About the Department

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 1987 and since its inception, the department has progressed with a vision and a strong commitment to developing competent programmers with uncompromising standard of excellence in training, both through class room sessions and hands on sessions. The department has well equipped computing laboratories and a rich repository of software covering a wide spectrum of applications. It presently offers undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes in the Computer Science and Engineering stream.

From the HOD’s Desk


Dr. Divya Vadlamudi,

Professor & Head

Department of Computer Science and Engineering at KSI – KCT is one of the most sought-after engineering branches, offering a comprehensive range of foundational and advanced courses at the undergraduate level. The department is committed to providing students with hands-on, application-oriented learning experiences through its state-of-the-art laboratories, preparing them to excel as leaders in academia and industry. The curriculum is designed to meet industry standards, with a strong focus on domain-based education in key areas such as smart cities, healthcare, gaming, software-defined vehicles, and education. Department incorporates the latest advancements in technology through eight specialized cohorts including Web and Software Development, AI and Automation, Data Science, Internet of Things, Networking and Distributed Computing, Extended Reality, and Cybersecurity.

The department emphasizes holistic learning by encouraging students to participate in hackathons, workshops, and industry-driven training sessions. With numerous collaborations with industry and access to globally recognized academic certifications, students gain valuable exposure to real-world challenges and emerging technologies. This approach not only enhances their technical expertise but also fosters innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, ensuring they are well-equipped for successful careers in the rapidly evolving tech industry.


To evolve as a School of Computer Science with centers of excellence having international reputation to serve the changing needs of Indian industry and society.


  • Computer Science and Engineering department is committed to bring out career oriented graduates who are industry ready through innovative practices of teaching-learning process.
  • To cultivate professional approach, strong ethical values and team spirit along with leadership qualities among the graduates by organizing workshops, seminars and conferences periodically. Association with professional bodies and invitation to external experts should help this.
  • To contribute towards techno-economic and social development of the nation through quality human resource and encouraging entrepreneurship among the young graduates.

Head of the Department

Dr. Divya Vadlamudi

[email protected]

0422 - 2661282

Alumni Coordinator

Dr. R. Kalaiselvi

[email protected]

Communication Coordinator

Ms. R. Nivetha

[email protected]

Placement Coordinator

Mr. V. Senthilkumar & Mr . M. Sathish

[email protected]

[email protected]

  • UG – B.E. Computer Science Engineering 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • UG – B.E. Information Science & Engineering 4 years (8 Semesters)
  • Ph.D.

B.E. – Computer Science and Engineering


  • PEO1: Enable graduates to be successful in their chosen careers, by applying their continual learning of Computer Science and Engineering in their work and life situations.
  • PEO2: Enable graduates of the program to continue to adopt latest technologies and be critical learners displaying creativity and demonstrate to be leaders.
  • PEO3: Prepare graduates of the program to be innovative product engineers catering to the requirements of the enterprises and society.


Graduates of BE-CSE programme will have the following abilities:

  • PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Graduates of the Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Program will have the ability to:

  • PSO 1: Proficiently develop useful products by applying appropriate hardware and software technologies.
  • PSO 2: Organize heterogeneous data for accurate large-scale data processing using appropriate algorithms and tools
  • PSO 3: Understand modern networking technologies and apply programming skills to create scalable real-time applications.


The Program Specific Outcomes of Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Program are:

  • PSO 1: Proficiency in Software Engineering and System Design: Graduates will be able to design, develop, and optimize software solutions, applying core principles of computer science to build efficient, scalable, and secure systems.
  • PSO 2: Competency in Emerging Technologies: Graduates will develop expertise in emerging technologies and specialized domains enabling them to Innovate and build advanced solutions meeting Industrial and societal needs.
  • Accreditation Achieved: Secured NAAC/NBA recognition.
  • Research Excellence: Published 50+ papers and filed patents.
  • High Placement Rates: Achieved 90% student placements in core companies.
  • Industry Collaboration: Signed MoUs with leading tech firms.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Established modern labs and smart classrooms.
  • Student Achievements: Won national hackathons and innovation awards.
  • Faculty Recognition: Faculty received prestigious teaching/research awards.
  • Community Impact: Conducted social outreach programs and tech workshops.
  • Successful Events: Hosted hackathons based on sustainable development goals and Thiran Thedal Thiruvizha for project Expo.

