • Training students on IoT to develop smart systems
  • Workshops/ Conferences conducted – 8
  • Faculty with Ph.D – 2 and pursuing – 5
  • Papers published in Journals/ Conferences – 73
Data Analytics
  • Dr. K.R.Baskaran
  • Dr. D.Chandrakala
  • Mr. V.Senthil kumar
  • Dr. S.Nithya Roopa
  • Mr. P.K.Arjun
  • Established EMC sponsored Data Science and Big Data Analytics Lab
  • Training on EMC Data Science Associate certification
  • Faculty with Ph.D-3 and pursuing- 2
  • Papers published in Journals/ Conferences- 75
Information Security
  • Dr. N.Suganthi
  • Dr. L.Latha
  • Dr. V.Sudha
  • Mr. R.Kirubakaran
  • Process of setting up a Cybersecurity Centre
  • Workshops/ FDPs conducted – 4
  • Faculty with Ph.D-3 and pursuing- 1
  • Papers published in Journals/ Conferences- 57
Artificial Intelligence
  • Dr. S.Rajini
  • Dr. E.A.Vimal
  • Dr. S.J.Syed ali Fathima
  • Ms. V.Suganya
  • Ms. K.Saranya
  • Training given to students in AI & VR
  • Conducted a symposium on AI and ML
  • Faculty with Ph.D- 3 and pursuing- 2
  • Papers published in Journals/ Conferences- 43
Cloud Computing
  • Dr P. Devaki
  • Dr. S.Uma Maheswari
  • Dr. R.Kalaiselvi
  • Mr. G.Kanagaraj
  • Ms. G.Shobana
  • Training given to students on Agile DevOps in AWS Cloud
  • Workshops/ FDPs conducted – 8
  • Faculty with Ph.D- 3 and pursuing- 2
  • Papers published in Journals/ Conferences- 51

Our research activity spans both on basic and applied research focused on interdisciplinary research across streams of engineering, health care and business management. The research group is focused to bridge the gap between academics and industry, thereby enhancing consultancy capabilities.

Completed Research Projects:

  1. KCT management funded project titled “Early detection of Forest fire using wireless sensors for ensuring eco safety” was carried out to develop a system for securing the nature from any fire related hazards.
  2. Re’ sponsored projects on “Microsoft Kinect control robotic arm” and “BCI-inspired internet of things for smart homes” was carried out.
  3. Defence Research & Development Organisation(DRDO) sponsored research project titled “Multimodal Biometric Authentication system for secured access control applications” was completed recently. It was funded by the directorate of ER & IPR of DRDO with a grant of Rs.6.7 Lakhs. The aim of this project is to improve the authentication accuracy of persons with challenging biometric image samples.
  4. A management funded project “Data Mining: Efficient data extraction for e-governance” was completed which was designed for extraction of data from websites of relevance to populate the data warehouse. This has been initiated with suitable design of the warehouse and mined reports were generated.
  5. A management funded project “A Robust Fingerprint Identification System” was completed, which is a robust person authentication system based on finger print. This system can be used for providing access control to any application which requires high security.
  6. TNSCST sponsored student project titled “Automatic accident detection and notification system using smart phones” fetched a grant of Rs.6000 and was completed in 2012. It provided an accident detection and notification system through smartphones which is found to be a better alternative against conventional systems.

Research supervisor List with scholars’ name

S. No Name of Ph.D. Scholar Registration No. Whether Scholar is Internal/External Month & Year of Enrolment Name of the Supervisor Approval No.
1. P.Kavitha 1525469306 External Jan -15 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
2. M.Karthigha 1622469329 External Jan-16 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
3. G.Prema Arokia Mary 18244697291 Internal July -18 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
4. S.Sathyavathi 18244697195 Internal July -18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
5. S.Kavitha 18244697192 Internal July -18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
6. M.N.Saroja 18244697186 Internal July -18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
7. G.Shobana 19244697213 Internal July -19 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
8. X.Francis Jency 19234697254 Internal July -19 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
9. D.Aswini 19244697222 Internal July -19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
10. R.Kirubakaran 19134697177 Internal July -19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
11. V.Saranyah 19244697156 External July -19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
12. S.Sangeetha 19244697280 External July – 19 Dr. N. Suganthi 2740098
13. Anitha P 20244691139 External Jan – 20 Dr. K. R. Baskaran 2740032
14. Yamunathangam. D 21244691317 Internal Jan – 21 Dr. L. Latha 2540021
15. Nithya. L 21224697591 External Sep – 21 Dr. L. Latha 2540021

Journal Publication list – 2021-2022

  1. Dr. P. Devaki, Adarsh Sivanandan, Mohsin Zahoor Peer, Raj Senthil Kumar,”Music genre classification and isolation”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  2. Dr. P Devaki , K.S. Arun Sankar , Preksha Arunachalam , M.Venu Prasanna,” A Deep Learning Approach for Yield Estimation and Phenotype Analysis in Rice Crops”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  3. J. Cynthia G. Sakthi Priya ,C. KevinSamuel, M. Suguna, J. Senthil and Abraham Jebaraj, (2021). “Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques“,Special Issue on Computing Technology and Information Management,
  4. J. Cynthia ,J. Clement Sudhahar, M. Suguna,K.R. Baskaran, J. Senthil, K. Vinoth,(2021).”Disaster Management Using VANET“,Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Information Retrieval and Web Search.
  5. C. Jayapal, S. Kritya Shree, R. Lokesh Kumar and S. Muthukumar, “Challenges in Wearable Technology,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675758.
  6. C. Jayapal, S. A. L. Mary, S. Priyadharshini and A. U. Ruby, “Effective Communication for Intelligent Transport System using Light Fidelity,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675510.
  7. Dr.K.R. Baskaran ,‘Smart Parking’, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical Electronics Communication Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  8. Saroja M N, Baskaran K R, Priyanka P,” Human Pose Estimation Approaches For Human Activity Recognition”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  9. Latha.L,”Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors”, Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Computing Technology and Information Management, pp.1499-1511 , ISSN: 1735-188X, DOI: 10.14704/WEB/ V18SI04/WEB18294
  10. L .Latha, B. Raajshree , D. Nivetha , (2022), Fake Currency Detection Using Image Processing, IEEE International Conference on Advancements in Electrical Electronics Communication Computing and Automation (ICAECA 2021)
  11. Sumathi V P, S. M. Pudhiyavan, M. Saran,V. Nandha Kumar,”Fake review detection of e-commerce electronic products using machine learning techniques“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  12. Nivedha P R, Sumathi V P,” A survey on text mining tools and techniques support early testcase prediction“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  13. Sathya D, S Nithyaroopa, V Sudha, K Praveen, A Arun Kumar, G Sanjeevan,”Parking Management System”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  14. C.BharathiPriya, Akash Sreenivasu, Sampath Kumar,” Online Video Game Recommendation System Using Content And Collaborative Filtering Techniques”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  15. V. Sudha, R.Akiladevi, S Nithyaroopa, P. Nancy,” A Comprehensive Study of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture Supply Chain Management“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  16. V. Sudha , R. Kalaiselvi, D. Sathya,” Blockchain Based Student Information Management System“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  17. Siddique Ibrahim S P, Grahalakshmi R,Bharathi Priya A, Thamelnesan N. “IT Support Desk using Salesforce Service Cloud” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), pp. 12248 – 12256. July 2020.
  18. Siddique Ibrahim S P, Dr. Sivabalakrishnan M., “Attribute selection based subset generation on Lazy Learning Associative Classification” International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing (ESCI), Vol. 14, No.1,pp. 639-648, 2021.
  19. Ms. S. Nithya Roopa, Dr. D. Sathya, Sathishkumar K,” A deep learning based face mask and social distance monitoring framework for COVID-19“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  20. Aswini, D., Rohindh, R., Manoj Ragavendhara, K. S., & Mridula, C. S. (2021). Smart Door Locking System. 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA). pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675590
  21. Saravanamohan, M., Aswini, D., Thanish, G. S. (2021). Role of IOT in the development of Industry 4.0 and Robot technology-A State of the Art. 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA). https://doi.org/10.1109/icaeca52838.2021.9675634
  22. V. Senthilkumar; G. Kanagaraj; T. Primya “Application of AI And Computer Vision To Face Mask And Social Distance Detection in CCTV Video Stream
  23. V. Senthil Kumar, B. Vinoth Kumar,” A survey on feature selection method for product review“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  24. V.Senthilkumar, G.Kanagaraj, T.Primya, J.Joycema, M.Benisha Joan, J.Aathish Vicram,” Application of AI and computer vision to face mask and social distance detection in CCTV video streams”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  25. G. Kanagaraj, T. Primya, G. Subashini, V. Senthil Kumar, S. Gomathi,” Hybrid intrusion detector using deep learning technique“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021
  26. S.Uma Maheswari ,R Vikraman , K Parivel,” E-Archiving and Approval System“, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
  27. Yamunathangam, D., Priya, C. B., Shobana, G., & Latha, L. (2021, October). “An Overview of Topic Representation and Topic Modelling Methods for Short Texts and Long Corpus”. In 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) (pp. 1-6).
  28. N. Jeba, N. Harishkumar, M. Yogeshwaran and M. A. Kumar, “Online Vehicle Rental System to Enhance Commutation,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675672.
  29. S. J. Syed Ali Fathima,T. Lalitha, Faiyaz Ahmad, S. Karthick. “Unital Design Based Location Service for Subterranean Network Using Long Range Topology”, Wireless Personal Communications.
  30. R. Kirubakaran and N. Suganthi, “A Study on Learning Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Learning,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675619.
  31. Chandrakala D, Armaan Sait , Kiruthika J , Nivetha R, Detection and Classification of Malware, 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) | 978-1-6654-2829-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675792
  32. T. Shanmuigapriya S. Swamynathan, Thiruvaazhi Uloli. 2022. “Customized Share Level Monitoring System for Users in OSN-Third Party Applications.” Computer Systems Science and Engineering 43 (3): 1327–39. https://doi.org/10.32604/csse.2022.024440.
  33. R. Kalaiselvi, V. Sudha and V. P. Sumathi, “Streamlining Loan Distribution Process in Agriculture Sectors“, 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675552.”.
  34. R. Kalaiselvi, K. Meena and V. Vanitha, “Liver Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms,” 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAECA52838.2021.9675756.
  35. P. Shanmughasundaram, D. Prasanna Venkatesan, R. Kalaiselvi, N. Ashok, “Effect Of Synthesis Method On The Mechanical Behaviour Of Near Net Shaped Aluminium Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites”, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 83, Iss. 2, 2021.
  36. Shobana, G., Balasubramanian, S., Ragul, M., Praven, U., Yamunathangam, D. (2021, December). Smart Parking Fee Detection Using Contour Detection Algorithm. In 2021 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) (pp. 1192-1197). IEEE.
  37. Shobana G, K R Baskaran , D. Yamunathagam ,”Aspect Based Sentimental analysis for Customer Reviews ” International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN) 2022
  38. Dr.Sudharson, Ms. Darshana, Navin Rohith, Priyanka, Ashifa fathima, Mohammed Farooq Abdulla FM, “Self-Reliant Dimensionality Reduction that uses improved pareto distribution PCA Framework”ICECA 2021
  39. Saranya, K., Jayanthy, S,”Simultaneous Detection and Analysis of Multi-Source Data in Prediction of Human Emotion“,ICECA 2021

