About the Department

The Department of Biotechnology is a pioneering department, which strives to nurture specific skill sets that integrates biosciences and biotechnology. The curriculum is constantly upgraded to suit the demands of the industry. Faculty members are trained both in reputed institutes and industries, and periodically undergo skill upgradation in a constantly evolving field of engineering relevant to biotechnology. Currently, the Department of Biotechnology offers B.Tech.(Biotechnology), M.Tech.(Biotechnology) and Ph.D.(Full/Part-time) with a well structured and balanced curriculum focusing on the major areas viz., Healthcare, Nutrition, Bioprocess Technology and Environmental Biotechnology.

From the HOD’s Desk


Dr. Vinohar Stephen Rapheal,

Associate Professor & Head

The Department of Biotechnology commenced its academic and scientific journey in the year 2002, and built up ambience and infrastructural facilities for effective academic and research activities over the period. Our students have excelled in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The faculty members engage in effective curriculum delivery and research on socially relevant projects. Most of our graduates get placed in life science related companies and the rest pursue higher studies in reputed institutes in India and abroad. Our graduates, spread all over the world, are the dynamic ambassadors of our performance. The Department of Biotechnology at KCT is a leading provider of biotechnology education in Tamil Nadu.


Strong teaching and research foundation in the area of biotechnology and allied fields through knowledge dissemination to students and the public and to scale new heights in the frontier areas of health and environment and ethics for welfare of humankind globally.


  • Develop dynamic curriculum and syllabus to promote innovative and create practices.
  • Encourage students for innovation and setting start-ups and equip leadership an entrepreneurial skills
  • Train students on issues related to social welfare.

Head of the Department

Dr. Vinohar Stephen Rapheal

[email protected]

0422 - 2661341

Alumni Coordinator

Dr. N. Saraswathy

Dr. N. Saraswathy

Communication Coordinator

Dr.Padhmanand Sudhakar

[email protected]

Placement Coordinator

Dr. K. Ram

[email protected]

  • UG – B.Tech. Biotechnology – 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • PG – M.Tech. Biotechnology – 2 Years (4 Semesters)
  • Ph.D.

B.Tech. Biotechnology

The B.Tech. Biotechnology programmes prepares students to engineering work related to bio manufacturing, R&D in pharmaceutical industry, Food product development, Environmental pollution management, natural product development, bio-informatics solutions etc. The problems faced by the biotechnology industry offer an unusual opportunity – the industry faces a dearth of skilled workforce. Much of the analysis and development must be accomplished at the very frontiers of knowledge, conforming to various international and national guidelines. The B.Tech programme is designed as to bridge that gap. The syllabi and curriculum is developed to be contemporary and match the current requirements of the biotechnology sector.


  • PEO1: To become successful professional/ entrepreneur by inculcating knowledge in interdisplinary areas in Science, Technology, Engineering and Management
  • PEO2: To provide strong foundation in core areas of biotechnology to provide biotechnological solutions to real life problems with economic, social and sustainable viability.
  • PEO3: Sensitize on environmental, health and bioethical issues, IPR


  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change


  • PSO1 : An ability to apply the knowledge of food/ medical / environmental and computational biology to perform image analysis and processing, data mining and Big data analytics.
  • PSO2 :An ability to understand and design solutions using bioprocess principles, bioanalytical instrumentation and techniques and cell culture techniques.

M.Tech. Biotechnology


  • PEO1: To apply professional knowledge and skills in academia, industry and research.
  • PEO2: To enable the students to evaluate real life problems and to propose biotechnological solutions with economical and social impact.
  • PEO3: To train the students individually/ or in a team for intellectual independence to provide innovative solutions.


  • PO1: An ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
  • PO4: An ability to employ bio-based techniques to address issues related to health with professional ethics.
  • PO5: An ability to develop/ utilize sustainable technology to address environmental issues.
  • PO6: An ability to apply modern engineering tools for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

PhD. Full time & Part-time

The Department of Biotechnology at Kumaraguru College of Technology is a recognized research center of Anna University since 2010, fostering a culture of research and innovation in diverse biotechnology domains. Our PhD program, open to both full-time and part-time scholars, provides a dynamic and collaborative research environment, guided by experienced faculty and supported by state-of-the-art facilities. Our scholars work on developing solutions for real-world challenges in health care, water treatment, natural products, Bioinformatics and bioprocess technology.

List of Ph.D Scholars in the Department

S.No Name of Faculty Reg. No. Students Name External/Internal Year of Registartion Full/Part time Status/Completion Date
1 Dr.N.Saraswathy 17245697134 V.Veerabhuvaneshwari Internal Jul 2017 Part time Thesis Submitted
11211131006 P. Muthukumaran Internal Jan 2012 Part time Completed / Nov 2024
23245697152 V.Aswitha Internal Jul 2023 Full Time Pursuing
22245691129 K Sakthishobana External Jan 2022 Part time Pursuing
21237691150 T.Gayathri External Jan 2021 Part time Pursuing
21245691125 M.Kamali External Jan 2021 Part time Pursuing
18155691130 Dymphan F Gonsaldes Internal Dec 2017 Full time Pursuing
11200131034 M. Jeyakumar External Jul 2017 Part time Pursuing
17145697133 S.Balaji Internal Jul 2017 Full time Pursuing
2 Dr. R. Baskar 1524569737 Poorani G Internal Jan 2015 Full time Completed / Oct 2022
20155691137 Shail Adrian Jagmag Internal Jan 2020 Full time Pursuing
3 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar 21245691102 K. Sukanya Internal Dec 2020 Full time Synopsis Submited
21125697111 N Arunkumar External Jul 2021 Part time Pursuing
19135691118 K. Murugesan External Jan 2019 Part time Pursuing
18135691114 Balasubramani K External Jan 2018 Part time Pursuing
4 Dr. K. Kumaresan 23245691135 Ms.S.Indu External Jul 2023 Full time Pursuing
23245691134 Ms.V. Samyuktha Internal Jul 2023 Part time Pursuing
5 Dr. M.Shanmugaprakash 21245591109 D.Anitha Extenal Jul 2021 Full time Pursuing
6 Dr. A. Thirumurugan 23145691108 N Darshan Kumar Internal Jan 2023 Full time Pursuing
7 DR.K.Ram 23255697113 Ms.Divya Nair External Jul 2023 Part time Pursuing

List of Ph. D Scholars who have completed

Sl. No. Reg. No. Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis Month and year of completion Name of the Guide
1 71010721002 D.R.Manimaran Removal and decolourization of synthetic dyes in textile effluent by liquid-liquid extraction and biological methods 04-12-2019 Dr. P. Ramalingam
2 11111132001 S. Nithya Priya Development and evaluation of probiotic juices fortified with nutraceuticals 27-08-2018
3 71031121001 L. Vijayakumar Certain investigations on the production and optimization of β-glucan by Bacillus cereus LVK13 11-04-2017
4 71031121011 R. Balakrishnaraja Investigation of indigenous yeast isolates for the fermentative production of xylitol 29-07-2016
5 7071012248 N. Kalyani Studies on lipase from Staphylococcus aureus NK-LB37 and Cladosporium cladosporioides NK LF36 and their application in transesterification of karanja (Pongamia pinnata) oil 17-02-2016 Dr. N. Saraswathy
6 100911122001 J. Kiruthika Optimization of L-glutaminase production from marine Bacillus subtilis JK-79 and its characteristics 20-12-2016
7 11210132037 P. Kanmani Gene expression, purification, characterization and environmental applications of bacterial lipases 26-07-2016 Dr. K. Kumaresan


Established in the year 2002 with an UG program in Biotechnology.