Data Analytics and Cloud Computing Laboratory

About the laboratory facilities

This Data Analytics and Cloud Computing lab is precise and equipped with high end desktop machines for data analytics and cloud projects. This Lab has 35 Intel i5 machines with 8 GB RAM, 500GB HDD exclusively dedicated for faculty members and students to take up research and strengthen their knowledge in Data Science.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Laboratory

About the laboratory facilities

This Design and Analysis of Algorithms lab is well established and equipped with HP and Dell core i5 Desktop core i5 PC’s. This lab is utilized by UG students for getting expertise in various languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and database management system. This lab facilitated with high-speed internet connectivity of the machines for online access. Additionally, Guidelines are provided to the students by faculty experts and technical supporting staff members.

Digital laboratory

About the laboratory facilities

Digital laboratory is equipped with computer hardware components such as Microprocessors, Digital Circuit components, IoT Components, Motherboard, CPU, Disk drives and Routers. It is designed to facilitate the students to carry out hardware-based experiments to obtain a comprehensive practical knowledge on computer architecture and interfaces. It also helps the students with adhoc access to the hardware components during Hackathon or Project competitions.

Mobile Application Development Laboratory

About the laboratory facilities

The mobile application development lab is well established and equipped with Dell core i5 and desktop PC’s. This lab is utilized by UG students for getting expertise in various languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and database management system. The lab system is upgraded with 8GB of RAM to support Android application development. And this lab supports various hypervisors like Oracle VirtualBox, Xen, OpenStack, etc., This lab facilitated with high-speed internet connectivity of the machines for online access.

Open-Source Laboratory

About the laboratory facilities

Open-Source lab is equipped with 10 Dell Desktop Systems and 20 Workstations and several hardware and IOT interfacing kits. In this lab, as part of their final year projects the students work together to develop many open-source applications, the hardware interfaced projects and Cloud based projects carried out will be undisturbed until they complete the project. The key focus is on instructing students to use Open-Source Tools.

Programming Laboratory – 1

About the laboratory facilities

The lab aims to facilitate programming skills to the first-year students in languages like C, Python and Matlab Programming. The students can develop their programming skills in IDE’s like codeblocks, Matlab, etc.

Faculty involved Activities
Extended Reality
  • Ms. ANITHA P
  • Workshop on “Explore the universe with VR Technologies” for External Students
  • One week Value-added Course “Introduction to Immersive Technologies”
  • AR training titled “Mastering AR with Unity: A Two-day Intensive Workshop”
Cloud Computing
  • Launched training on “AWS Academy Cloud Foundations” Course from AWS Academy for 123 students.
  • 2 day Hands-on Training for Microsoft Azure : 900 Certification.
Networking and Distributed Computing
  • MoU signed in Information Data Systems & AICTE Joint collaboration on Blockchain
  • MoU with Rochester Institute of Technology, NewYork, US for joint research Collaboration, student and faculty exchange.
  • 150 students completed certifications in Blockchain.
  • Students involved in Networking research project have obtained admission for MS in top universities with scholarship and assistantship.
  • Bharath Blockchain Network – Active node setup to develop, deploy and test Blockchain Applications of Government of India and AICTE.
Automation and Artificial Intelligence
  • Organized a workshop on Building RAG Application using LLM and Lang chain
  • Responsible AI certification by Faculty
  • Faculty trained in Jetson Nano
  • Students attended NVidia GTC 2024 event
  • Generative AI trained faculty
Web and Software Development
  • DR. E. A. VIMAL
  • Designathon 2024: The 24 Hour hackathon was organised as part of Yugam
  • A one day workshop on ‘Reactify: Mastering the art of front – end development using React’
  • Full Stack Development -Boot camp for Students
  • Seminar on “Master the Full Stack Frontier”
  • Student Teams participated in Tata Innovation Challenge 2023.
  • Apple Ecosystem: Connect, Troubleshoot, and Integrate .Programme on Apple Ecosystem
IOT, Edge and UAV
  • DR N. JEBA
  • Mastering the Art of 3D Printing: From Design to Creation
  • Accelerating Autonomous Systems with MATLAB, Simulink, Quanser- Case Study on Autonomous Car
  • TechWings: A Hands-on Workshop on Robotics and Drones
  • PrintCraft: Shaping Tomorrow with 3D Printing
Cyber Security
  • MoU with Check point academy and Cyber Intelligence Academy
  • Industry led curriculum
  • Students clubs
  • Outreach events across the region
  • Working towards building a Cyber community across the region
Data Science
  • Five-day Faculty Development Program on Python for Data Science.
  • Generative Al Hands-On with Transformers workshop exploring natural language processing (NLP)
  • Three-day Faculty Development Program titled “Accelerating Edge AI: From Concept to Deployment with Jetson Nano”