Journal Publication list – 2020-2021

  1. Ezhilarasi, A., Marudhachalam, R., Selvanayaki, S., Tamilselvi, R., Devaki, P. (2020). “A Random Process Approach to Study the Performance of Engineering Students in Professional Institutions”, In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2270, No. 1, p. 140016). AIP Publishing LLC. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0019548
  2. S. Ananthi,R. Marudhachalam, R. Kannan,R. Tamilselvi,T. S. Senthil , P. Devaki (2020). “An Image Processing Approach for Measuring the Roughness of the Electroplated Nimo and Nip Nano Crystalline Thin Layer Surfaces”,Solid State Technology,63(5),7115-7121
  3. Ezhilarasi, A., Tamilselvi, R., Selvanayaki, S., Devaki, P. (2020), “Fuzzy based De-Noising Underwater Images by Hybrid Filters”, In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2270, No. 1, p. 140012). AIP Publishing LLC.DOI:10.1063/5.0019545
  4. Devaki P, Prasanna Kumar C.B.,Kaviraj S,Ramprasath A, (2020), “Face Generation Using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Neural Network”, Microscopy and Image Analysis for Computational and Agricultural Biotechnology, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Volume 13 Number (11) , pp-20-23
  5. R. Marudhachalam, S. Renukadevi, S. Ananthi, R. Kannan, R. Tamilselvi , P. Devaki (2020), “Effect of Hybrid Max Filter and Edge Detection on Scanning Electron Microscope Picture of Calcium Oxide and Copper Oxide Nanocomposites”,Solid State Technology, 63(5), 7109-7114.
  6. Jayapal, Cynthia, Navin Sekar, Raghul Sekar, and Rajkumar Suresh. (2020).”Secured Voting Using Blockchain”. In 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA) (pp. 177-184). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICCCA49541.2020.9250859.
  7. DJC Gokul Subramaniam , Kaushikaa Siddharthaan, Mohamed Ameen , Ajaykumar G P. Cynthia,(2020),”Detection of Surface Topographical Anomalies on Glossy Metallic Surfaces using Machine Vision with Unique Systems of Illumination“, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,29(7),8334-8343.
  8. Dr.K.R. Baskaran,B.Kaviya, S.Kavitha,(2020),”A Stock Market Prediction System Based on Time Series Data”,Test Engineering and Management,83,(nil),18327 – 18338
  9. Dr.K.R. Baskaran,S. Sathyavathi, R. Kaarthickkeyan, S. Gangamanikandan, S. Harish,(2020),”Electromyography Sensor With Virtual Reality – Monitoring Muscle Activity”,Test Engineering and Management,83,(nil),18350 – 18357
  10. Baskaran, K. R,Sanjay V, (2020),”Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease From MRI Data Using Deep Learning Approaches: A Review.” Solid State Technology 63, no. 6 .pp. 11377-11386.
  11. M.Karthigha, Dr.L.Latha, K.Sripriyan (2020),”A Comprehensive Survey of Routing Attacks in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks”. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT-2020), IEEE Xplore.,396- 402. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4305-4. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)
  12. Suganthi. N,Preethi. V,Swetha. K and Kannan. K(2021),”Classification of Leucocytes Using Deep Learning“, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications (BBRC).13(11),116-120.
  13. G.Prema Arokia Mary,N.Suganthi, M.S.Hema, M.Hari Dharshini ,K.Vaishaali, M.MonikaSri (2021),”Predicting Metamorphic Changes In Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using Machine Learning Algorithms“,Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.13(11),147-152.
  14. Bharathipriya, C., Aswini, D., Jency, X. F., Kirubakaran, R., Swathi, B. (2021). “Product Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering Technique”, In 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. 9456160. DOI: 10.1109/INCET51464.2021.9456160
  15. Ms.V.Sudha, Vijeta Iyer,(2020),”An Efficient Algorithm for Multiplying Large Integers using Vedic Mathematics”, TEST Engineering and Management,83,pp.6386-6390
  16. Sudha, V., and R. Kalaiselvi. “The Sudoku Puzzle Generator Using DNA Computing.” In International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things, pp. 3-14. Springer, Cham, 2020.DOI :10.1007/978-3-030-66763-4
  17. SP Siddique Ibrahim, J. Shanmathi, “Mining Rare Rules Using Associative Classification“, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 32(2.).PP.1998-2005
  18. S.P.Siddique Ibrahim, Sivabalakrishnan M. (2020),“Rare Lazy Learning Associative Classification Using Cogency Measure for Heart Disease Prediction. Intelligent Computing in Engineering”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1125. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2780-7_74
  19. S. Nithya Roopa S, D. Sathya and V. Sudha (2021) , “Label Propagation from Laplacian Score for Semi-Supervised Attribute Selection “, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS), 2021, pp. 537-542, doi: 10.1109/ICAIS50930.2021.9395821.
  20. T. Primya, G. Kanagaraj, K. Muthulakshmi, J. Chitra, A. Gowthami, “Gesture Recognition Smart Glove for Speech Impaired People“, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 2214-7853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.12.872.
  21. Primya T., Kanagaraj G., Subashini G. (2021) ,”An Overview with Current Advances in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)”, In: Sabut S.K., Ray A.K., Pati B., Acharya U.R. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 728.pp.89-97. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4866-0_12
  22. D.Yamunathangam,J.Shanmathi,R.Caviya,G.Saranya,”Payload Manipulation for seed sowing unmanned aerial vehicle through interface with Pixhawk Flight controller”,Proceedings of the Fourth International conference on Inventive Systems and Control(ICISC 2020),IEEE Xplore,pp.931-934. ISBN-978-1-7281-2813-9.
  23. Syed Ali Fathima S. J.Shankar S.,. (2021). “AR Using NUI Based Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Framework with Mobile Decision Support System”: A Global Solution for Remote Assistance. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Rehabilitation Practices and Therapy (pp. 127-144). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8.ch008
  24. S J Syed Ali Fathima & M. Suguna (2020) “Virtual reality engineering paradigm for the simulation and Gamification of real-time applications” , AIP Conference Proceedings 2270, 140015 (Nov ; ISBN: 978-0-7354-3998-6
  25. Fathima, S. S. A., Shankar, S. A., & Thajudeen, A. A. (2021). “Sensor-Based Gamified Rehabilitation Therapy to Enhance and Manage Human Physical Kinematics”, In Advances in Materials Research (pp. 1059-1068). Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8319-3_105
  26. Dr.Chandrakala D, Kishore R, Kishore Kumar Nandakumar M K, Mobile Based Leaf Disease Classifier, BBRC Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Volume 13 Number (11) Vol 13 No 11 (2020) Pp-82-87, (SJIF: 2020 (7.728)) , Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.11/19
  27. Dr. M. Suguna, Shobana,J. Cynthia, “Priority-Based Task Allocation and Scheduling in WSN Using DMPS“,Advances in Materials Research,pp 1123-1131, 2021
  28. Dr.M.Suguna,S.J.Syed Ali Fathima and G.Shobana published the paper on, “IoT based engineering paradigm for real time home automation”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2270, 140014 (2020),02-11-2020
  29. Dr.M.Suguna,Dr.S.Nithya Priya and Dr.G.Thenmozhi published the paper on “Agri image processing using uml model” in BBRC Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Volume 13 Number (11) 2020.
  30. G. Shobana, M. Suguna,”Sports Prediction Based on Random Forest Algorithm“, Advances in Materials Research,pp 993-1000, 2021