  • Offers PG program in BT from the year 2007.
  • Recognized as Research center for Ph.D program from the year 2009
  • UG NBA program accredited by NBA during 2009, 2014
  • PG NBA program accredited in the year 2019
  • Research Funding over ~ 2.01 C

Research Centre for Excellence in Microscopy

  • Location & space: ADM:105B / 23.9 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. K. Kumaravel

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The Research Centre of Excellence in Microscopy is a state-of-the-art biological imaging facility focussed on development of cutting-edge technologies combining computational and biological methods. Furthermore, the centre will serve as a bioimaging hub for researchers based in Coimbatore and nearby region. The centre also provides access to high performance computing with Intel Xeon (4 cores) and NVDIA (24GB DDR6 graphics card) that is very ideal for image processing and data analysis. The centre aims to publish several research articles in Scopus indexed journal and other high impact journals. Furthermore, plans for commercialization in the form of IPR is one of the prime goals of this centre. The centre is currently equipped with inverted widefield epifluorescence microscope supplied by Carl Zeiss (A renowned microscope manufacturer based in Germany). The centre is jointly funded by DST-SERB (Govt of India) and KCT. The centre aims to attract bilateral research grants such as Indo-EU and Indo-US research grants. The centre will work to publish several research articles in Scopus indexed journal and other high impact journals. Furthermore, plans for commercialization in the form of IPR is also underway. The centre will offer a range of summer/winter courses of international standards. The course will have participants and faculties (both national & international). This in turn will promote collaborative research.

Research Activity

Several projects such as development of high precision and high throughput screening platforms to identify novel anticancer and antimicrobial compounds from plant sources, screening of antimicrobials for UTI and development of microfluidic devices for analysis of biofilms are underway in the center.

Sophisticated equipments: Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope, Gel documentation, BIORAD, Lenovo Workstation.

Biochemistry and Microbiology Laboratory

  • Location & space: ADM:103A / 101.9 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. K. Kumaresan

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The main focus of the lab is to train students with basic microbiology techniques for microorganism isolation of pure cultures, growth kinetics, antimicrobial susceptibility assays, characterization, Mass cultivation and analysis. As a part of biochemistry, the students are exposed to various fundamental biological calculations, buffer preparation, quantification of bioanalytes, chromatography techniques and so on. The taught techniques can be exercised to solve various biological issues.

Research Activity

The research focus of the laboratory is to study the antimicrobial action, prebiotic/probiotic/microbial applications, impacting cholesterol regulating effects, antiglycation property, urolithic activity, drug release kinetics and value added biomaterial (surface engineering) effects of metabolites from natural sources (Plants & Microbes) by executing classic and contemporary methods such as TLC, 2D-TLC, PTLC and Liquid Column Chromatography. We also study several industrially important microorganisms, their beneficial biosynthesis (enzymes, peptides, metabolites) through different screening and investigation methodologies. On par, the laboratory is also involved in nanomaterial (metallic and protein based) preparation and applications in food and environmental aspects. The laboratory has acquired external government grants from DBT, DST, ICMR, CSIR, AICTE etc,. More than 50 research publications (SCOPUS, SCI indexed journals etc.) has been made by utilizing the laboratory resources.

Our researchers group are also actively involved in imparting training in Microbiology, Natural products research based techniques and Nanotechnology applications in Food and Environment for upcoming researchers.

Sophisticated equipments: TLC, 2D-TLC, PTLC, Liquid Column Chromatography, Bright-field Microscope, UV-visible spectroscope.

This lab is authorised for antimicrobial sensitivity analysis

Cell Biology and Immunology Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:104A / 107.5 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. P. Muthukumaran

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

This lab. mostly utilized to teach fundamentals in the area of basic immunology and serological studies for B.Tech Biotechnology programme. In this lab, basic experiments like, staining of blood cells, cell counting, Blood grouping, Determination of antigen and antibody concentration and qualitative and quantitative analysis of blood components. As a part of Biotechniques laboratory, this lab equipments were used to teach techniques exposed to various basic instruments and equipments to understand working principles. Apart from, this lab. Utilized to determine the concentration of various biomolecules in the biological samples.

Research Activity

Main research focus of this lab are extraction, optimization of phytochemicals from medicinal plants. Plants studied so far: Amorphophallus paeonifolius, Aloe vera, Borassus flabellifer, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Solanum trilobatum.

Sophisticated equipments: Electrophoresis Unit

Plant Tissue culture Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:104B / 24.03 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Mr. P. Muthukumaran

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

This special lab. established in the year of 2016 to teach basic of plant cell culture techniques. Basic techniques including, Media and stock solution preparation, Explant selection and preparation, Induction of callus, suspension culture etc.,.

Research Activity

This lab. primarily focused to culturing of plant cells for production of bioactive principles (Phenol). Initially in this lab.,establish Induction of Multiple shoot from Bamboo and currently focused research on induction of callus and extraction of phytochemicals from callus culture of Gymnema, Abutilon indicum.

Sophisticated equipments: Photochemical reactor, Rotary Microdome

DownStream Processing Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:106 / 98.83 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. M. Shanmugaprakash

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The main focus of the lab is to train students in various purification techniques for such as cell disruption using Ultrasonication and Homogenization, cell concentration using Microfiltration, production concentration using Ultrafiltration, Aqueous Two phase extraction and also including various chromatography techniques. The students are exposed in column packing, buffer preparation, how to choose right columns materials and purify the biomolecules from various both plant and animal source. The taught techniques can be exercised to design and scale-up various in protein purification and downstream processes.

Research Activity

The research focus of the lab includes separate and purify the biomolecules from various sources. Also we are standardizing the enzyme assay such as protease, Bromelain Pectinase , xylnase alpha –amylase, alpha-galactosidase etc. Major research activity is pre-treatment of agrowaste for production of high value products , production oh biogas from food waste, pretreatment of natural fibres using enzymatic methods . Consultancy services related to enzyme production, purification and its application in textile industry, leather industry and food industry are also offered on payment basis.

Sophisticated equipments: Ultrasonication, Micro and Ultrafiltration unit, flash evaporator, Lyophilization and PLC

Unit Operations lab

  • Location & space : ADM:107A / 151.30 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. N. Sivarajasekar

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation:

The main focus of the lab is to train students with industrial equipments for related to upstream and downstream processing. The students are exposed to various fundamental stoichiometry calculations, unit operations, heat and mass transport mechanisms, and rheological behaviours. The taught techniques can be exercised to design and scale-up various biological processes.

Research Activity

Laboratory for Bioremediation Research is part of this lab. Main research focus of this lab are solving environmental problems and developing food products. The Environmental research group is actively working on phytoremediation, biosorption, green emulsion membranes, and biosurfactants. The Food product group is involving in the millet based bread production, health mix preparation and probiotic juices.

Sophisticated equipments: Sophisticated equipments: Ball mill, Membrane bioreactor, soxhlet apparatus, ultra centrifuge, Rotating disc contractor

Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:105A / 66.8 Sq.m
  • Lab incharge Dr. K Kumaravel

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The main focus of the lab is to train the students in basic molecular biology techniques like DNA & RNA isolation from various sources and quantification, electrophoresis, competent cell preparation, electroporation, restriction-digestion and ligation, cloning into gene expression vectors and induction, western blotting and PCR. The lab is equipped with Real Time PCR (Thermofisher), Nanodrop and FluorChem Gel Documentation (Alpha Innotech) to conduct gene expression analysis. Real Time PCR and FTIR are available for Consultancy services on payment basis.

Research Activity

The research focus of the lab are monitoring of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistant genes and mobile genetic elements present in the environment by using metagenomics approach. It focuses on unculturable bacterial community and their resistant determinants and also determining the level of resistance in the bacteria. Our prime area of interest for antibiotic resistance is wastewater treatment plants and animal farms. The second area work is on gene expression analysis of matrix metallo proteases in diabetic foot ulcer.