Research Projects:

  1. KCT management funded project titled “Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management using IoT with Blockchain and Machine learning Techniques” was carried out to develop a system for strategic coordination of the entire value-added process of a product (pharma value chain) and the logistics.
  2. TNSCST sponsored student project titled “AI Powered automation for precision Poultry” fetched a grant of Rs.7500
  3. AICTE Sponsored Department Computer Science and Engineering for Skill and Personality Development Centre
  4. Samsung R&D institute, India sponsored Rs. 84,600 for the project titled “Meme Detection Benchmarking on Indian Data Using OCR Text and Audio.”

Research supervisor List with scholars’ name

S. No Name of Ph.D. Scholar Registration No. Whether Scholar is Internal/ External Month & Year of Enrolment Name of the Supervisor Approval No.
1 P.Kavitha 1525469306 External January -2015 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
2 M.Karthigha 1622469329 External January -2016 Dr. L.Latha 2540021
3 D.Yamunathangam 21244691317 Internal January – 2021 Dr. L. Latha 2540021
4 L. Nithya 21224697591 External September – 2021 Dr. L. Latha 2540021
5 S.Sathyavathi 18244697195 Internal July -2018 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
6 S.Kavitha 18244697192 Internal July -2018 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
7 M.N.Saroja 18244697186 Internal July -2018 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
8 G.Shobana 19244697213 Internal July -2019 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
9 X.Francis Jency 19234697254 Internal July -2019 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032
10 P. Anitha 20244691139 External January – 2020 Dr. K. R.Baskaran 2740032
11 G.Prema Arokia Mary 18244697291 Internal July -2018 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
12 D.Aswini 19244697222 Internal July -2019 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
13 R.Kirubakaran 19134697177 Internal July -2019 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
14 V.Saranyah 19244697156 External July -2019 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098
15 S.Sangeetha 19244697280 External July –2019 Dr. N. Suganthi 2740098


S.NO Academic Year No. Of Publications Paper details
1 2024-2025 5* View Details
2 2023-2024 52 View Details
3 2022-2023 22 View Details

*- On going academic year

Book Chapters

S.NO Academic Year No. Of Publications Chapter details
1 2024-2025 1* View Details
2 2023-2024 14 View Details
3 2022-2023 7 View Details

*- On going academic year

Research Centre

The first approval of CSE Research Centre Affiliation was received in April 2008 from Anna university. Then successive renewals were done and the current validity is sanctioned up to December 2026.

Supervisor Guideship details

AY 2024-2025

S.No. Name of the Supervisor Reg.No. Supervisor Research Area
1 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098 Wireless Network Security, Internet of Things
2 Dr. L.Latha 2540021 Biometric authentication, Data security
3 Dr.S. Sangeetha 4040073 Differential Privacy, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Recommendation system
4 Dr. S. Sathyavathi 4440020 Software Engineering , Machine Learning , Deep Learning , web and Software evelopment

AY 2023-2024 , AY 2022-2023

S.No. Name of the Supervisor Reg.No. Supervisor Research Area
1 Dr. L.Latha 2540021 Biometric authentication, Data security
2 Dr.K.R.Baskaran 2740032 Machine learning, Web Mining, Data Analytics
3 Dr.N.Suganthi 2740098 Wireless Network Security, Internet of Things