Journal Publication list – 2019-2020

  1. Kalaiselvi,R, Kousalya K, Statistical modelling and parametric optimization in document fragmentation, Neural Computing and Applications, pp.1-10, DOI 10.1007/s00521-019-04068-1, Feb 2019, Impact Factor-4.664
  2. Rajini, S., & Vasuki, A. (2019). A multi-perspective knowledge discovery approach for Word Sense Disambiguation. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences
  3. Chandrakala D, Sumathi S, Saran Kumar A, Sathish J, “Text Clustering Using PSO Based Dynamic Adaptive SOM for Detecting Emergent Trends”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Volume 15, Issue 3, July-September 2019
  4. Dr.N.Suganthi(2019),”Smart Helmet for Safety Driving”,Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies,2190-3018,Volume 107,Issue Proceedings of ICTIS 2018, Volume 2,PP 407-416
  5. “Ms.C.Bharathi Priya(2019),””Jumper Fire Fly Optimization Algorithm for
  6. Mobile Anchor Based Localization””,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),2278-3075,Volume 8,Issue 7S2,PP 674-679″
  7. Ms.V.Sudha(2019),”A comprehensive study of insertion-deletion systems in DNA computing”,IJRTE,2277-3878,Volume 8,Issue 1,PP 1211-1213
  8. Ms.S.Nithya Roopa(2019),”SURVEY ON FACE EXPRESSION RECOGNITION TECHNIQUES”,International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICSET-2K19-IJRTE,-,Volume -,Issue -,PP –
  9. Mr.S.P.Siddique Ibrahim(2019),”A Research Cluster based Scheme for Node Positioning in Indoor Environment”,IJEAT,2249 – 8958,Volume 8,Issue 6S,PP 79-83
  10. Ms.V.P.Sumathi(2019),”Asynchronous Learning of Personal Assistant from User Histories Stored in Cloud”,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),2278-3075,Volume 8,Issue 9S2,PP 432-437
  11. Ms.M.Suguna, Ms.G.Shobana(2019),”Smart Adoption System using Image Processing Techniques”,International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,2249 – 8958,Volume-8,Issue 6S,PP 84-87
  12. Ms.M.Suguna, Ms.G.Shobana(2019),”Smart Equipment Charger”,International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,2249 – 8958,Volume Volume-8,Issue Issue-6S,PP 99-101
  13. Uma Maheswari S,Vasanthanayaki, C.,(May2019). Secure medical health care content protection system (SMCPS) with watermark detection for multi cloud computing environment. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp.1-23.
  14. Cynthia, J., Saroja, M. N., Sultana, P., & Senthil, J. (2019),” IoT-Based Real Time Air Pollution Monitoring System”, International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), 11(4), 28-41.
  15. S. Sathyavathi, K.R.Baskaran, S.Kavitha,(2019),”SOCIAL MEDIA DATA ANALYSIS USING RECOMMENDATION ALGORITHMS”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.394-397.
  16. S. Kavitha, K.R.Baskaran, S.Sathyavathi, (2019),” TASKS OF OBJECT DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING ARCHITECTURES”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.398-400
  17. K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja, (2019), “MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS FOR HUMAN ACTIVITY RECOGNITION”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019,pp. 401-403.)
  18. K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja, (2019), ” HUMAN ACTIVITY RECOGNITION USING ACTIVE LEARNING METHODOLOGY”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.404-406.

Journal Publication list – 2018-2019

  1. Cynthia, C.,Jayavel, S., & Sumathi, V.P., (2018). Enhanced Service Discovery Protocol for MANET by Effective Cache Management. Wireless Personal Communication, 103 (2), 1517-1533. Springer.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-018-5866-3.
  2. Sumathi, V.P.,Kousalya, K., Vanitha, V., & Cynthia, C., (2018). Crowd estimation at a social event using call data Records. International journal of Business information system, 28(2), 446-461.
  3. Savitha, S.,Thangam, P., & Latha, L., (2018). An enhancement to SePeCloud with improved security and efficient data management. Cluster Computing, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2072-8.
  4. Bharathi Priya, C.,& Dr.Sivakumar, S., (2018). A survey on localization techniques in wireless sensor networks.International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.3), 125-129.
  5. Sathya, D., & Ganesh Kumar,P., (2018). Secured data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Sensor Review, 38( 3), 369-375. https://doi.org/10.1108/SR-06-2017-0103″
  6. Syed Ali Fathima,S. J., & Shankar, S., (2018). AR using NUI based physical therapy rehabilitation framework with mobile decision support system.A global solution for remote assistance, Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 26(4), 36-51. DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2018100103.
  7. Syed Ali Fathima, S.J., Shankar, S., & Ahamed Thajudeen, A., (2018). Activities of Daily Living Rehab Game Play System with Augmented Reality Based Gamification. Therapy for Automation of Post Stroke Upper Limb Rehabilitation, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 15, 1445-1451.
  8. Yamunathagam, D., Shobana, G.,& Suguna, M., (2018). Smart Care -Predicitve maintenance system in washing machine using IOT.Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 10(03), 914-917.
  9. UvaDharini, P., Monisha, S., Narrmadha, K., Saranya, K., (2018). IOT Based Decision Support System for Agriculture Yield Enhancements. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878, 7(4S), 362-366.
  10. Latha, L., & Kaviya, M., (2018). A Real Time System for Two Ways Communication of Hearing and Speech Impaired People . IJRTE, 7(4S), 382-385.
  11. Sowmiya, K.S., Saranya, K., Sumathi, V.P., (2018). Exploratory Data Analysis of Drug Consumption. IJRTE, 7(4S), 416-421.
  12. Cynthia, J., BharathiPriya, C., & Gopinath, P.A., (2018). IOT based Smart Parking Management System. IJRTE, 7(4S), 374-379 .
  13. Saranya, K., & Jayanthy,S., (2018). BCI Based EEG Signals For Emotion Classification.IJRTE, 7(4S), 385-389.
  14. Chandru, T.K. Dinesh Kumar, M., Karthikeyan,S., & Saranya, K., (2018). Interactive Coding Platform for Students . IJRTE, 7(4S), 295-299.
  15. Saranya, K., Syed Ali Fathima, S. J., & Mohd N Azri Ismail., (2018). Enhancing customer engagement using Beacons.IJRTE, 7(4S), 390-393.
  16. Devaki, P., Renuka, T., & Sridhevi,S., (2018). Fishermen Helping System .IJRTE, 7(4S), 335-338.
  17. Yamunathangam, K., Pritheka, P., & Varuna., (2018). IOT Enabled Air Pollution Monitoring and Awareness Creation System. IJRTE, 7 (4S), 398-400.
  18. Sudha, V., Jeba,N., & Akiladevi, R., (2018). A Survey on the Modern Technologies used in Public Toilets. IJRTE, 7(4S), 401-402.
  19. Thiruvaazhi, U., & Arthi, R., (2018). Threats To Mobile Security And Privacy. IJRTE, 7(4S), 407-412.
  20. Baskaran, K.R., Sabari Rangan, S., Ajithkumar, S., & Krishna Prasath, B., (2018). Likeminded – A Recommender System Based Knowledge Sharing Application For Students. IJRTE, 7(4S), 355-357.
  21. Sumathi ,V.P., Vanitha, V., & Divyadarshini, M., (2018). GDP based Medal Count Analysis in Summer Olympics Games for Two Decades – An Exploratory Analysis . IJRTE, 7(4S), 12-16.
  22. BhavnaBharath,., & Suganthi ,N., (2018). A Comprehensive Survey of Multimodal Image Fusion Schemes . IJRTE, 7 (4S),241-246.
  23. Siddique Ibrahim, S.P., Sivabalakrishnan, M., & Syed Ibrahim,S.P., (2018). Lazy Learning Associative Classification in MapReduce Framework . IJRTE, 7(4S), 168-172.
  24. Syed Ali Fathima, S. J., Sumathi ,V. P., & Sumanth ,S., (2018). Data analytics in football sport to identify gaps for the improvement of quality opportunities throughout world-wide teams. IJRTE, 7 (4S), 364-368.
  25. Devaki, P., Selvanayaki, S., & Marudhachalam, R., (2018). Impact of Academic and Social Factors on the Academic Performance of First Year Engineering Student. IJRTE, 7(4S), 331-334.
  26. Suguna, M., Prakash, D., & Cynthia, J., (2018). Secure Data Access Privacy Preserving using Cloud Services . IJRTE, 7(4S), 321-324.
  27. Kirubakaran, R., Francis Jency ,X., & Aswini, D., (2018). Mobile Learning for Education in India – A Feasibility Study . IJRTE, 7(4S), 386-389.
  28. Shobana ,G., Vigneshwara, B., & Maniraj Sai ,A., (2018). Twitter Sentimental Analysis. IJRTE, 7(4S), 343- 346.
  29. Aswini, D., Guruprasath, J., & Raghuselvapraveen, S., (2018). An Exploratory Data Analysis of Bowler’s Performance in IPL.IJRTE, 7(4S), 403-406.
  30. FrancisJency, X., Sumathi, V.P., & Janani Shiva Sri , (2018). An Exploratory Data Analysis for Loan PredictionBased on Nature of the Clients . IJRTE, 7(4S), 176-179.
  31. NithyaRoopa ,S., Prabhakaran ,M., & Betty, P., (2018). Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning .IJRTE, 7(4S), 247-250.
  32. Fathima, S J., & JeniceAroma, R., (2018). Simulation of Fire Safety Training Environment using Immersive Virtual Reality .IJRTE, 7(4S), 347-350.
  33. NaliniNagendran, KritiAsrani, & Devaki ,P.,(2018). An Online Question & Answer Platform. IJRTE, 7(4S), 284-288.
  34. Jenice Aroma ,R., Syed Ali Fathima ,S.J., & RaniyaHarini, R.,(2018). A Short Investigation on Effective Spectral Properties of Multispectral and Hyper Spectral Images for Object Detection. IJRTE, 7(4S), 279-283.
  35. Nishant Kaushik, Parveen Sultana ,H., & SenthilJayavel. (2018). Remote Authentication using Face Recognition with Steganography . IJRTE, 7(4S), 351-354.
  36. Jeba, N., & Sudha, V.,(2018). A comprehensive survey on waste management and its challenges. IJRTE, 7(4S), 311-313.
  37. N. Suganthi, N. Rajathi, FarithulInzamam M (2018), Elephant Intrusion Detection and Repulsive System, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, 08-11.
  38. Syed Ali Fathima, S. J., Saranya, K., & Rajini,S., (2018). Secured Post Office Protocol for E-Commerce Application.J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 15, 11/12, 2390-2394 .
  39. Suguna, M., Prakash, D., Yamunathangam, D., & Shobana G., (October-2018). Heuristic task workflow scheduling in cloud using spot and on-demand instances. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science, 15(8) (August 2018) 2483-2680, IF: 1.666.
  40. Cynthia, J., Suguna, M., & Senthil, S., (2018). Mapping the vegetation soil and water region analysis of Tuticorin district using Landsat images. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 2227-524X, 3(1), 161-165.
  41. Vijeta Iyer, S R Saratha, V Sudha (2018), Function-E-Chainble Sets in Bitopological Space, IJRTE, Vol. 7, Issue-4S, November 2018.
  42. S. KAVITHA, K. R. BASKARAN, S. SATHYAVATHI, (2018 ), “HEART DISEASE WITH RISK PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 314-317
  43. S. SATHYAVATHI, K. R. BASKARAN, S. KAVITHA,(2018),“NON-INVASIVE DIABETES MELLITUS DETECTION USING FACIAL BLOCK COLOR”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 304-306
  44. M.N.SAROJA, S.KANNAN, K.R.BASKARAN,(2018) “ANALYSING THE PURCHASE BEHAVIOR OF A CUSTOMER FOR IMPROVING THE SALES OF A PRODUCT”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 173-175.