Bioprocess Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:109 / 138.23 Sq.m
  • Faculty Incharge Dr. A. Thirumurugan

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The primary focus of the lab is to train the students on production of primary and secondary metabolites through lab scale fermentation process and determination of optimum temperature, pH, substrate concentration, growth kinetics, medium optimization etc., This lab also well-equipped with fermenters (3L, 5L and 50 L), UV – Visible spectrophotometer, Ultrafiltration unit, Bacteriological incubator, Digital water bath, Orbital shaker, Laminar airflow, and Kjeldhal apparatus etc.,

Research Activity:

The research focus of the lab is to investigate the potential of using agro-waste, such as Palm Kernel Shell, Banana rhizome, Rice husks, Wheat bran, and other plant-based residues, as raw materials for the preparation of bionanocomposites. These bionanocomposites are utilized to fabricate food packaging films with enhanced properties, contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and environmental pollution. We also focus on the production of enzymes and bio-preservative agents by fermentation process for food preservation applications.

Sophisticated equipments: Fermenters (3L, 5L and 50 L), UV – Visible spectrophotometer, Ultrafiltration unit, Bacteriological incubator, Digital water bath, Orbital shaker, Laminar airflow, and Kjeldhal apparatus.

Bioinformatics Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:309 / 68.7 Sq.m
  • Faculty in-charge: Dr. K. Ram

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The primary focus of the lab are Biological data analysis , protein modelling and simulation, large-scale sequence analysis and machine learning methods for biological problems. The lab is well equipped with a Dell Server T20 and several other client machines.

Research Activity:

The research focus of the lab includes mainly on Protein-ligand and Protein-protein interaction using molecular Dynamics studies. The research focus also extends to metagenomics and biological database construction. The lab integrates mainly with other laboratories for data collection and analysis. The lab is equipped with many proprietary software like Intelligen Super Pro Designer, Design Expert 10.0 and many other open source software – Gromacs, Galaxy, Rosetta.

Sophisticated equipments and software:

  • Workstations: Three high-performance Dell workstations integrated with NVIDIA GPUs for computationally intensive tasks.
  • Systems: Thirty HP 280 Pro Business Tower desktops optimized for general-purpose and specialized bioinformatics applications.
  • Licensed Software:
    • Design Expert 10: Statistical design and analysis of experiments.
    • SuperPro Designer: Simulation and optimization of bioprocesses.
    • Berkeley Madonna: Differential equation modeling for dynamic systems.
    • Pyrx: High-Performance Virtual Screening of Drugs Leads
  • Open-Source Tools: A variety of software tailored for biological data analysis, sequence alignment, and molecular simulations.
    • Molecular Simulators: GROMACS
    • Visualization Tools: UCSF Chimera, VMD, Pymol
    • Molecular Modeler: Modeller V10

M.Tech Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM 108 / 103.8 Sq.m
  • Faculty In-Charge : Dr. N. Saraswathy

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The main focus of the laboratory is on Medicinal Plants Research. The lab is exclusively utilized for conducting lab class like Cell and molecular biology,. The lab is also utilized to train the students in handling equipment pertaining extraction of phytocompounds from medicinal plants using Soxhlet Extraction and carrying out antioxidant and phytochemical assays.

Sophisticated equipments: Refrigerated High Speed Centrifuge (DBT funded; 17 lakhs), Microplate Reader Fluorescence / Chemiluminscence (DBT funded; 7 lakhs). UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, COD digestor, and FTIR spectrophotometer.

Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory

  • Location & space : ADM:310A / 23.3 Sq.m
  • Faculty In-Charge: Dr. R. Baskar

About the laboratory facilities and Academic Utilisation

The main focus of the lab is to train students in learning mammalian cell culture techniques like preparation of culture medium, establishment of primary culture, handling of cell lines, subculture and maintenance of cell lines in strict sterile conditions. The facility includes preparation room, two inoculation rooms separate for primary culture and cell lines and a common incubation room. The sophisticated equipment includes inverted phase contrast/ fluorescence microscope and CO2 incubator worth 20 lakhs.

Research activity

The research focus of the lab includes screening of medicinal plants/ phytocompounds for anticancer activity. Cell lines like breast cancer, colon cancer, bone cancer, liver cancer and skin cancer are maintained in this lab. Major research projects related to anticancer activity and gene expression studies has been planned in future. The lab is also open to consultancy services to KCT and outside institutions/ industries on payment basis.

Sophisticated equipments: Inverted phase contrast/ fluorescence microscope, CO2 incubator

In addition to the extensive collection of books available at the Central Library, the Department also hosts multiple copies of text books and journals for students to borrow.

No. of Textbooks 239
No. of Journals 12 – Paperback 602 – Online Subscription

Sl. No Room No. Name of the Lab, Class Area (in sq. m)
1 AD101A HOD Room 23.78
2 AD101B Conference Room 26.40
3 AD101C Department Office 31.57
4 AD102A Culture Inoculation Room 34.30
5 AD102B Sterilization Room 11.36
6 AD103A Biochemistry and Microbiology Lab 101.90
7 AD103B Instrumentation Facility 16.35
8 AD104A Cell Biology & Immunology Lab 107.50
9 AD104B Plant Tissue Culture Facility 24.03
10 AD104C Biotech Sophisticated Instrument Facility (BSiF)     Plant Tissue Culture Lab 24.89
11 AD105A Molecular and Genetic Engineering lab 66.8
12 AD105B Centre of excellence in Microscopy 23.9
13 AD106 Down Stream processing Lab 98.83
14 AD107A Unit operations Lab 151.30
15 AD107B Chemical storage facility 16.35
16 AD108 M. Tech / Research Lab 103.8
17 AD109 Bioprocess Engineering lab 138.23
18 AD301 Biotech Faculty Room 47.33
19 AD307 UG Biotech Classroom 89.40
20 AD308A Counseling Room / Dept Library 10.38
21 AD309 Bioinformatics Lab 68.7
22 AD310A Mammalian Cell Culture facility 23.3
23 AD310B UG Biotech Classroom 137.45
24 AD312 PG Biotech Classroom 70.10

Academic Year 2024-25

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Programme Date Duration of the Programme Name of the Resource Person Designation of the Resource Person Name of the Institute/Industry Number of Participants Nature of participants- Faculty/Students/Research Scholars/Industry Person
1 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Opportunities and Persisting avenues in Clinical Research and Data Management 19/9/2024 ½ day Mr. Vasanth Kumar Padmanabhan and Team NA AstraZeneca and Sanofi Healthcare India Private Limited 200 Faculty & Students
2 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar One credit course on “Informatics Tools and Techniques in Regulatory Affairs and Drug Discovery” 21/9/2024 & 22/9/2024 2 days Dr. Saravanan Ilangovan Associate Directo Elanco Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 45 Students
3 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar One credit course on “Computerized System Validation in Biopharmaceutical Processes” 28/9/2024 & 29/9/2024 2 days Dr. Saravanan Ilangovan Associate Directo Elanco Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 45 Students
4 Dr.S.Nithya Priya Founder’s Memorial Day Outreach Programme for school students on Healthy food eating habit-Chinnavedampatti Govt. School, Coimbatore 9/10/2024 1/2 day Dr.S.Nithya Priya AP III KCT 40 School students
5 Dr.Padhmanand Sudhakar Master Class with on “Inflammatory Bowel Disease” 19/08/2024 1/2 day Prof. Dr. Severine Vermeire, KU Leuven, Belgium AP III KCT 180 Faculty & Students


Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Programme Date Duration of the Programme Name of the Resource Person Designation of the Resource Person Name of the Institute/Industry Number of Participants Nature of participants- Faculty/Students/Research Scholars/Industry Person
1 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Organized and conducted (Coordinator) One day National level Students’ Technical Symposium on “Contemporary Biotechnical Solutions for Societal Issues [CBSSI’ 23’]” 13/10/2023 1 day NA NA NA 50 Students and Faculty members
2 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Expert talk Session in collaboration with IIC, KCT entitled “Next best Version (NBV)” 27/4/2024 ½ day Dr. Chella Pandian Pitchai Global Head (DEI, Culture, Values & Belongingness) Biocon Biologics, Bengaluru 40 Students and Faculty members
3 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Expert talk Session in collaboration with IIC, KCT entitled entitled “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Steps” 23/8/2023 ½ day Dr. J. Fathima Benazir Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder Azooka Labs, Bengaluru 53 Students and Faculty members
4 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Expert talk Session (A core placement training initiative) entitled “Expected Employable Skillsets for Pharma and Biotech Industries” 18/7/2023 ½ day Mr. M. Kannan Manager Healthium Medtech Ltd, Bengaluru 50 Students and Faculty members
5 Dr.S.Nithya Priya Value added course on Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology 15/12/2023 to 16/12/2023 2 days Dr.S.Nithya Priya AP III Kumaraguru College of technology 20 Students


Academic Year 2022-23

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Programme Date Duration of the Programme Name of the Resource Person Designation of the Resource Person Name of the Institute/Industry Number of Participants Nature of participants- Faculty/Students/Research Scholars/Industry Person
1 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Expert talk on “Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), and Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer” in collaboration with IIC, KCT 24/3/2023 Half-a-day Dr. Pavithra Somasundaram Proprietrix Sri Yoganarasimha International, Coimbatore 63 Students and Faculty members
2 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Motivational Session by a Successful Entrepreneur on “My Story” in collaboration with IIC, KCT 1/2/2023 Half-a-day Mrs. Madhumitha Haresh Founder and Proprietor Earthcare Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore 85 Students and Faculty members
3 Dr.N. Saraswathy Workshop on thermal analysis of materials using TGA and DSC 18/2/2023 1 day Dr.H.Arul Ap & Head, SFS( Physics), KCT 12 Technical support staffs
4 Dr.N. Saraswathy Workshop on project report writing 17/3/2023 1 day Dr.K.Kumaravel and Mr.P.Muthukumaran AP-III and AP II BT, KCT 25 Students
5 Dr.S.Nithya Priya Value added course on Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology 5/5/.2023 to 6/5/2023 2 days Dr.S.Nithya Priya AP III Kumaraguru College of technology 20 Students


Academic Year 2021-22

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Programme Date Duration of the Programme Name of the Resource Person Designation of the Resource Person Name of the Institute/Industry Number of Participants Nature of participants- Faculty/Students/Research Scholars/Industry Person
1 Dr.T.Sathish Kumar Second National Workshop on in-vitro cell culture screening of natural products organised by Department of Biotechnology, KCT from 27th to 29th May 2022. 27/5/2022 to 29/5/2022 3 days Dr. T. Sathish Kumar AP III KCT 25 1
2 Dr.T.Sathish Kumar Developed and conducted one credit value added course (VAC2110 MS Excel in Biology) 6/9/2021 to 2/10/2021 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar AP III KCT 35 2
3 Dr.T.Sathish Kumar Organized and conducted one day physical mode training on “Applications and analysis of data using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)” 18/12/2021 1 day Dr. T. Sathish Kumar AP III KCT 12 3
4 Dr.T.Sathish Kumar Organized and moderated an expert talk in collobration with IIC, KCT entitled “Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), and Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer 26/2/2022 1 day Dr. V. M. Bharathikumar Senior Scientist Drug Product Development, Janssen R&D, Johnson & Johnson, USA 66 4
5 Dr.S.Nithyapriya Value added course on Fruit and Vegetable processing held on 8th and 9th May 2022(Batch I) and 28th and 29th May 2022(Batch II). 28/5/2022-29/5/2022 30 hours Dr.S.Nithya Priya AP III KCT 19 5
6 Dr.N.Saraswathy Guest Lecture on Sugar Processing in In India 20/12/2022 1 day Mr.N.Gopalakrishnan consultant for sugar industries, Coimbatore consultant for sugar industries 49 6
and Abroad
7 Dr.N.Saraswathy Workshop on fluroscence spectroscopy and contact angle techniques 20/12/2022 1 day Dr.H.arul and Dr.Geetha Karthi AP-III and ASP KCT 16 7


  • Natural Products
  • Healthcare and Nutrition
  • Bioprocess Technology
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Bioinformatics

Research Centre Affiliation details:

The Department is an Anna University Approved Research Center for Research since April 2009.

Supervisor Recognition No. Supervisor Name Department Name Recognized Department Code Date of Joining in the College/ Institute Date of Joining in the current Department Area of Expertise (in keywords)
Date Designation Date Designation
2370546 Dr. N. Saraswathy Biotechnology 4271202 24.06.2005 Professor 24.06.2005 Professor Plant Biotechnology, Medical textiles
3150002 Dr. P. Ramalingam Biotechnology 4271202 30.04.2004 Professor 30.04.2004 Professor Environmental Biotechnology & Enzyme Technology
2270071 Dr. R. Baskar Biotechnology 4271202 01.01.2009 Associate Professor 01.01.2009 Associate Professor Antioxidants, Medicinal plants
2370280 Dr.K.Kumaresan Biotechnology 4271202 09.07.2008 Associate Professor 09.07.2008 Associate Professor Microbiology, Natural product research, and Nutraceutical Biotechnology
2650002 Dr. M.Shanmugaprakash Biotechnology 4271202 27.06.2013 Lecturer 13.06.2005 Associate Professor Environmental  Biotechnology, Sustainable Biotechnology and Biotextiles
2550008 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Biotechnology 4271202 06.09.2016 Assistant Professor-II 06.09.2016 Assistant Professor-III Wastewater treatment, Bioremediation and Food Processing
2950007 Dr.K.Ram Biotechnology 4271202 13.06.2016 Assistant Professor-II 13.06.2016 Assistant Professor-III Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
2850009 Dr.A.Thirumurugan Biotechnology 4271202 18.07.2013 Assistant Professor 18.07.2013 Assistant Professor-II Bioprocess Technology, Food Technology, Nanotechnology, and Bioseparation


Feature Count
Number of Faculty with Ph.D 14
Total citations of the Department (Google Scholar) 13137
H-index of the Department 176
i10-index of the Department 241