Scholars completed details

S.No. Name of the Scholar Reg.No. Year of Completion
1 S.Kavitha 18244697192 2024
2 S.Sathyavathi 18244697195 2024
3 M.Karthigha 1622469329 2024
4 G.Prema Arokia Mary 18244697291 2023
5 M.N.Saroja 18244697186 2023
6 P.Kavitha 1525469306 2023

Scholars Publication details

S. No Name of the Supervisor Name of Ph.D. Scholar Registration No. Paper Details
1 Dr. L.Latha P.Kavitha 1525469306 1.       Latha l, Palanisawmy Thangam ,Kavitha P, Sophisticated methods for noise filtering, subgroup discovery, and classification in big data analysis, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Volume 43, Issue 6 ISSN 10641246, DOI 10.3233/JIFS-220171(SCIE, Scopus)(SCIe)
2 Dr. L.Latha M.Karthigha 1622469329 1.       Latha L., Karthigha, M. (2023), Clustered ensemble feature selection with M-GRU classification for efficient intrusion detection system of industrial systems, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 9109 – 9127, DOI. 10.3233/JIFS-222643 (SCIe)

2.       Karthigha, L. Latha and K. Sripriyan, “A Comprehensive Survey of Routing Attacks in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2020, pp. 396-402, doi: 10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112588.


3 Dr.K.R.Baskaran S.Sathyavathi 18244697195 1.       Baskaran, K. R. ,Sathyavathi, S., (2023). An Intelligent Human Age Prediction from Face Image Framework Based on Deep Learning Algorithms. Information Technology and Control, 52(1), pp:245-257. https://doi.org/10.5755/j01.itc.52.1.32323(SCIE, Scopus)

2.       Baskaran, K.R., Sathyavathi, S., Human Age Estimation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on Dental Images (Orthopantomogram),IETE Journal of Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2023.2165177 (SCIE, Scopus)

3.       Baskaran Kuttuva Rajendran, Sathyavathi Sundarasamy, Age and gender classification with bone images using deep learning algorithms, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, DOI: http://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v31.i1.pp359368(Scopus) 

4.       K.R.Baskaran, S. Sathyavathi, R. Kaarthickkeyan, S. Gangamanikandan, S. Harish, “Electromyography Sensor With Virtual Reality – Monitoring Muscle Activity”, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Volume-83, June 2020, pp. 18350 – 18357

5.       Kavitha, K.R.Baskaran, S.Sathyavathi, ” Tasks Of Object Detection Using Deep Learning Architectures”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.398-400

6.       Sathyavathi, K.R.Baskaran, S.Kavitha, ”Social Media Data Analysis Using Recommendation Algorithms”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.394-397

7.       Kavitha, K. R. Baskaran, S. Sathyavathi, “Heart Disease With Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 314-317

8.       Sathyavathi, K. R. Baskaran, S. Kavitha, “Non-Invasive Diabetes Mellitus Detection Using Facial Block Color”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 304-306

4 Dr.K.R.Baskaran S.Kavitha 18244697192 1.       Baskaran Kuttva Rajendran, Kavitha Sundarrajan, Dhanapriya Balasubramanian (2023), “Fusion of Ensembled UNET and Ensembled FPN for Semantic Segmentation”, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 40, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 297-307. (SCIE, Scopus)

2.       K.R. Baskaran; S. Kavitha; B. Dhanapriya, Explainable AI for Detecting Fissures on Concrete Surfaces Using Transfer Learning. 2023 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ICICT57646.2023.10134145(Scopus)

3.       K.R.Baskaran, B.Kaviya, S.Kavitha, “A Stock Market Prediction System Based On Time Series Data”, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Volume-83, June 2020, pp. 18327 – 18338

4.       Sathyavathi, K.R.Baskaran, S.Kavitha, ”Social Media Data Analysis Using Recommendation Algorithms”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.394-397

5.       Kavitha, K. R. Baskaran, S. Sathyavathi, “Heart Disease With Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 314-317

6.       Sathyavathi, K. R. Baskaran, S. Kavitha, “Non-Invasive Diabetes Mellitus Detection Using Facial Block Color”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 304-306