Journal Publication list – 2017-2018

  1. Devaki, P., Ilakiya, J., Indumathi, R., Arul Priya, M. (2017). Geospatially And Literally Analysing Tweets: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 14, spl. Issue, 1002-1009
  2. Chandrakala, D. (2017). A new approach to adaptive neuro-fuzzy modeling using kernel nonnegative matrix factorization (KNMF) clustering for weather forecasting: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9(14), 798-826.
  3. Chandrakala, D. (2017). Best Classification Threshold Identification For Imbalanced Datasets: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9 (14), 961-971.
  4. Cynthia, J., Suguna, M., Senthil, S. (2017). Mapping the vegetation soil and water region analysis of Tuticorin district using Landsat images: International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 2227-524X, 3(1), 161-165.
  5. Cynthia, C., Jayavel, S. Sumathi,V.P. Enhanced Service Discovery Protocol for MANET by Effective Cache Management: Wireless Personal Communication. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-018-5866-3 , [SJR-0.26]
  6. Baskaran, K R., Vijilesh, V., Dr.Nedunchezian, R., Kumar, R S. Combining intelligent web caching with web pre-fetching techniques to predict tourist places: ISTEP/International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116, 12, 97-105.
  7. Latha, L., Gayathri devi. (2017). A new approach to image retrieval based on sketches using chamfer distance: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 116(1), 211-219.
  8. Latha, L. (2017). Automating irrigation: IJPAM, 116,11, 2111-219.
  9. Latha, L., Kavya, M. (2018). A survey on communication systems for hearing and speech impaired people: IJARSE, 7,3, 10-15.
  10. Savitha, S., Thangam, P., Latha, L. (2018). An enhancement to SePeCloud with improved security and efficient data management: Cluster Computing -The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 16 (3), 1-11. ISSN 1386-7857
  11. Rajini, S. (2017). Sentiment Analysis System: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 14, spl., 951-960.
  12. Nandakumar, G S., Sudha, V., Aswini, D. (2018). Fault Detection in Overhead power transmission: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 8, 100-106.
  13. Kalaiselvi, R., Kousalya, K. (2018). Dynamic Virtual Machines Generation to Improve the Query Response Rate in Cloud Environment: JARDCS, 1 (14), 972-990.
  14. Kalaiselvi, R., Kousalya, K. (2017). Enhanced protection for textual healthcare documents in cloud Environment: Taga Journal of Graphic Technology, 14(1), 1940-1956.
  15. Kalaiselvi, R., Sumathi, V P., Hema, M S. (2018). Universal platform for heterogeneous mobile applications to retrieve information: Indian journal of Scientific Research, 17, 2, 177-180.
  16. Kalaiselvi, R., Dhivya, B. (2017). A Review on confidentiality after outsourced data: Research Journal of Science and Engineering Systems, 1, 1-7
  17. Sumathi V P., Kittusamy Kousalya, V., Vanitha, J., Cynthia. (2018). Crowd estimation at a social event using call data records: International journal of business information System, ISSN-1746-0972, 28(2), 246-261.
  18. Vanitha, V., Sumathi, V P., Cynthia, J., Illakia, B. (2017). Next Generation Vehicle Diagnostic Systems: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116,11, 251-259.
  19. Sundrameenakshi, G., Jayasuriya, A., Srioviya, G., Sumathi, V P. (2018). Crop Hand-An Android Based Crop And Fertilizer Advisor: Indian journal of Scientific research (Indian J.Sci.Res.), 17,2,181-182.
  20. Sathya D., Ganesh Kumar, P. (2017). Secured Remote Health Monitoring System: IET, ISSN-2017-0033, 6 (4), 1-5.
  21. Sathya, D., Ganesh Kumar, P. (2018). Secured Data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor review, 1(1), 1-6.
  22. Sathya D., Nithyaroopa, S., Betty, P., Santhoshin, G., Sabarinath, S., Ahanaa, M J. (2018). Smart Walking Stick for Blind Person: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 20, 4531-4535.
  23. Suguna, M., Sharmila, D. (2017). Efficient Virtualization Technique for Cloud to Achieve Optimal Resource Allocation: Journal of Information Scie nce and Engineering, ISSN-1016-2364, 33(1), 859-869.
  24. Priyanga, B., Suguna, M. (2018). A Survey on Semantic Web based Ontology Development using Cloud Environment: International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 6,2, 13-16.
  25. Shobana, G., Suguna, M., Yamunathangam, D. (2018). Identification of Crop Disease by Predictive Analysis in Hadoop Environment: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 18, 2805-2809.
  26. Bharathi Priya, C. (2018). A survey on localization techniques in wireless sensor networks: IJET, (UAE), 7(12), 125-129.
  27. Akiladevi, R., Vidhupriya, P., Sudha, V. (2018). A Study and Analysis on Software Testing tools: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 18, 1783-1800.
  28. Betty. (2017). An efficient feature extraction for biometric authentication: Biomedical research, 28 (14), 6181-6189.
  29. Betty. (2018). Tri- Chrominance Texture pattern: IJET, 7 (22), 15-20.
  30. Betty, P. (2018). Cardless take away: IJRAE, 4, 2, 3021-3024.
  31. Betty, P., Sathya, D., Nithya Roopa, S. (2018). Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning: IJPAM, 4439-4444.
  32. Betty, P., Sathya, D., Nithya roopa, Jeena JAcob, Emy Ramola,P. (2018). An efficient algorithm for power and delay minimization: IJPAM, 112, 20, 4433-4438.
  33. Siddique Ibrahim, Sivabala Krishnan. (2017). Posteriori Probability inspired minimal rule generation in Associative classification: IJPAM, 47-50.
  34. Siddique Ibrahim, Sivabala Krishnan. (2017). Pstree Based Associative Classification Of Data Stream Mining: IJPAM, 116,12, 57-65.
  35. Nithya Roopa, S. (2017). An Efficient Fuzzy Based Feature Selection Algorithm for High dimensional Data, JARDCS, 14, 942 -950.
  36. Nithya Roopa, S. (2017). An Incremental Learning with CGHSSL for Unsupervised feature selection: IJPAM, 116, 231-239
  37. Francis Jency, X., Aswini, D. (2018). Smart Water Flow Management System: IJSART, 4,5, 1563-1566.
  38. Francis Jency, X., Aswini, D. (2018). IoT based Noise & Air Pollution Monitoring System: International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 6,3, 2198-2120.
  39. Senthil kumar, V. (2017). Normalized page count and text based metric for computing semantic similarity between web documents: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9, 6, 1865-1875.
  40. Senthil kumar, V. (2018). Biomapping application: IJSART, 4, 6, 403-407.
  41. Suresh, Primya, T., Kanagaraj, G. (2017). Efficient Detection Technique for Image Forgery: MAT Journals, 1-6.
  42. Uma Maheswari, S. (2017). Secure And Enhanced Information Encoding In Matrix Barcode: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 6(6), 1926-1936.
  43. Uma Maheswari, S. (2017). Performance Analysis of Compressing Sensing Framework on Interactive Media Content: IJPAM, 116, spl. 241-250.
  44. Yamunathangam, D. (2018). Smart Care -Predictive Maintenance system in washing machine using IOT: Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10 (3), 914-917.
  45. Jeba, N. (2017). A prototype model for automatic vehicle detection in toll plaza enabling easy entry: IJPAM, 116, spl., 221 – 229.
  46. Syed ALi Fathima, S J., Shankar, S. (2018). ADL Rehab Game Play System with AR based gamification theraphy for automation of post stroke upper limb rehabilitation: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 1546-1955
  47. Syed Ali Fathima, S J., Shankar, S. (2018). Augmented Reality using NUI based Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Framework with Mobile Decision Support System: JGIM, 26 (4), 1062-7375
  48. Syed Ali Fathima, S J., Ajith Kumar., Bhuvaneshneshwar. Arunsunai Bala Kumaresan, P. (2018). IoT Based Horn Detection System for Safety Four Wheel Driving: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (5), 2359 – 2361.
  49. Kirubakaran, R. (2018). Statistics based Load Evaluation in Web Applications using Fuzzy Logic and Dynamic Track Bots: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 8, 435-444.
  50. Shobana, G., Jagan K. (2017). Product Recommender System: IJSART, 4,5, 1756-1760.
  51. Saranya, K., Jayanthy, S. (2017). Onto-based sentiment classification using Machine Learning Techniques: IEEE xplore, International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), Coimbatore, 2017, pp. 1-5.
  52. Saranya, K., Jayanthy, S. (2018). Machine Learning Techniques for Onto-based Emotional Classification of Text: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 8. 357-363.
  53. Saranya, K., Sethubalaji., Jayaprakash. (2018). Survey on Fog computing and its application benefits in real life: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(5), 1974-1977.Conf-
  54. Sadhasivam, J., Alamelu, M., Radhika, R., Dharani, K., Jayavel, S. Enhanced way of securing automated teller machine to track the misusers using secure monitor tracking analysis: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 263, (2017) 042032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/263/4/042032
  55. M. Sangeetha, P. Betty and G. S. N. Kumar, “A biometric iris image compression using LZW and hybrid LZW coding algorithm,” 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), Coimbatore, 2017, pp. 1-6.
  56. Chandrakala, D. (2017). Survey of buffer overflow attacks and countermeasures: Nat. Conference at CIT
  57. Latha, L., Kangavalli. (2017). A Survey of Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Techniques: IEEE xplore, International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, ICISC, 1-6.
  58. Afsana, L., DeviSri, Madumitha, S., PrabhuManikandan, A., Srinidhi, K., Vimaladevi, Sumathi.V.P., KalaiSelvi, R. (2018). Encountering Privacy – Sensitive Information In Medical Documents: National conference on datamining, IEEE digital library
  59. Sumathi, V P., Kousalya, K., Vanitha, V., Suganthi, N. (2018). Unusual Social Event Detection by Analyzing Call Data Records: ISMAC – IoT, Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud.
  60. Suguna, M., Yamunathangam, D., Shobana, G. (2018). Heuristic Task Workflow Scheduling In Cloud Using Spot And On-Demand Instances: International conference on Advanced computing and big data analytics,
  61. Praveen Manoharan, Nithin Sundararaj, Udhaya Sankar, Syed Ali Fathima, S J. (2018). Review On Microsoft Kinect’s Gesture Technology Based Robotics: IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 1-6.