Academic Year 2024-25

S.No Faculty Name Paper Details
1 Dr.Vinohar Stephen Rapheal Lakshmi S. G., Gomez L. A. M., Rapheal V. S., Kumar S. M. “A laboratory assessment of the potential of entomopathogenic fungi against rice moth Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)” . International Journal of Entomology Research, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 10-16
2 Dr. N. Saraswathy Veerichetty, V &Nachimuthu,, S. (2024). In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Fucoidan from Sargassum wightii. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 86(3).
3 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Senthil, K. K., Muthukumaran, V., Thirumalai, R., Sathishkumar, T., & Santhosh, S. (2024). Investigation of surface hardness of AISI 316l SS from QPQ complex salt bath treatment process using response surface methodology. In Challenges and Opportunities in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering: A Progressive Research Outlook (pp. 841-849). CRC Press. (Book Chapter)
4 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Kabila N, Thirumurugan A, Antony V Samrot, Prakash P. Preparation of Starch Nanocrystals from Cassava Peel and Their Use as Carrier System for Quercetin. 2024. Accepted for Publication in Vegetos – An International Journal of Plant Research and Biotechnology.
5 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Kuppusamy, B., Gopalakrishnan, S., Natesan, S., Rajamohan, N., Rajasimman, M., Yusuf, M., &Kamyab, H. (2024). Valorization of sugarcane bagasse cellulose to synthesize novel graphene oxide-based composite for remediation of atrazine–Optimization studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(3), 112767.
6 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Karuppannan, S. (2024). Influence of domestic food waste intrusion on microbes producing cellulose. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-10.
7 Dr. K. Ram Arumugam, M., Pachamuthu, R. S., Rymbai, E., Jha, A. P., Rajagopal, K., Kothandan, R., … & Selvaraj, D. (2024). Gene network analysis combined with preclinical studies to identify and elucidate the mechanism of action of novel irreversible Keap1 inhibitor for Parkinson’s disease. Molecular Diversity, 1-18.
8 Dr. K. Ram Admane, N., Kothandan, R., & Biswas, S. (2024). Amyloid transformations of phenol soluble modulin α1 in Staphylococcus aureus and their modulation deploying a prenylated chalcone. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 18587.
9 Dr.K.Kumaravel Sivaramalingam, S. S., Jothivel, D., Govindarajan, D. K., Kadirvelu, L., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Chithiraiselvan, D. D., & Kandaswamy, K. (2024). Structural and functional insights of sortases and their interactions with antivirulence compounds. Current Research in Structural Biology, 100152.
10 Dr.K.Kumaravel Ragupathi, H., Pushparaj, M. M., Gopi, S. M., Govindarajan, D. K., & Kandaswamy, K. (2024). Biofilm matrix: a multifaceted layer of biomolecules and a defensive barrier against antimicrobials. Archives of Microbiology, 206(11), 432.
11 Dr.K.Kumaravel Govindarajan, D. K., Eskeziyaw, B. M., Kandaswamy, K., & Mengistu, D. Y. (2024). Diagnosis of Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli pathogenesis in urinary tract infection. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 100296.
12 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Salomon, B., Sudhakar, P., Bergemalm, D., Andersson, E., Grännö, O., Carlson, M.,&Halfvarson, J. (2024). Characterisation of IBD heterogeneity using serum proteomics: A multicentre study. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, jjae169.
13 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, V., Saravanabavan, I., & Pradeep, A. (2024). dentification of bioactive compounds by GC-MS of Nelumbo nucifera leaf extract and virtual screening of EGFR/VEGFR2 dual inhibitors. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 21(3), 821.
14 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Vaishnavi Bose, V. V., Balaganesan, V., & Govindaraj, G. (2024). In silico analysis of astaxanthin and ellagic acid as inhibitors of UV-induced MAPK pathway in melanoma carcinogenesis. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 14(3).
15 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, V. P. A., & Saravanabavan, I. (2024). Identification of bioactive compounds by GC-MS of Nelumbo nucifera leaf extract and virtual screening of EGFR/VEGFR2 dual inhibitors. Biotech Research Asia, 21(3).
16 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, H. M., Sivaraman, V., Jeyasaravanan, L., & Dharmalingam, T. (2024). Evaluation of pomegranate seed extract as a tyrosinase inhibitor for hyperpigmentation treatment. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 58(3), 965–975.
17 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, V., Saravanabavan, I., Pradeep, A., & Abiraamasundari, R. (2024). Development of gummy bear supplements and in vitro exploration of antioxidant and antiproliferative potential of nuciferine. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 15(1), 100868.

Academic Year 2023-24

S.No. Faculty Name Paper Details
1 Dr.Shanmugaprakash Muthuvelu, K. S., Ethiraj, B., Pramnik, S., Raj, N. K., Venkataraman, S., Rajendran, D. S., … & Muthusamy, S. (2023). Biopreservative technologies of food: An alternative to chemical preservation and recent developments. Food Science and Biotechnology, 32(10), 1337-1350.
2 Dr.S.Nithya Priya Nithyapriya, S., Thenmozhi, G., Prabhakaran, A., & Ram, N. (2023, June). IoT based Quality detection of fruits using Infra-red sensing method. In 2023 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
3 Dr.S.Nithya Priya Nithyapriya, S., Thenmozhi, G., Abarna, S., &Shanmugaraja, P. (2023, February). Study on the Freshness of Apple using Electrical Property-A Non-Destructive Method. In 2023 Fifth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
4 Mr.P. Muthukumaran Danya, U., Sagayaraj, C., Yaazhini, J., Ramachandran, B., Aravind, J., & Muthukumaran, P. (2024). Characterization techniques<? index value=” techniques”?> for carbon-based adsorbents and carbon composites. Physical Sciences Reviews..
5 Mr.P. Muthukumaran Muthukumaran, P., Sridhar, S., & Aravind, J. (2023). Biodecoloration of Synthetic Reactive Red and Reactive Black Dyes by Using Aspergillus niger and Pleurotus ostreatus. In Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Avenues in Nano and Biotechnology (pp. 79-86). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
6 Mr.P. Muthukumaran Muthukumaran, P., & Karthika, S. (2023). Performance of Lead (Pb) Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Tannery Waste Discharge Site. In Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Avenues in Nano and Biotechnology (pp. 25-33). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
7 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Srisugamathi, G., Thirumurugan, A., Samrot, A. V., Sengupta, P., Dutta, S., & Remya, R. R. (2023). Development of nanocellulose-based composite derived from wood waste of Azadirachta indica for food packaging application. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-9.
8 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Shobana, N., Prakash, P., Samrot, A. V., Saigeetha, S., Dhiva, S., Thirumurugan, A. & Abirami, S. (2024). Natural biopolymer mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its applications in environmental remediation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-14.
9 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Ramya, E., Thirumurugan, A., Govindan, N., Aravind, J., &Gobikrishnan, S. (2023). Photocatalytic Degradation of Reactive Orange M2R Using Green Route Synthesized Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Its Optimization Studies. In Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Avenues in Nano and Biotechnology (pp. 131-145). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
10 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Karthikeyan, M., Blessy, V., &Thirumurugan, A. (2023). Catalytic Degradation of 4-Nitrophenol and Organic Dyes Using Silver and Platinum Nanoparticles Synthesized by Plant Extracts. In Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Avenues in Nano and Biotechnology (pp. 1-6). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
11 Dr Ram K Chakkittukandiyil, A., Chakraborty, S., Kothandan, R., Rymbai, E., Muthu, S. K., Vasu, S., … & Selvaraj, D. (2023). Side effects based network construction and drug repositioning of ropinirole as a potential molecule for Alzheimer’s disease: an in-silico, in-vitro, and in-vivo study. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-15.
12 Dr Ram K Rymbai, E., Sugumar, D., Chakkittukandiyil, A., Kothandan, R., Selvaraj, J., & Selvaraj, D. (2023). The identification of cianidanol as a selective estrogen receptor beta agonist and evaluation of its neuroprotective effects on Parkinson’s disease models. Life Sciences, 333, 122144.
13 Dr Ram K Bhat, A. S., Chakkittukandiyil, A., Muthu, S. K., Kotha, S., Muruganandham, S., Rajagopal, K., … & Selvaraj, D. (2024). Network-based drug repositioning of linagliptin as a potential agent for uterine fibroids targeting transforming growth factor-beta mediated fibrosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 149611.
14 Dr Ram K Rymbai, E., Sugumar, D., Chakkittukandiyil, A., Kothandan, R., & Selvaraj, D. (2024). Molecular insights into the potential effects of selective estrogen receptor β agonists in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Cell Biochemistry and Function, 42(3), e4014.
15 Dr.K.Kumaravel Govindarajan, D. K., & Kandaswamy, K. (2023). Antimicrobial peptides: A small molecule for sustainable healthcare applications. Medicine in Microecology, 100090.
16 Dr.K.Kumaravel Kadirvelu, L., Sivaramalingam, S. S., Jothivel, D., Chithiraiselvan, D. D., Govindarajan, D. K., & Kandaswamy, K. (2024). A review on antimicrobial strategies in mitigating biofilm-associated infections on medical implants. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 100231.
17 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, V. V., & Veerabhuvaneshwari, I. S. (2023). Molecular docking study of nuciferine as a tyrosinase inhibitor and its therapeutic potential for hyperpigmentation. Genomics & Informatics, 21(3), e43, 1-13.
18 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Muruganandam, A. R., Venkatasubramanian, S., Jagmag, S. A., & Veerichetty, V. (2023). Antityrosinase activity of phycocyanin and cream formulation for hyperpigmentation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1291(1), 012039.
19 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Bose, V. B. S. C., Balaganesan, V., Govindaraj, G., & Veerichetty, V. (2023). Cellular antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of astaxanthin and ellagic acid on UV-irradiated skin melanoma cells and gel formulation. Materials Today: Proceedings.
20 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, I. S. A. P. (2023). Formulation and evaluation of ointment for acne treatment. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 23(02), 050-060.
21 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Baarathi, V. V. A. G., & Subash Chandra Bose, V. B. (2023). Anti-tyrosinase activity of astaxanthin cream formulation for hyperpigmentation. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications, 8(2).
22 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, R. A., & Saravanabavan, I. (2023). In silico kinase inhibition profiling of BRAF and AKT signaling in melanoma cells with nuciferine. Journal of Phytopharmacology, 12(3), 152-163.
23 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Verstockt, B., Verstockt, S., Cremer, J., Sabino, J., Ferrante, M., Vermeire, S., Sudhakar, P. (2023).   Distinct transcriptional signatures in purified circulating immune cells drive heterogeneity in disease location in IBD. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 10 (1), e001003.
24 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Wellens, J., Verstockt, B., Ferrante, M., Sabino, J., Vermeire, S. (2023). Holistic healthcare in inflammatory bowel disease: time for patient-centric approaches? Gut 72 (1), 192-204