5 Dr.K.R.Baskaran M.N.Saroja 18244697186 1.       M. N. Saroja and K. R. Baskaran (2022), ” Algorithm for Optimal Power Performance in Body Area Network in Smart Wearable Patches for Environmental Applications “, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 23, No 6, pp.2580–2588.(SCIE& Scopus)

2.       K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja,” Machine Learning Algorithms For Human Activity Recognition”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019,pp. 401-403

3.       K.R.Baskaran, M.N.Saroja, ” Human Activity Recognition Using Active Learning Methodology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S, October 2019, pp.404-406

4.        M.N.Saroja, s.kannan, K.R. Baskaran, “Analysing The Purchase Behavior Of A Customer For Improving The Sales Of A Product”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018, pp. 173-175

6 Dr.K.R.Baskaran G.Shobana 19244697213 1.    Shobana G , Baskaran K R,” Aspect based sentiment analysis for customer reviews” 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing, ICSTSN 2022 ISBN 978-166542111-9 DOI 10.1109/ICSTSN53084.2022.9761302
7 Dr.N.Suganthi G.Prema Arokia Mary 18244697291 1.       N. Suganthi and G. Prema Arokia Mary, “Detection of Parkinson’s disease with multiple feature extraction models and darknet cnn classification,” Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 43, no.1, pp. 333–345, 2022 (Elsevier Solutions Scopus)

2.       G Prema Arokia Mary, N Suganthi, M S Hema, M Hari Dharshini, K Vaishaali, M Monika Sri (2020), “Predicting Metamorphic Changes in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 13(11), 147-152

3.       G.Prema Arokia Mary, K.Saru Priya, N.Suganthi, S.Sathyavathi. (2020). Dopamine Analysis Using Multiple Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 10220 – 10227. http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/21281

4.       Prema Arokia Mary G, Suganthi N, Monisha M, Raagapriya C, Vignesh N (2021), “Wrist Sensor Based Tremor Diagnosis in Parkinson’s Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithm”, Strad Research, 8(5), 145-151, https://doi.org/10.37896/sr8.5/014

8 Dr.N.Suganthi V.Saranyah 19244697156 1.         Suganthi, N.  Saranyah, V Blockchain application in preserving authenticity and enabling transparency in the approval of loans for the clients in banking system. (2023). 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation, ICAECA 2023; Virtual, Online; India; 16 June 2023 through 17 June 2023(Scopus)

2.       V.Saranyah, Dr.N.Suganthi,” Survey on BlockChain Technology and Key Management for data security” in AICTE International e-conference conducted by Department of Information Technology and department of Biotechnology, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 6th & 7th November 2020.

9 Dr. N. Suganthi S.Sangeetha 19244697280 1.       Sangeetha,S.  Suganthi ,N. (2023). Intelligent Predictive Analytics in Farming using IoT in Big data. Sustainable Digital Technologies for Smart Cities: Healthcare, Communication, and Transportation. CRC Press, ( pp. 112-122). eBook ISBN9781003307716

2.       S.Sangeetha, Dr.N.Sugnathi, “Intelligent Predictive Analytics in Farming using IoT and Big Data” at Indo-Israel International Joint Conference on Sustainable Cities, Kumaraguru College of Technology, pp.12, 2020.


CSE Research Centre Affiliation details


The CSE department’s impressive patent achievements reflect its dedication to innovation, research excellence, and technological advancements.

S.NO Academic Year No. Of Patent Details
1 2024-2025 1* View Details
2 2023-2024 3
3 2022-2023 4
  • International Conference on the Use of Generative AI Technology in Tamil Language Processing.
  • Second IEEE International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing, and Automation (ICAECA 2023), Publication Chair, Track chair by department for managing the publication process and ensuring the timely indexing of papers in IEEE Xplore and Scopus.
  • A Track on ‘Smart city applications’ was taken over by CSE dept. in the Indo – Israel International Joint Conference on Sustainable Cities (IICSC-20) that was organised during 29 & 30 January 2020. Around 30 papers were presented by both internal and external participants.
  • International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Products – ISTEP was conducted during 18 to 19, Aug 2017.It served as a platform for faculty and students to present the results of their research findings to the scientific community. 20 papers were presented by CSE faculty, which were later published in a Scopus indexed journal.
  • First International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management – ISTEM18 was organised during 10 to 12, June 2018. It presented the advancements and latest developments in mathematics, computer, social science and management fields. 46 papers were presented by CSE faculty in this conference.
  • Second International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineeringand Management – ISTEM19 – was organized during 15 to 16 Feb 2019. It served as a venue for networking with national and international experts in science, engineering and management. 33 papers were presented by CSE faculty in this conference.
  • National Conference on “Advanced Trends in Information and Computing Sciences” on 04 April, 2014.
  • International Conference –( IEEE sponsored ) on “Intelligent Interactive Systems and Assistive Technologies+ -IISAT13 – on 2-3 August,2013 jointly with Department of IT.
  • National Conference on “Computational paradigm” in 29 July, 2012.