Journal Publication list – 2016-2017

  1. Devaki.P., Rohini M, (jan 17). Analysis of Customer Churn by Big data Clustering. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Commn. Engg , International. Vol. 5 (Issue 3), March 2017, pp.6157-6162.
  2. Devaki.P., Indhu Priya S, (jan 17). Evaluating Students Performance in Placements Activity. International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, Vol. 6,1, pp.48-52.
  3. Vanitha.V., Nandhini P ,(jan 17). A Study of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm for IoT. International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, Vol. IJIACS, 2347 – 8616, 6,1,pp.26-35.
  4. Chandrakala.D., SriVenkatesh S, (Jan 17). A Survey on Predictive Analysis of Weather Forecast. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research (IJETSR), 2394-3386, 4,1, pp. 2394-3386.
  5. Chandrakala.D., Saran Kumar A. (Feb17). A Survey on Customer Churn Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT),E-ISSN: 2456-3307), 154, 10, pp.13-16
  6. Chandrakala D., Saran Kumar A,(Mar17). An Enhanced Churn Prediction using Support Vector Machine Classification with Adaboost. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), E-ISSN: 2456-3307, 2,,1,pp.225-230
  7. Cynthia Jayapal, Prema Arokiamary, Sushmitha, Aarthy, Kannathal, Overview of Software Defined Networks and Mesh Tree Protocol” – IRJET, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017 e-ISSN: 2395 -0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072
  8. Latha L., Kanagavalli.N,(Apr17). A Review of Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Techniques. International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology, E-ISSN:2395-1052, 3,4, pp.289-294
  9. Latha L.,SyeadhIbrahim.S,(Jan17). Survey of Forest Fire Detection using Wireless Sensor System. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research ,ISSN-2394 – 3386, 4,1,pp.126-130
  10. V.Vijilesh, r.Nedunchezhian , k.R. Baskaran, “significance of combining machine learning techniques for web caching with web pre-fetching”, middle-east journal of scientific research, issn 1990-9233, vol.24, no.6, june 2016 pp. 2099-2109. Annexure ii of anna university
  11. V.Vijilesh, r.Nedunchezhian , k.R. Baskaran, ”performance improvement by combining intelligent web caching techniques with spatial weight matrix technique for web prefetching”, international journal of engineering applied sciences and technology, issn 2455-2143, vol. 1, issue 10, september 2016, pp. 76-80
  12. Rajini S., Gunavathi.M, (Mar17). The Various Approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation: A Survey, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, ISSN: 2349 – 6002,. Volume 3, Issue 10, pp.28-32
  13. Rajini S., Dinesh Priyadarshan, (Jan17). Secure deduplication and data leakage over encrypted data in cloud storage, International Journal on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation , IJCMS, ISSN 2347-8527
  14. NandaKumar G.S., Viswanandhne S, (Jan17). A Survey on Item selection approaches for Computer Based Adaptive Testing, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, (IJSRCSEIT), 2,2
  15. R.Kalaiselvi R., Kousalya K., Varshaa R., Suganya M.,(Aug16). Scalable and Secure sharing of Personal health records in Cloud Computing. Gazi University Journal of Science, issn- 1303-9709, 29,3,pp.583-591
  16. Kalaiselvi R., Kousalya K.,Chandramathi S.,(Apr15). Proxy Server for secure document retrieval in Cloud, Asian Journal of Information technology, 1993-5994, 15,6,pp.2937-2942
  17. Kalaiselvi., V.Vanithadevi V., Kousalya K.,(jan17). A Survey on Enterprise Software Encryption Algorithms, International Journal of Computer and Math. Sciences, 2347-8527, 6,1,pp.40-45
  18. Kalaiselvi R.,Nivetha,P., Ragavi K., Priyadharsini T,(Jan17). An overview of Plant environment Monitoring System, International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering, 2394-6237, 3,1
  19. Kalaiselvi R., Priyanka R.,Soundarya R., SreeSowmiya P,(Jan17). A Survey on indoor Air Quality Monitoring and controlling system, International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering, 2394-6237, 3,1
  20. Kalaiselvi R., & Subha S ,(Feb16). An overview on efficient documnet clustering techniques, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2277-128X, 6,2, pp.464-466.
  21. Thiruvaazhi U., Nivedhitha G, (Jan17). Survey Paper in detecting and preventing the Web application Vulnerability, International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, IJCMS, Issn-2347- 8527, 6,1
  22. Sumathi V.P., M.D.Krithiga, Premaarokiamary G, (Jan17). Various techniques for predicting cervical cancer, International Journal of Innovative research in computer and communication engineering,. 5,3, pp.6151-6156
  23. 23.Sathya D., Abirami D., Amutha P., Menaka T, (Feb17). Air Pollution Analysis using Clustering Algorithm, International Journal, 2348-8387, pp.110-113
  24. Sathya D., Anu J., Divyadarshini M, (Feb17). Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired people, International Journal, 2348-8387, pp.114-117
  25. Sathya D., Saranya K., Ganesh Kumar D, (Jan17). A Survey on Intrusion Detection System in WSN, International Journal of electrical, electronics and Computational system, 2348-117x, 6,1, pp.71-78
  26. Sathya D., Saranya K, (Apr17). Intrusion Detection System for NSL KDD dataset, Mantech publications
  27. Suguna M., Muralidharan G., Nandha Kumar T, (Mar17), Big Data E-Health Records Management on Cloud Using MongoDB, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE), 2454-9762, pp,187-192
  28. Suguna M., Amirtha R.S., Nandhinidevi P, (mar17). Centralized Software Based Task Delegation System for Teams of MNC Company, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2320-9801
  29. Suguna M., manikandan M, (Jan17). A survey on temporal task scheduling for profit maximization in hybrid clouds, International Journal on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation ,IJIACS, 2347-861
  30. Suguna M., Sharmila, (Dec16). Multi Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem by Adaptive Genetic & Decision Support System, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,ISSN 2249-7315, 6,12,pp.520-534
  31. Suguna M., Sharmila, (Dec16). Resource allocation in grid environment, ATNS journal
  32. BharathiPriya C., Meena V, (Jan17). A Novel Scheme for Peer to Peer File Sharing In MANETs. International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJIACS, 6,1, pp. 2347-8616
  33. Betty P., Sangeetha, (Nov16). A Survey on Biometric Compression Techniques, International journal of Modern computer science and application (IJMCSA), 2321-2632, 4,4
  34. Betty P., Sangeetha, (Jan17). A Dynamic Image Compression using Improved LZW Encoding Algorithm, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2456-3307, 2,1
  35. NithyaRoopa S., Nagarajan N, (Feb17). Unsupervised Cluster Learning and Hybrid Support Vector Machine for Feature Selection of Benchmark Dataset,, IJETSR
  36. NithyaRoopa S., Saranya P, (Dec16). A Survey on Semi supervised Learning Methods, International Journal for science and Development
  37. NithyaRoopa S., Saranya P, (Feb16). Coupled Semi-Supervised Learning on Text Categorization, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
  38. NithyaRoopa S., PoornishaDevi S., Ram Kumar S, (Apr17) Issue Monitoring System, International Journal on Applications in Engineering and Technology
  39. Aswini D., Nisari N., Nivetha,, Vaishnavi B, (Mar17). Power Consumption Alert System, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4,3,pp.2442-2427
  40. Aswini D.,& Santhya S.,& ShriNandheni T.,& .Sukirthini N, (Mar17). Cattle Health and Environment Monitoring System, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4,3, pp.1899-1903
  41. 41.Senthil Kumar V., Umesh, Vignesh.,& Sathesshkumar S,(Apr). M-Shopping Application using Android, International Journal on Applications in Engineering and Technology,2445-0523
  42. Senthil Kumar V. Sheikar Hussain., Boopalan.,& Ramya.,& Rajeshwari. (Apr17). Fashion and Apparel Systems, International Journal on Applications in Engineering and Technology, ISSN- 2445-0523
  43. Kanagaraj G., Primya1 T.,& Suresh V., Selvapriya G,(Oct16). A Survey Paper on Various Computing to Emerge Cloud Computing. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2393-8021, 3,10, pp.99-104,
  44. Kanagaraj G.,& Primya1 T.,& Keerthika, (Mar17). DevOps with Docker-An Overview. International Journal for Science and Research in Technology, 2395-1052, 3,3,pp. 409-412,
  45. Kanagaraj G.,& Primya,T.,& Suresh V.,& SelvaPriya G, (Aug16). Enhancing Security and Reducing Size of Jar File for Data Sharing in Cloud Computing, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2393-8021,3,8,pp.53-56,
  46. Kanagaraj G.,& Primya,T.,& Suresh V.,& Saravanan P, (Oct16). Improving Clustering Efficiency with MSER and OCR representation in Video-Theme Detection. MAT Journal,2,3,
  47. Kanagaraj G.,& Primya,T.,& Suresh V.,& SelvaPriya G, (Jul16). Improving The Performance of CAD System for Diagnosis of Diseases from CT Images. International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 349-784X, 3,1, pp.406-412,
  48. Kanagaraj G., Primya,T. Suresh V., SelvaPriya G.,& Ashwini R, (Feb17). An introduction to modern Information retrieval: A brief overview. International Journal for Science and Research in Technology, 2395-1052, 3,2,pp.364-366,
  49. 49.Kanagaraj G., Primya,T, (Oct16). Scalability Improvement using Map Reduce Algorithm in Recommender Systems. MAT Journal, 2, 3
  50. Kanagaraj G., Primya1 T., Suresh V., Keerthika,M, (Feb17). Secure Authentication Scheme for Social Networking. MAT Journal, 2393-8021, 4,2, pp.29-32
  51. UmaMaheswari S. Manju., Mythra. KrishnaPriya, (Mar17). IoT Based Vehicle Tracking and Accident Detection System, International Journal of Innovative Research In Computer And Communication Engineering
  52. UmaMaheswari U, (Jan17). Enhanced Techniques for Shared Data Storage In Public Cloud, IJESC,
  53. UmaMaheswari U., (Aug16). Secure Content Protection Techniques In Cloud Computing, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM).
  54. UmaMaheswari U.,(Jul16). Multimedia Security Techniques for a Secure System, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology.
  55. UmaMaheswari U.,(Jul16). Multimedia Protection Techniques in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,4,7
  56. UmaMaheswari U.,& Santanalakshmi ,(Mar7). Online Data Sharing Using Cloud Computing, International Journal of Computer Science Information and Engineering Technologies (IJCSIET).
  57. Jeba N.,& Naveena, Ragini, (Mar17). An Android Application for providing Information on public transportation in Coimbatore. International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology. 2395-695X, 3,24
  58. Shobana G., Felix Sundar., Akeshkumar., ArunPrasanth, (Feb17). Motion Detection Surveillance System Using Raspberry PI, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
  59. Saranya k., Reminaa.,Navayuga.,Priyanga,(Mar17). survey on emotion classification using semantic web, International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology, 2395-695X, 3,24
  60. Saranya k., Aswinbalaji., Sureshkumar, (Mar17). Mobile game development-android. International journal of computer science and engineering.
  61. Saranya k, (Feb17). Machine learning techniques for ontology classification using semantic web. International journal of computer science and engineering.

