KC.IRI, Kumaraguru Centre for Industrial Research and Innovation was launched in KCT commemorating as a focused Research & Innovation ecosystem in symbiotic collaboration with Industries for the promotion of industry-specific applied research, innovative product development, advanced learning and skill development programmes. It connects Industry with KCT academia to facilitate research, development, and process improvement in industries and increase research output of KCT faculty.

KC. IRI focusses on four domains of service such as Industrial Research and Consultancy, KCT Innovation and Project Development, Skill development and Manufacturing and Advanced learning programmes.

To make the Indian textile industry the global leader by developing human resources of world-class and by undertaking research in frontier areas relevant to the Indian textile sector.
Mission REACH
Mission REACH (Relevance and Excellence in Achieving) programme aims to create a constellation of world class COREs – Centres of Relevance and Excellence – in diverse disciplines across the length & breath of the country. Mission REACH intends to create 80-100 such COREs.
The methodology adopted is to upgrade selected department(s) in a few science and engineering colleges / institutes to international standards towards creation of ‘Centres of Relevance and Excellence’ around these department(s). This would in turn is expected to enable these centres to attract Indian Industries to solve specific problems of industrial interest to them in time bound schedules.
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi, aims to keep a technology watch on global trends and formulating preferred technology options for India. TIFAC’s Objectives is to undertake technology assessment and forecasting studies in selected areas of national economy, Watch global trends & formulation of preferred options for India, Promotion of key technologies, and Provide information on technologies. Former Honorable President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam while in service as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India first conceived this unique mission at the DST.

Centres Of Relevance & Excellence (CORE)
The Mission REACH aims at upgrading select science and engineering colleges in the country as chain of world-class Centers Of Relevance & Excellence (CORE), to broaden the level of education and also to meet the scientific and technological manpower requirements of India in advanced areas promising to shown-up on the horizon in the years to come.
Among 32 centres, the Centre Of Relevance & Excellence (CORE) established at KCT is the 20th CORE in the country under the Mission REACH, specializing in TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY & MACHINERY. KCT-TIFAC CORE is the first centre dedicated to the textile / apparel sector in India. While the institution provides the site and some initial requirements, the government brings in resources adequate enough to overcome the sub-criticality and the user organizations bring in resources as well as relevance to the efforts. Substantial financial resources are pooled towards realizing excellence in focused areas of intense relevance to the Indian industry. CORE addresses post-graduate education, vocational training and R&D requirements of the industries.
- Mr.S.Muneshwar, Scientist – C Member Secretary-TIFAC, New Delhi
- Dr.M.D.Teli-Chairman,
- Dr.Arindam Basu, Member
- Dr V.Subramaniam-Member
- Dr D.Saravanan-Principal
- M/s. Reach Sewn Technologies & Consulting Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s. Sangeeth Textiles, Coimbatore
- M/s. Statex Engineering, Coimbatore