Department Association

The Department Association (DA) of CSE is a student-led body that follows a structured framework to oversee the selection of office bearers, establish guidelines, and approve the annual activity calendar and budget for departmental events. Headed by the President, the DA comprises various key positions, including the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Alumni Coordinator, and other coordinators, each entrusted with responsibilities such as financial management, event coordination, student engagement, research initiatives, and alumni relations. The association plays a crucial role in nurturing leadership, academic growth, career development, and extracurricular involvement, fostering a holistic learning environment for students. For more information refer to the document.

Year Number of Events Event Summary
2024-2025 5* View Event
2023-2024 16 View Event
2022-2023 11 View Event

Student Highlights

AY 2024-25
AY 2023-24
AY 2022-23


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has consistently achieved outstanding placement results, with top offers reaching ₹40 LPA. Over the past four years, students have secured exceptional career opportunities in leading companies, with many excelling in higher studies and entrepreneurship. Our strong industry collaborations and skill-driven approach continue to empower students for a bright future.

Academic Year Total No. of Students Total Placed Higher studies Entrepreneur Salary Package
2024-2025* 138 71* Max-40L
2023-2024 124 85 19 1 Max-17.5L
2022-2023 125 100 9 1 Max-17.5L
2021-2022 134 110 9 1 Max-21L
Min-2.4 L

Renowned Universities, where our students are doing Masters

  • University of Birmingham
  • Purdue University
  • National University of Singapore
  • ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad
  • Rutgers University
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Dublin City University
  • Adelaide university Australia
  • Heriot Whatt University
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • University of Mumbai
  • University of Adelaide university
  • Deakin University
  • IBS Hyderabad
  • Birla Institute of Technology and science
  • UCD Dublin University
  • Vellore Insitute of Technology


The Computer Science and Engineering department is dedicated to producing career-focused graduates who are prepared for the demands of the industry through innovative practices. As part of this commitment, students are actively encouraged to pursue internships with various companies, providing them with invaluable exposure to real-world industrial environments—experiences that cannot be fully replicated in a classroom setting. These internships enable students to explore diverse opportunities to learn, enhance, and refine the practical technical and managerial skills essential for success in their future careers, ultimately shaping them into industry-ready professionals. Internships offer students several key benefits, including:

  • Real-world experience: Students gain hands-on, practical skills that bridge the gap between academic learning and industry demands.
  • Career clarity: Students can able to assess whether the industry or role aligns with their long-term goals and interests.
  • Professional growth: Students can develop essential skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving in a workplace setting.
  • Networking opportunities: Build connections with industry professionals and expand their career network.
  • Resume boost: Students can enhance their resume with relevant experience, making them a stronger candidate for future job opportunities.

Recognizing the numerous benefits of internships and ensuring students are fully engaged and gain value from these experiences. The goal is to ensure that students not only acquire new skills but also enrich their knowledge, aligning their internship experience with academic progress and career development.