Journal Publication list – 2015-2016

  1. Vishnu priya J.P, Jagatheeswari S, Dr.P.Devaki. (2015). A Survey on Screening of Cancer Subtypes using Microarray Data. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(4), 2898-2901.
  2. Vishnu priya J.P, P.Devaki (2015). Screening of Cancer Subtypes using Microarray Data. International Journal of Emerging trends in science and technology. 03(03)90-94.
  3. Jagatheeswari S, Vishnu priya J.P, P.Devaki (2016). A Survey on the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using Microarray Data. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems. 2(1).
  4. S.Birundha, V.Vanitha (2016). Survey on Mobile Malware Detection Techniques in Android Operating System. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4)48-51.
  5. B.Ilakkiya, V.Vanitha (2015). A Survey on Engine Control Unit. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2(3). 21 -25.
  6. Birundha S, Vanitha.V. (2015). Feature Selection for Mobile Malware Detection. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 10(92) , 441-445
  7. Birundha S, Vanitha.V, Ilakkiya B. (2015). Survey on Mobile Botnet. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 10(16)36494-36497.
  8. V.Vanitha, V.P.Sumathi, Sindhu Arumugam, Nandhini Selvam (2016) Scalable Real time Botnet detection system for cyber security. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 15(4) 670-675.
  9. Shankavi K.B, Shanthini Devi G, V.Vanitha (2016). Vehicle speed control using RF communication. International Journal for Trends in Engineering and Technology. 13(1)
  10. Abirami A, Chandrakala D(2016). An efficient Dynamic Privacy- Preserving Secure KNN Classification using Semi- Honest model. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, vol.3, issue 3, pp.133-137,ISSN 2348-9480, march 2016.
  11. Abirami A, Chandrakala D(2016). A survey on protecting user privacy of relational data using KNN classifier. ELK Asia Pacific Journal. 2 (1)
  12. Rajkumar V. S, Chandrakala D(2016) A survey on Text Summarization using optimization algorithm. ELK Asia Pacific Journal. 2(1)
  13. Rajkumar V. S, Chandrakala D (2016). An effective Generic Summary Creation of Multi and single documents using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology. 3(3).154-158.
  14. Gayathri Devi K, L.latha (2015) Sketch based image retrieval and indexing. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research. 10(92)167-171.
  15. Tamil Mathi P, L.Latha (2015). A survey on forest fire detection (ELK). ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems. 1(2), 32 -41.
  16. Gayathri Devi K, L.Latha (2015). A survey on sketch based image retrieval. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems. 1(2), 42 -47.
  17. Suganya Shri S P, L.Latha (2015). A survey on foreground subtraction in dynamic environment. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems, 1(2), 48-54.
  18. Suganya Shri S P, L.Latha (2015). Non parametric background modeling for fore ground extraction using detection theory and object tracking. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4), 57-61.
  19. Tamil Mathi P, L.Latha (2016). Video based forest fire detection using spatio temporal flame modeling and dynamic texture analysis. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4) , 41-47
  20. Dorothy M, S.Rajini (2016). Sentiment Analysis of Customer Reviews. Discovery, 52(245), 1152-1157.
  21. Dorothy M, S.Rajini (2016). The various approaches for Sentiment Analysis: A Survey. International Journal of Science and Research. 5(1)
  22. G.S.Nandakumar, S.Thangasamy, V.Geetha, V.Haridoss. (2016). A Markovian Model for Adaptive E-assessment. Wseas transactions on computers, 15, 178-188.
  23. Mirithula P, G.S.Nandakumar (2016). An efficient clustering-guided fuzzy rough set genetic learning for unsupervised feature selection. International journal of scientific engineering and research. 7(3).
  24. Nivetha S, G.S.NandaKumar (2016). HYGXACRSA: graph based hybrid XML access control integrating RSA view based and fine tuning approaches. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology. 3(3), 206-209
  25. Subha S S, R.Kalaiselvi. (2016). An Overview on Efficient Document Clustering Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. 6(2). 464- 466
  26. Subha S S, R.Kalaiselvi. (2016). Efficient ranked keyword search for encrypted multisource data on cloud. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technologypp.215-218.
  27. Subhiksha S, Sumathi V.P, Vanitha V (2016). Nearest resource identification using mobile phone. Discovery, 52(245), 1182-1187
  28. Sharmilla J, Sumathi V.P (2016). Breast Cancer detection using isotonic separation as feature selection. Discovery, 52(245), 1158-1163.
  29. Sowkarthikaa K, Sumathi V.P (2016). RSF: Roughset theory based fuzzy classification in rendomized dimensionality feature selection. Discovery, 52(245), 990-995.
  30. Sharmilla J, Sumathi V.P (2016). A Survey on disease ontology. International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 4(01). 142-144.
  31. S.Subhitsha, V.P.Sumathi (2016). Comparison of various Discretization Techniques in health data. Journal of Data minning and Knowledge Engineering. 1(1), 1-13.
  32. Sowkarthikaa K, Sumathi V.P (2016). A Survey on Medical Data Classification. International Journal for Science Research and Development. 4(2), 303-307.
  33. Sowkarthikaa K, Sumathi V.P (2016). A Survey of Ontologies on Disease Classification. Inernational Journal of Science and Research. 5(4), 609-611
  34. Pravithra C.N.S, M.S.Hema, Sumathi V.P (2015). A Survey: Approaches to Enhance the Data Integration using Ontology and Methodologies to Improve Data quality. IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development. 3(5). 1485-1491.
  35. R.Sivagami, D.Sathya (2016). A Survey on Intrusion Detection System. CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering.
  36. R.Sivagami, D.Sathya (2016). Classification based intrusion detection system. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(5), 1-8.
  37. D.Sathya, Kokilavani, Krithika (2016). Providing Security to medical data. CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, 8(2).
  38. D.Sathya, Poornima L, Vaijeyanthi.V (2016). Comparison of Security Techniques in Health Monitoring System. International journal of advanced research and innovative ideas in education. 2(2). 1067-1075.
  39. D.Sathya, Dr.K.Krishneswari. (2016). Cross layer intrusion detection system for WSN. Journal of scientific and industrial research. 75, 213-220.
  40. D.Sathya. (2016). A Survey on routing techniques, routing attacks and security mechanisms in WSN. International journal of advanced research and innovative ideas in education. 2(3). 3387-3394
  41. V.P Selvanathan, M. Suguna. (2016). Secure Duplication with Authorized Duplicate check using Convergent Encryption in Cloud. International Journal for research in applied Science and Engineering technology, 4(3). 85-88.
  42. S. Subhashini, M. Suguna. (2016). A Novel Architecture to enable Cloud Providers and Consumers to Monitor and the Cloud Resources. International Journal for research in applied Science and Engineering technology. 3(3). 149-153.
  43. S.Mohana Prakash, P.Betty, K.Sivanarulselvan (2016). Fusion of Multimodal Biometrics using Feature and Score Level Fusion. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4), 52-56.
  44. M.Praveen, K.Sivanarulselvan, P.Betty. (2016). Survey on Multi Query Content Based Image Retrieval Systems. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems.2(1)
  45. G.Santhoshkrishnan, K.Sivanarulselvan, P.Betty. (2016). Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Image Processing. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4), 32-35.
  46. G.Santhosh Krishnan, K.Sivanarulselvan, P.Betty. (2016) Survey on Brain Tumour Detection and Classification using Image Processing. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2(1).
  47. S.Mohana Prakash, P.Betty, K.Sivan Arul Selvan. (2016). Survey on Fusion of Multimodal Biometrics using Score Level Fusion. ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems. 2(1).
  48. M.Praveen, K.Sivanarulselvan, P.Betty. (2016). MultiQuery Content Based Image Retrieval System based on pattern mining. International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering. 2(4). 36-40.
  49. S.P. Siddique Ibrahim, Anbumalar Smilin V. (2016). A Survey on Different Techniques for Mining Frequent Itemsets. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET). 5(1). 64-68.
  50. S.P. Siddique Ibrahim, Anbumalar Smilin.V. (2016). Efficient Algorithm for Frequent Itemset Generation in Big Data. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 3(3).1735-1740.
  51. S.P. Siddique Ibrahim, Dr.M.Sivabalakrishnan. (2016). Minimize the Utilization of household items using FP-Tree. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET). 4(1).
  52. S.P. Siddique Ibrahim, Dr.M.Sivabalakrishnan. (2016). Glaucoma Prediction System using Associative Classification. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Centre (IJMRC). 2(8).
  53. S.P.Siddique Ibrahim, Dr.G.L.Sathyamoorthy: Keerthana.V, Kaveeha.R. (2016). Cost Estimation Model for New Home Construction. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 3(4).
  54. Nithya Roopa.S, Monisha.S, Karthika.A.P. (2016). Survey and Taxonomy of Feature selection algorithms in IT log analytics. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 5(3).
  55. Miruthula.P, Nithya Roopa.S. (2015). Unsupervised Feature Selection Algorithms: A Survey. International Journal of Science and Research. 4(6).
  56. Karthika.A.P, Nithya Roopa.S, Monisha.S. (2016). Comparison of Performance of Feature Selction Methods. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 5(3).
  57. Shanmathi.G, Nithya Roopa.S, SuryePrakash.J.H. (2016). Fault Tolerance on Cloud Storage. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Reasearch. 4(2).
  58. S.Nivetha, S. Nithyaroopa. (2015). A Survey on Online Feature Selection. International Journal of Science and Research. 4(6).
  59. Pritha, K., Nivethitha, M. and Uma Maheswari, S. (2016). Secure Sharing in Cloud using Regenerated code. International Journal of Current Research. 8(4). 29487-29489.
  60. Virajesh raja.V.N, Anandhakumar.M, S.Uma Maheswari. (2016). Multi-Shopping Web Access Using Cloud Computing. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing. 6(4). DOI 10.4010/2016.929
  61. S.Uma Maheswari. (2016). Security and Privacy Enhancing Multicloud Architectures. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing. 6(5). DOI 10.4010/2016.929
  62. R.Kirubakaran, A.Periya nayaki,C. Mano Prathiban.(2016). A Survey on Data mining in big data. IJRSI. 3(IA).
  63. Shobana.G. (2016). Hierarchical Scheduling and Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Environment. International Journal for Research & Development in Technology. 5(3).
  64. K.Saranya, Vignesh.B, Poornishadevi.A. (2016). SQRC-based Vehicle and ID-address Proof Verification System. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET). 3(3).