Academic Year 2022-23

S.No Faculty Name Paper Details
1 Dr. N. Saraswathy Ponnusamy, R., Kumaravel, V., &Nachimuthu, S. (2022, November). Synthesis of cellulose acetate, cellulose propionate and cellulose butyrate for the removal of synthetic dyes. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
2 Dr. N. Saraswathy Saraswathy, N., Manojkumar, A., Kamali, M., Akila, S., Dymphan, F. G., Balaji, S., & Ramalingam, P. (2022, November). In situ forming alginate dialdehyde–Gelatin hydrogel containing cyclodextrin–curcumin accelerates in vivo wound healing. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
3 Dr. N. Saraswathy Saraswathy, N., Manojkumar, A., Kamali, M., Akila, S., Dymphan, F. G., Balaji, S., & Ramalingam, P. (2022, November). Studies on release kinetics of curcumin from alginate dialdehyde hydrogel. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
4 Dr. N. Saraswathy Dharani, S., Ramalingam, P., Priya, P., Basavaraju, S., & Saraswathy, N. (2022, November). Extraction of lutein from targeteserecta using deep eutectic solvents. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
6 Dr. R. Baskar Gurumallesh, P., Ramakrishnan, B., &Dhurai, B. (2022, November). Banana peel metalloprotease characterizations. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
7 Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash George, J., Rajendran, D. S., Venkataraman, S., Rathankumar, A. K., Saikia, K., Muthusamy, S., & Vaidyanathan, V. K. (2022). Insolubilization of Tramates versicolor laccase as cross-linked enzyme aggregates for the remediation of trace organic contaminants from municipal wastewater. Environmental Research, 209, 112882.
8 Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash Muthusamy, S., Anandharaj, S. J., Kumar, P. S., Meganathan, Y., Vo, D. V. N., Vaidyanathan, V. K., & Muthusamy, S. (2022). Microbial pullulan for food, biomedicine, cosmetic, and water treatment: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20(5), 3199-3234.
9 Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash Ethiraj, B., Raihan, T., Sarmin, S., Karim, A., Khan, M. M. R., Muthuvelu, K. S., … & Islam, M. A. (2023). Strategies to Enhance Biobutanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass. In Microbiology of Green Fuels (pp. 156-176). CRC Press.
10 Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash Rajendran, D. S., Chidambaram, A., Kumar, P. S., Venkataraman, S., Muthusamy, S., Vo, D. V. N., … & Vaidyanathan, V. K. (2023). Three-phase partitioning for the separation of proteins, enzymes, biopolymers, oils and pigments: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 21(2), 911-934.
11 Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash shokkumar, R., Gnanam, S., Kannan, K. S., Shanmugaprakash, M., & Karthikeyan, S. (2022, November). Chelating agent assisted barium titanate (BaTiO3) nanoparticles by hydrothermal process. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
12 Dr K. Kumaresan Subitha, T., Manju, R., & Kumaresan, K. (2023). Development of bacterial consortia from traditional lime mortar for the preparation of sustainable and strength-enhanced concrete: A solution for heavy metal toxic concrete. GLOBAL NEST JOURNAL, 25(4), 180-184.
13 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Suvetha, S. P., Sathishkumar, T., Kumaraesan, K., Rapheal, V. S., Muthukumaran, V., & Thirugnanam, N. (2022). Purified novel and new diferuloyl glycerate related phenolic acid from Pandanus odoratissimus flowers shows antioxidant, invertase inhibition and control against diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) causing bacterial pathogens-An in vitro study to establish an effective regulation over type 2 diabetes mellitus. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 58, e19484.
14 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Arun, A. V., Soundaram, R., Sathishkumar, T., Kumaresan, K., Rapheal, V. S., & Thirugnanam, N. (2023). Purified Stigmasterol Related Novel Phytosterol from Chrysopogonzizanioides (L.) Roberty Root Extract Exhibits Strong Cholesterol Esterase (CEase) and Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) Causing Bacterial Pathogens Inhibitory Properties. Current Bioactive Compounds, 19(2), 79-92.
15 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Varshini, R. A., Sathishkumar, T., Kumaresan, K., &Thirumurugan, A. (2022, November). In silico sequence analysis of urease from Klebsiella aerogenes. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
16 Dr. D.R. Manimaran Manimaran, D. R., Swetha, E., Iswaryalakshmi, S., &Sivamani, S. (2022, November). Optimization of inulin extraction from roots of Cichorium intybus. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
17 Dr. D.R. Manimaran Manimaran, D. R., Mithra, K., Keerthana, M., Priyamvatha, V. B., &Sivamani, S. (2022, November). Bioleaching of valuable metals from e-waste. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
18 P. Muthukumaran Manikandan, A., Muthukumaran, P., Poorni, S., Priya, M., Rajeswari, R., Kamaraj, M., & Aravind, J. (2022). Microbial approaches for bioconversion of agro-industrial wastes: A review. Strategies and Tools for Pollutant Mitigation: Research Trends in Developing Nations, 151-180. (Book Chapter)
19 P. Muthukumaran Muthukumaran, P., Arvind, J., Kamaraj, M., & Manikandan, A. (2022). Algal-sourced biostimulants and biofertilizer for sustainable agriculture and soil enrichment: Algae for fertilizers and soil conditioners. In Algal Biorefineries and the Circular Bioeconomy (pp. 211-235). CRC Press. (Book Chapter)
20 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Balasubramani, K., Sivarajasekar, N., Sarojini, G., & Naushad, M. (2023). Removal of antidiabetic pharmaceutical (metformin) using graphene oxide microcrystalline cellulose (GOMCC): insights to process optimization, equilibrium, kinetics, and machine learning. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(11), 4713-4728.
21 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Rambabu, K., Bharath, G., Sivarajasekar, N., Velu, S., Sudha, P. N., Wongsakulphasatch, S., & Banat, F. (2023). Sustainable production of bio-jet fuel and green gasoline from date palm seed oil via hydroprocessing over tantalum phosphate. Fuel, 331, 125688.
22 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Govindarajan, D. K., Viswalingam, N., Meganathan, Y., Devaraj, B. S., Sivamani, S., &Sivarajasekar, N. (2022, November). Response surface methodology optimization for extraction of pectin from waste rinds of Citrus medica. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
23 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Krishnan, M. H., Kumar, S. K., Sivarajasekar, N., Maran, J. P., Venkatachalamand, M., &Ponmurugan, K. (2022, November). Statistical optimization of media composition for synthesis of bacterial cellulose nanoparticles. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
24 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Jayalakshmi, A., Sivarajasekar, N., Kumar, M., & Mekala, V. (2022, November). Growth kinetics of cellulose producing bacteria. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