Internship statistics of past batches:

Batch Year No.of Internships
2021-2025* 2024-2025* 61*
2020-2024 2023-2024 51
2019-2023 2022-2023 69
2018-2022 2021-2022 80
2017-2021 2020-2021 76
2016-2020 2019-2020 65
2015-2019 2018-2019 71
2014-2018 2017-2018 66
2013-2017 2016-2017 05
2012-2016 2015-2016 24
2011-2015 2014-2015 43

List of MoU with industries and Academic collaboration

Academic Year  

Name of the company

MoU Signed Month & Year  

Valid up to







Infosys Limited Dec-2023 Dec-2028
Rochester Institute of Technology Nov-2022 Nov-2027
Samsung R&D Institute India- Bangalore Pvt. Ltd., Aug-2023 Aug-2026
Information Data Systems Inc. Apr-2023 Apr-2026
Cyber Intelligence Academy May-2023 May-2026
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Dec-2024 Dec-2025
Thoughtworks Technologies (India) Private Limited Jan-2024 Jan-2025
Wise Work, Wiseverse Innovations Pvt Ltd Nov-2023 Nov-2026
Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. Aug-2023 Aug-2026
Game Developer Association of India (GDAI) Nov-2024 Nov-2027
Experiential Technology Innovation Centre (XTIC) Nov-2024 Nov-2027




Infosys Limited Dec-2021 Dec-2023
Rochester Institute of Technology Nov-2022 Nov-2027
Samsung R&D Institute India- Bangalore Pvt. Ltd., Aug-2023 Aug-2026
Information Data Systems Inc. Apr-2023 Apr-2026
Cyber Intelligence Academy May-2023 May-2026
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Dec-2023 Dec-2024
Wise Work Innovations Pvt Ltd Nov-2023 Nov-2026
Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. Aug-2023 Aug-2026


Infosys Limited Dec-2021 Dec-2023
Rochester Institute of Technology Nov-2022 Nov-2027
Samsung R&D Institute India- Bangalore Pvt. Ltd., Aug-2020 Aug-2023

MoU activities

S.No Name of the company Activity Report
1 Infosys Limited View
2 Rochester Institute of Technology View
3 Samsung R&D Institute India- Bangalore Pvt. Ltd., View
4 Information Data Systems Inc. View
5 Cyber Intelligence Academy View
6 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., View
7 Thoughtworks Technologies (India) Private Limited View
8 Wise Work Innovations Pvt Ltd View
9 Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. View
10 Game Developer Association of India (GDAI) View
11 Experiential Technology Innovation Centre (XTIC) View

ProtoSem is a 20-week full semester immersion fellowship offered as a comprehensive skills and competency development program that embeds an innovation-centered approach to engineering education right into the core of the engineering curriculum.

This first-of-its-kind program offers expert training, tech & innovation mentoring, adaptive learning, tinkering, rapid prototyping and exploration apart from tools & creative technologies covering IoT sensors & networks, 3D printing, desktop fabrication, industrial automation, robotics, low-volume electronics manufacturing & assembly, artificial intelligence & machine learning, big data analytics, cloud computing etc.

ProtoSem is offered by KCT in partnership with Forge and has enabled 300+ students with the necessary skills and competencies to solve real-world problems and develop tech-enabled solutions for the needs of industries, corporations, startups, and society.

Guided by the mantra “Innovation for skills & competencies, leads to the innovation for employability leading to innovation for entrepreneurship”, the program imparts sound practical as well as conceptual knowledge through co-creation opportunities with experts, mentors, and practitioners, which has proven to enhance the employability of the students across sectors and sets the students towards an accelerated career path.

ProtoSem is offered in three different variants – Industrial Digital Technologies, Future Mobility and Autonomous systems and provides great leverage & access to the enormous talent pool for companies, building a strong Industry-Academia Partnership in the areas of emerging technologies.

To know more or contribute – www.protosem.tech

No.of students benefited from CSE department are as follows:

Duration Protosem Batch No.of students
July – June 2024-2025 Protosem 1.14 2
July – June 2023-2024 nil
July – June 2022-2023 Protosem 22.2 4
July – Dec 2021 Protosem 21.2 1
Feb – June 2021 Protosem 21.1 9
Sep – Jan 2020 Protosem 20.2 5
Jan – July 2020 Protosem 20.1 6
July – Dec 2019 Protosem 19.2 5
Jan – June 2019 Fellowship 3
Jan – June 2019 Protosem 19.1 12
July – Dec 2018 Protosem 18.2 3
July – Dec 2017 Protosem 17.1 5
Total 55