Computer Science and Engineering department is committed to bringing out career-oriented graduates who are industry-ready through various innovative practices. As a part of it, students are encouraged and motivated to take up internships in various companies through which they will get exposed to the industrial environment, which cannot be simulated in the classroom and hence creating competent professionals for the industry. Also, through an internship, the department is allowing students to explore all possible opportunities to learn, understand and sharpen the real-time technical/managerial skills required at the job. Internships provide students,

  • An opportunity to get hired by the Industry/ organization.
  • Excellent opportunity to see how the theoretical aspects learned in classes are integrated into the practical world.
  • Helps them decide if the industry and the profession is the best career option to pursue.
  • Opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills.
  • Opportunity to meet new people and learn networking skills.
  • Makes a valuable addition to their resume.
  • Creating a network and social circle and developing relationships with industry people.
  • Provides opportunity to evaluate the organization before committing to a full-time position.

By conceiving the above advantages and ensuring that the students are involving in the internship activities completely and getting benefitted, internship guidelines are framed by the department aligning with the institute and AICTE norms to ensure equality and fairness of opportunity to all the students. The guidelines will be facilitating the students with various opportunities including course waiver, credits mapping, Project related liberalizations. etc to assure students are learning new skills and supplement knowledge.

Internship statistics of past batches:

Batch Year No.of Internships
2018-2022 2021-2022 82
2017-2021 2020-2021 77
2016-2020 2019-2020 68
2015-2019 2018-2019 72
2014-2018 2017-2018 66
2013-2017 2016-2017 05
2012-2016 2015-2016 24
2011-2015 2014-2015 43


Research Centre Affiliation details:

The first approval of CSE Research Centre Affiliation was received in April 2008 from Anna university. Then successive renewals were done during every year and the current validity is sanctioned up to December 2023.

Supervisor Guideship details:

S.No. Name of the Supervisor Reg.No. supervisor research area
1 Dr. L.Latha 2540021 Biometric authentication, Data security
2 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032 Machine learning, Web Mining, Data Analytics
3 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098 Wireless Network Security, Internet of Things

Scholar details:

S. No Name of Ph.D. Scholar Registration No. Research Topic Whether Scholar is Internal/External Month & Year of Enrolment Name of the Supervisor Approval No.
1 P.Kavitha 1525469306 SVM for the analysis of big data from IOT Internal Jan-15 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
2 M.Karthigha 1622469329 Mitigating Collaborative Attacks on Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks External Jan-16 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
3 G.Prema Arokia Mary 18244697291 Prediction of Parkinson’s disease using Data Analytics Internal Jul-18 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
4 S.Sathyavathi 18244697195 Novel Approaches for Multimodal Data Fusion Internal Jul-18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
5 S.Kavitha 18244697192 Hybrid learning to train the object class detectors Internal Jul-18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
6 M.N.Saroja 18244697186 Human activity recognition for real-time applications Internal Jul-18 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
7 G.Shobana 19244697213 An efficient technique for solving social problems using human brain analysis Internal Jul-19 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
8 X.Francis Jency 19234697254 Cognitive Internet of Things Internal Jul-19 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
9 D.Aswini 19244697222 IoT Enabled Research Internal Jul-19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
10 R.Kirubakaran 19134697177 Improving the learning experience of the learner through Cognition based Analytics Internal Jul-19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
11 V.Saranyah 19244697156 An approach using Blockchain to ensure data security External Jul-19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
12 S.Sangeetha 19244697280 Smart agriculture using IoT and Big Data External Jul-19 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
13 Yamunathangam.D 21244691317 Efficient tools for semantic analysis using natural language processing Internal Jan-21 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
14 Anitha P 20244691139 Artificial Intelligence and Internet of things for Smart Farming External Jan-20 Dr. K.R.Baskaran 2740032
15 Nithya.L 21224697591 AN INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR REAL TIME DATA ANALYTICS External Sep- 2021 Dr. D.Sathya 3540047

Scholars completed details:

S.No. Name of the Scholar Reg.No. year of completion
1 N.Ganesh 4089063115 2013
2 L.Latha 4081062211 2014
3 G.S.Nandakumar 100910621010 2018

Publication by PhD scholars:

  1. Kavitha, K. R. Baskaran, S. Sathyavathi, “Heart Disease With Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 314-317
  2. Sathyavathi, K. R. Baskaran, S. Kavitha, “Non-Invasive Diabetes Mellitus Detection Using Facial Block Color”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 304-306
  3. M.N.Saroja, s.kannan, K.R. Baskaran, “Analysing The Purchase Behavior Of A Customer For Improving The Sales Of A Product”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 173-175
  4. Sathyavathi, K.R.Baskaran, S.Kavitha, ”Social Media Data Analysis Using Recommendation Algorithms”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.394-397
  5. Kavitha, K.R.Baskaran, S.Sathyavathi, ” Tasks Of Object Detection Using Deep Learning Architectures”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.398-400
  6. K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja,” Machine Learning Algorithms For Human Activity Recognition”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019,pp. 401-403
  7. K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja, ” Human Activity Recognition Using Active Learning Methodology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.404-406
  8. K.R.Baskaran, B.Kaviya, S.Kavitha, “A Stock Market Prediction System Based On Time Series Data”, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Volume-83, June 2020, pp. 18327 – 18338
  9. K.R.Baskaran, S. Sathyavathi, R. Kaarthickkeyan, S. Gangamanikandan, S. Harish, “Electromyography Sensor With Virtual Reality – Monitoring Muscle Activity”, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Volume-83, June 2020, pp. 18350 – 18357
  10. Karthigha, L. Latha and K. Sripriyan, “A Comprehensive Survey of Routing Attacks in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2020, pp. 396-402, doi: 10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112588.
  11. S.Sangeetha, Dr.N.Sugnathi, “Intelligent Predictive Analytics in Farming using IoT and Big Data” at Indo-Israel International Joint Conference on Sustainable Cities, Kumaraguru College of Technology, pp.12, 2020.
  12. V.Saranyah, Dr.N.Suganthi,” Survey on BlockChain Technology and Key Management for data security” in AICTE International e-conference conducted by Department of Information Technology and department of Biotechnology, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 6th & 7th November 2020.
  13. G Prema Arokia Mary, N Suganthi, M S Hema, M Hari Dharshini, K Vaishaali, M Monika Sri (2020), “Predicting Metamorphic Changes in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 13(11), 147-152
  14. G.Prema Arokia Mary, K.Saru Priya, N.Suganthi, S.Sathyavathi. (2020). Dopamine Analysis Using Multiple Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 10220 – 10227. http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/21281
  15. Prema Arokia Mary G, Suganthi N, Monisha M, Raagapriya C, Vignesh N (2021), “Wrist Sensor Based Tremor Diagnosis in Parkinson’s Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithm”, Strad Research, 8(5), 145-151, https://doi.org/10.37896/sr8.5/014

CSE Research Centre Affiliation details:

  • A Track on ‘Smart city applications’ was taken over by CSE dept. in the Indo – Israel International Joint Conference on Sustainable Cities (IICSC-20) that was organised during 29 & 30 January 2020. Around 30 papers were presented by both internal and external participants.
  • International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Products – ISTEP was conducted during 18 to 19, Aug 2017.It served as a platform for faculty and students to present the results of their research findings to the scientific community. 20 papers were presented by CSE faculty, which were later published in a Scopus indexed journal.
  • First International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management – ISTEM18 was organised during 10 to 12, June 2018. It presented the advancements and latest developments in mathematics, computer, social science and management fields. 46 papers were presented by CSE faculty in this conference.
  • Second International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineeringand Management – ISTEM19 – was organized during 15 to 16 Feb 2019. It served as a venue for networking with national and international experts in science, engineering and management. 33 papers were presented by CSE faculty in this conference.
  • National Conference on “Advanced Trends in Information and Computing Sciences” on 04 April, 2014.
  • International Conference –( IEEE sponsored ) on “Intelligent Interactive Systems and Assistive Technologies+ -IISAT13 – on 2-3 August,2013 jointly with Department of IT.
  • National Conference on “Computational paradigm” in 29 July, 2012.