25 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Sivarajasekar, N., & Nikitha, D. Millet Seeds-Production Technology, Harvesting and Post Harvesting Harvest Management, Processing, and Storage. (Book Chapter)
26 Dr. N. Sivarajasekar Sivamani, S., Binnal, P., Roy, C., Al Khaldi, A., Al Hamar, F., Maran, J. P. & Karuppiah, P. (2023). Optimization and characterization of pectin recovered from Persea americana peel using statistical and non-statistical techniques. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (13) 6501–6514
27 Dr. K. Ram Forona, B., Ramakrishnan, S., Keerthieswar, V., Sowmiya, S., Swetha, S., & Ram, K. (2022, November). Taxonomic and functional metagenomic profiling of microbial communities in urine sample. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
28 Dr. K. Ram Neelakumar, U. D., Gurusamy, S., &Kothandan, R. (2022, November). Techno-economic analysis of low-cost recombinant beta-glucosidase enzyme using Escherichia coli. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2446, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
29 Dr. K. Ram Chenthamara, D., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Ramakrishnan, S. G., Esakkimuthu, S., Kothandan, R., & Subramaniam, S. (2022). Improved laccase production from Pleurotus floridanus using deoiled microalgal biomass: statistical and hybrid swarm-based neural networks modeling approach. 3 Biotech, 12(12), 346.
30 Dr. K. Ram Poojara, L., K, R., & Rawal, R. M. (2023). Computational approaches screening DNA aptamers against conserved outer membrane protein W of Vibrio cholerae O1-an investigation expanding the potential for point-of-care detection with aptasensors. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 41(23), 14438-14449.
31 Dr. K. Ram Admane, N., Kothandan, R., Syed, S., & Biswas, S. (2023). A quinoline alkaloid potentially modulates the amyloidogenic structural transitions of the biofilm scaffolding small basic protein. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 41(4), 1366-1377.
32 Dr.K.Kumaravel Govindarajan, D. K., Meghanathan, Y., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Kothandan, R., Muthusamy, A., Seviour, T. W., & Kandaswamy, K. (2022). Enterococcus faecalis thrives in dual-species biofilm models under iron-rich conditions. Archives of Microbiology, 204(12), 710.
33 Dr.K.Kumaravel Kaushik, L., Sarangan, D., Govindarajan, D. K., Muthumanickam, S., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Kothandan, R., … & Kandaswamy, K. (2022). Image analysis reveals cellular fragmentation of Spirulina platensis upon treatment with heavy metal ions. Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication, 4(1), 49-54.
34 Dr.K.Kumaravel Sivakumar, S., Sithivinayagam, A., Krishnasamy, B., Govindarajan, D. K., Kothandan, R., & Kandaswamy, K. (2023). A sustainable approach to control biofilms infections and reduce medical waste: catheters coated with antibiotics inhibit single and dual-species biofilms. Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication, 5(1), 50-56.
35 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, V., & Rafi, A. S. M. (2022). Comparative antioxidant capacity of fucoidan batches extracted from Sargassum species. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2446(1).
36 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Muruganandam, V. V. A., Sivagurunathan, K. A., & Kurichi, S. (2022). Preliminary analysis and applications of bio-enzymes from fermented vegetable and fruit peel wastes. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 13(73).
37 Mrs. V. Veerabhuvaneshwari Gururaj, V. V. D. (2022). Comparative study on in vitro release kinetics of gallic acid β cyclodextrin complex and gallic acid pluronic-loaded films. Materials Today: Proceedings.
38 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Gul, L., Modos, D., Fonseca, Sonia., Madgwick, M., Thomas, JP., Sudhakar, S., Booth, C., Stentz, R., Carding, SR., Korcsmaros, T. (2022). Extracellular vesicles produced by the human commensal gut bacterium Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron affect host immune pathways in a cell-type specific manner that are altered in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 88-16e00 533-22.
39 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Csabai, L., Fazekas, D., Kadlecsik, T., Szalay-Bekő, M., Bohár, B., Madgwick, M., Módos, D., Ölbei, M., Gul, L., Sudhakar, P., Kubisch, J., Oyeyemi, O. J., Liska, O., Ari, E., Hotzi, B., Billes, V. A., Molnár, E., Földvári-Nagy, L., Csályi, K., … Korcsmáros, T. (2022). SignaLink3: A multi-layered resource to uncover tissue-specific signaling networks. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(D1), D701–D709.
40 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Alsoud, D., Wellens, J., Verstockt, S., Arnauts, K., Verstockt, B., & Vermeire, S. (2022). Tailoring multi-omics to inflammatory bowel diseases: All for one and one for all. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 16(8), 1306–1320.
41 Dr. Padmanand Sudhakar Brooks-Warburton, J., Modos, D., Sudhakar, P., Madgwick, M., Thomas, J. P., Bohar, B., Fazekas, D., Zoufir, A., Kapuy, O., Szalay-Beko, M., Verstockt, B., Hall, L. J., Watson, A., Tremelling, M., Parkes, M., Vermeire, S., Bender, A., Carding, S. R., & Korcsmaros, T. (2022). A systems genomics approach to uncover patient-specific pathogenic pathways and proteins in ulcerative colitis. Nature Communications, 13, 2299.
42 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Stentz, R., Jones, E., Juodeikis, R., Wegmann, U., Guirro, M., Goldson, A. J., Brion, A., Booth, C., Sudhakar, P., Brown, I. R., Korcsmáros, T., & Carding, S. R. (2022). The proteome of extracellular vesicles produced by the human gut bacteria Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in vivo is influenced by environmental and host-derived factors. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88(16), e00776-22.
43 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Arnauts, K., Sudhakar, P., Verstockt, S., Lapierre, C., Potche, S., Caenepeel, C., Verstockt, B., Raes, J., Vermeire, S., Sabino, J., Verfaillie, C., & Ferrante, M. (2022). Microbiota, not host origin, drives ex vivo intestinal epithelial responses. Gut Microbes, 14(1), 2017774.
44 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Andrighetti, T., Verstockt, S., Caenepeel, C., Ferrante, M., Sabino, J., Verstockt, B., & Vermeire, S. (2022). Integrated analysis of microbe-host interactions in Crohn’s disease reveals potential mechanisms of microbial proteins on host gene expression. Cell iScience, 25(5), 103963.
45 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Keersmaekers, B., Stiers, R., De Dycker, E., Geens, P., Paps, A., Lambrechts, T., Wellens, J., Sabino, J., Ferrante, M., Vermeire, S., & Verstockt, B. (2022). Profiling the use of complementary alternative medicines among inflammatory bowel disease patients: Results from a single center survey. GastroHep, 2022(1), 9919542.
46 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Olbei, M., Bohár, B., Fazekas, D., Madgwick, M., Sudhakar, P., Hautefort, I., Métris, A., Baranyi, J., Kingsley, R. A., & Korcsmáros, T. (2022). Multilayered networks of SalmoNet2 enable strain comparisons of the Salmonella genus on a molecular level. mSystems, 7(4), e01493-21