Association of Emergent Computing Professionals (AECP):

The Association aims to expose the students to the outside world and it also provides opportunities to bring out their innate talents. It also encourages the students to avail opportunities to enrich their technical as well as their organizational and communicational skills through the following:

  1. Yugam: It is a techo-cultural four-day event conducted during February providing a healthy platform for the budding engineers to exhibit their talents with virtuosity. The events will not only focus on the technical and communication skills but also on the managerial skills, which will help the students to shape themselves up for their career. This is a platform where programming events, online events, presentation events and workshops are conducted for other college students.
  2. Hackathon contests: Twice a year Hackathon events are conducted for KCT students.
  3. CSE Students Forum: This Forum aims to provide a supportive environment for KCT students aspiring to excel in Computer Science related domains. For enthusiastic students, proper guidance, training and technical assistance is provided by a peer expert team.
  4. Guest lectures, workshops, webinars and conferences: Every year leading industry experts, prominent alumni and academicians from leading institutions are invited to provide guest lectures and to act as resource persons for workshops and conferences that are organized for students and faculty. Students also participate in Webinars on latest IT topics.



Total No. of Students Total Placed No. of companies visited Avg. salary

Max. salary

2021– 2022

134 103 297 5,64,000 15,00,000

2020– 2021

132 101 209 4,86,000



138 92 205 4,38,000


2018 – 2019 139 108 186 3,82,000


Student placement details   

Activities under MoU:

S.NO. Organisation with which MoU is signed Year of signing MoU Duration List the actual activities under each MOU year wise
1 INFOSYS Campus Connect 02-01-2019 2 years


  • Students attended,3 Days Student Workshop on “INFYTQ” from 17th Feb to 19th Feb 2020.
  • Rollout of industry elective course “User Interface Technologies” for 2017-2021 batch.
  • Faculty attended Train the Trainer Program on “Java Programming” from 5th to 9th July 2021.
  • Campus Connect 2.0 Launch and Principals’ Meet – online session on 15th Dec 2021.


  • Campus Connect Principal Meet on 3rd July 2019
  • Webinar based FEP on Python using INFTYQ Platform from 25th May 2020 to 29th May 2020.
  • Webinar series on “Learning Experience” from 16th June 2020 to 30th June 2020.


  • FEP on campus connect Industry elective -“User Interface Technulogies” from 4th June 2018 to 8th June 2018.
  • Train the trainer Program on Agile Methodulogy from 22nd Nov 2018 to 24th Nov 2018.
  • Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on Lex based foundation program from 3rd Jan 2019 to 9th Jan 2019.
2 Rochester Institute of Technulogy, USA 22.11.2017 4 years


  • Technical seminar on Meshed Tree Loop Avoidance Protocol to faculty of CSE, IT and MCA on June 20th & 21th 2017.
  • Seminar on higher studies prospects at RIT was given to Final year students of KCT on June 20th & 21th 2017.
  • Meeting with IR office regarding MoU & Research Projects
  • Seminar on Working with GENI Test Bed”
3 Samsung R&D Institute-Bangalore Private Limited 03-08-2020 3 years


  • 8 Worklets Completed -Industry real time Problem statements working with Faculty & Students. Duration-January to August 2021
  • Meeting with students for Samsung Prism Phase-2 on September 2021
  • Online tests for Third year students for Samsung prism projects Selection on October 2021
  • 16 Worklets (Phase II) -Industry real time Problem statements working with Faculty & Students [Ongoing] Duration: Dec 2021 to May 2022


  • 1.8 Worklets -Industry real time Problem statements working with Faculty & Students –[Ongoing ]


  • Launching MoU with faculty on Nov 2020
  • Launching MOU with students on Dec 2020
  • Online tests for Third year students for Samsung prism projects Selection on Dec 2020.
4 Red Hat Academy 19-11-2018 3 years


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Hands-on workshop for students on 13th & 14th August 2019.
  • Redhat Certifications Program for Faculty

ProtoSem is a 20-week full semester immersion fellowship offered as a comprehensive skills and competency development program that embeds an innovation-centered approach to engineering education right into the core of the engineering curriculum.

This first-of-its-kind program offers expert training, tech & innovation mentoring, adaptive learning, tinkering, rapid prototyping and exploration apart from tools & creative technologies covering IoT sensors & networks, 3D printing, desktop fabrication, industrial automation, robotics, low-volume electronics manufacturing & assembly, artificial intelligence & machine learning, big data analytics, cloud computing etc.

ProtoSem is offered by KCT in partnership with Forge and has enabled 300+ students with the necessary skills and competencies to solve real-world problems and develop tech-enabled solutions for the needs of industries, corporations, startups, and society.

Guided by the mantra “Innovation for skills & competencies, leads to the innovation for employability leading to innovation for entrepreneurship”, the program imparts sound practical as well as conceptual knowledge through co-creation opportunities with experts, mentors, and practitioners, which has proven to enhance the employability of the students across sectors and sets the students towards an accelerated career path.

ProtoSem is offered in three different variants – Industrial Digital Technologies, Future Mobility and Autonomous systems and provides great leverage & access to the enormous talent pool for companies, building a strong Industry-Academia Partnership in the areas of emerging technologies.

To know more or contribute – www.protosem.tech

No.of students benefited from CSE department are as follows:

Duration Protosem Batch No.of students
July – Dec 2017 Protosem 17.1 5
July – Dec 2018 Protosem 18.2 3
Jan – June 2019 Protosem 19.1 12
Jan – June 2019 Fellowship 3
July – Dec 2019 Protosem 19.2 5
Jan – July 2020 Protosem 20.1 6
Sep – Jan 2020 Protosem 20.2 5
Feb – June 2021 Protosem 21.1 9
July – Dec 2021 Protosem 21.2 1
Total 49

Overview of the events completed under Infosys Campus Connect Program

Faculty In-Charge:

Kanagaraj AP/CSE (SPoC of Infosys Campus Connect Program from 2013 onwards)

  1. Faculty Development Programs attended

    S. No. Name of the Event Event Conducted Date No. of faculty member attended
    1 Train The Trainer Program (TTT) 29th to 31st May 2013 2
    2 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program (DDFEP) 25th to 29th Nov 2013 3
    26th to 30th May 2014 3
    3 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 2nd March 2015 2
    4 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on “FP Training Tools and Teaching Methodologies” 14th July to 18th July 2014 5
    5 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 2nd March 2015 2
    6 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 30th March 2016 2
    7 Campus Connect Webinar based Soft Skills Faculty Enablement Program on “Business English” 19th July 2016,
    21st July 2016
    8 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on “Foundation Program 4.1” 3rd July to 7th July 2017 3
    9 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 2017 24th March 2017 2
    10 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 23rd March 2018 1
    11 Faculty Enablement Program on Foundation Program 5.0 23rd April to 27th April 2018 2
    12 FEP on Campus Connect Industry Elective – “User Interface Technologies” 4th June to 8th June 2018 2
    13 Train The Trainer (TTT) Program on Agile Methodology 22nd Nov to 24th Nov 2018 2
    14 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on Lex based Foundation Program 3rd Jan to 9th Jan 2019 2
    15 Campus Connect Principal’s Meet 3rd July 2019 8
    16 Webinar based FEP on Python using INFYTQ Platform 25th May to 29th May 2020 5
    17 Webinar Series on “Learning Experience” 16th Jun to 30th Jun 2020 9
    18 Train The Trainer Program on Java Programming July 5 – July 9, 2021 2
  2. Faculty Development Programs organized

    S. No. Name of the Event Event Conducted Date No. of faculty member attended
    1 Train The Trainer Program on “Python Programming” 30th May to 1st Jun 2016 60
    2 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on “Internet of Things” 11th Sep to 15th Sep 2017 60
  3. Faculty awards received

    S. No. Name of the Event Event Conducted Date Award Category/ Partnership level awarded No. of faculty member awarded
    1 Inspire Excellence Awards Technical Event 6th June 2014 Bronze Partnership level 3
    2 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program (DDFEP) 14th to 18th July 2014 Winner (Group Project Presentation) 1
    3 Inspire Faculty Partnership Level Awards 29th June 2015 Bronze and Silver Partnership level 1/1
    4 Inspire Excellence Awards Technical Event 28th June 2016 Bronze Faculty Partnership 3
    5 Inspire Excellence Awards Technical Event 21st August 2017 Bronze Faculty Partnership 3
    6 Inspire Excellence Awards Technical Event 2nd March 2018
    29th June 2015
    Bronze Faculty Partnership 1
    7 Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program (DDFEP) 11th sep to 15th Sep 2018 Best Project Award 1
  4. Webinar and Seminar attended by Faculty and Students:

    S. No. Name of the Event Event Conducted Date No. of students attended
    1 Webinar on Rich Internet Applications (RIA) 27th,30th Aug 2013
    3rd Sep 2013
    2 Webinar on Linux Architecture and File Systems 13th Aug 2013 30
    3 Webinar on Introduction to Apple IOS-Part-1&2 07th ,9th Oct 2013 120
    4 Webinar on Java Script Series 6th ,7th March 2014 30
    5 Webinar on Semantic Search using Natural Language Processing 11th July 2014 20
    6 Webinar on Real-Time Mining and Analytics for Big Data 22nd July 2014 20
    7 Webinar on Exploring Operating System – Part I 22nd July 2014 20
    8 Webinar series on “ABCD : New Foundations of IT” 5th Aug to 14th Aug 2019 10
    9 Seminar on “Industry Expectations from Fresh Engineers” 1st October 2019 180
    10 3 Days Student Workshop on “INFYTQ” 17th Feb to 19th Feb 2020 2
  5. Industry Co-Teach Elective paper rollout for Students

    S. No. Name Co-Teach elective paper Student batch No. of students studied
    1 Building Enterprise Application 2009-2012(CSE) 49
    2009-2012(IT) 37
    2 Developing Web Application using .NET Technology 2010-2013(CSE) 72
    2011-2014(CSE-A&B) 131
    3 Building Enterprise Application 2011-2014(IT) 31
    4 Developing Web Application using .NET Technology 2012-2016(CSE- A&B) 137
    5 Building Enterprise Applications 2013-2017 (CSE) 59
    6 Building Enterprise Applications 2014-2018 (CSE-A&B) 68+51
    7 Mobile Application Development 2014-2018 (CSE-A&B) 52
    8 User Interface Technologies 2015-2019 (CSE-A&B) 110
    9 User Interface Technologies 2016-2020 (CSE-A&B) 54
    10 Mobile Application Development 2016-2020 (CSE-A&B) 111
    11 User Interface Technologies 2017-2021(CSE-A&B) 5