Academic Year 2021-22

S.No Faculty Name Paper Details
1 Dr. N. Saraswathy Nachimuthu, S., Kandasamy, R., Ponnusamy, R., Dhanasekaran, M., Thilagar, S. (2021). Neurotoxicity of Polyherbal Formulations: Challenges and Potential Solutions. In: Agrawal, D.C., Dhanasekaran, M. (eds) Medicinal Herbs and Fungi. Springer, Singapore. (Book Chapter)
2 Dr K Kumaresan Kuppamuthu, K., Gopalakrishnan, S., Sivasamy, R. K., Alagu, T., & Thiyagarajan, S. (2022). Fortification of soy milk with prebiotic natural ß-glucan derived from edible mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 157-163.
3 Dr K Kumaresan Kumarasamy Sivasamy, R., Kuppamuthu, K., Krishnasamy Nagaraj, L., Manikandan, S. P., Kulandaivel, R., & Bastin, J. G. (2022). Utilizing Organic Wastes for Probiotic and Bioproduct Development: A Sustainable Approach for Management of Organic Waste. In Strategies and Tools for Pollutant Mitigation: Research Trends in Developing Nations (pp. 3-28). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
4 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Shree, V. S., Sathishkumar, T., Kumaresan, K., Rapheal, V. S., Muthukumaran, P., & Muthukumaran, V. (2021). Therapeutic effects of purified polyphenols from Coccinia grandis: correlation between hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 21(3), 579–590. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13596-020-00485-z
5 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Extraction process optimization of flavonoid and in vitro amylase inhibitory effect of purified quercetin derivative from Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tubers. (2022). Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 12(4): 544:556. https://doi.org/10.56042/ijnpr.v12i4.25625
6 Dr. T. Sathish Kumar Sathishkumar, T., Uthaiah, M. B., Varshith, R. V., Kumaresan, K., & Rapheal, V. S. (2022). Evaluation of in vitro Cholesterol Esterase Inhibitory Activity of Few Selected Vegetables – An Indication of Cardioprotective Property. Pharmacognosy Research, 14(2), 188–194. https://doi.org/10.5530/pres.14.2.27
7 Mr. P. Muthukumaran Muthukumaran, P., Suresh Babu, P., Karthikeyan, S., Kamaraj, M., & Aravind, J. (2021). Tailored natural polymers: a useful eco-friendly sustainable tool for the mitigation of emerging pollutants: a review. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18(8), 2491-2510.
8 Mr. P. Muthukumaran Manikandan, A., Suresh Babu, P., Shyamalagowri, S., Kamaraj, M., Muthukumaran, P., & Aravind, J. (2022). Emerging role of microalgae in heavy metal bioremediation. Journal of basic microbiology, 62(3-4), 330-347.
9 Mr. P. Muthukumaran Anitha, V., Balakumaran, A., Ramprakash, V. V., Vinothini, A. V., Muthukumaran, P., & Jeyaseelan, A. (2021). Biosorption of Ni (II) Using Seeds of Mirabilis Jalapa. Bioremediation and Green Technologies: Sustainable Approaches to Mitigate Environmental Impacts, 55-66. (Book Chapter)
10 Mr.P. Muthukumaran Vijayalekshmi, V., Muthukumaran, P., & Jeyaseelan, A. (2021). Screening, Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Biosurfactants Producing S erratia Marcescens from Petrochemical Exposed Site. Bioremediation and Green Technologies: Sustainable Approaches to Mitigate Environmental Impacts, 243-255. (Book Chapter)
11 Mr.P. Muthukumaran Muthukumaran, P., Aravind, J., Kamaraj, M., & Ramachandran, K. K. (2021). Recent Trends in Application of Bacterial Polymers to Mitigate Organic and Inorganic Pollutants. Strategies and Tools for Pollutant Mitigation: Avenues to a Cleaner Environment, 137-149. (Book Chapter)
12 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Ganesan Anusiya, AlaguThirumurugan, Thyagarajan Sathishkumar, Kuppamuthu Kumaresan, Rengaraj Jaiganesh (2022). Strategy towards Active Food Packaging Material from Cellulose Nanoparticles and its Characterization. Published in Letters in Applied Nanobioscience, 11 (4), 4255 – 4262, 2022.
13 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Aravind, J., Kamaraj, M., Muthukumaran, P., Thirumurugan, A., & Ramachandran, K. K. (2021). Plant polysaccharides-based adsorbents. In Natural Polymers-Based Green Adsorbents for Water Treatment (pp. 53-72). Elsevier. (Book Chapter)
14 Dr.N. Siva Rajasekar Faisal, A. A., Ahmed, D. N., Rezakazemi, M., Sivarajasekar, N., & Sharma, G. (2021). Cost-effective composite prepared from sewage sludge waste and cement kiln dust as permeable reactive barrier to remediate simulated groundwater polluted with tetracycline. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(3), 105194.
15 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Muthusaravanan, S., Balasubramani, K., Suresh, R., Ganesh, R. S., Sivarajasekar, N., Arul, H., … & Banat, F. (2021). Adsorptive removal of noxious atrazine using graphene oxide nanosheets: Insights to process optimization, equilibrium, kinetics, and density functional theory calculations. Environmental Research, 200, 111428.
16 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Udayakumar, G. P., Muthusamy, S., Selvaganesh, B., Sivarajasekar, N., Rambabu, K., Banat, F., … & Show, P. L. (2021). Biopolymers and composites: Properties, characterization and their applications in food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105322.
17 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Rajeshkumar, G., Seshadri, S. A., Devnani, G. L., Sanjay, M. R., Siengchin, S., Maran, J. P., … & Anuf, A. R. (2021). Environment friendly, renewable and sustainable poly lactic acid (PLA) based natural fiber reinforced composites–A comprehensive review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 310, 127483.
18 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Udayakumar, G. P., Muthusamy, S., Selvaganesh, B., Sivarajasekar, N., Rambabu, K., Sivamani, S., … & Hosseini-Bandegharaei, A. (2021). Ecofriendly biopolymers and composites: Preparation and their applications in water-treatment. Biotechnology Advances, 52, 107815.
19 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Ramakrishnan, S. G., Robert, B., Salim, A., Ananthan, P., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Subramaniam, S., … & Arasu, M. V. (2021). Nanotechnology based solutions to combat zoonotic viruses with special attention to SARS, MERS, and COVID 19: Detection, protection and medication. Microbial pathogenesis, 159, 105133.
20 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Rambabu, K., AlYammahi, J., Bharath, G., Thanigaivelan, A., Sivarajasekar, N., & Banat, F. (2021). Nano-activated carbon derived from date palm coir waste for efficient sequestration of noxious 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide. Chemosphere, 282, 131103.
21 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Rajkumar, A., Sivarajasekar, N., & Kandasamy, S. (2021). Bio-synthesized silver nanoparticles for effective photo-catalytic degradation of congo red dye in aqueous solutions: optimization studies using response surface methodology. Analytical Chemistry Letters, 11(6), 801-815.
22 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Anusiya, G., Gowthama Prabu, U., Yamini, N. V., Sivarajasekar, N., Rambabu, K., Bharath, G., & Banat, F. (2021). A review of the therapeutic and biological effects of edible and wild mushrooms. Bioengineered 12: 11239–11268.
23 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Poornima, S., Rajivgandhi, G., Maruthupandy, M., Mothana, R. A., Noman, O. M., Nasr, F. A., … & Sivarajasekar, N. (2022). Statistical modeling and optimization for the production of secondary metabolites by lichen mycobiont isolated from Parmotrema austrosinense. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 117, 101760.
24 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Rambabu, K., AlYammahi, J., Thanigaivelan, A., Bharath, G., Sivarajasekar, N., Velu, S., & Banat, F. (2022). Sub-critical water extraction of reducing sugars and phenolic compounds from date palm fruit. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-12.
25 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Sivamani, S., Prasad, B. N., Nithya, K., Sivarajasekar, N., & Hosseini-Bandegharaei, A. (2022). Back-propagation neural network: Box–Behnken design modelling for optimization of copper adsorption on orange zest biochar. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19(5), 4321-4336.
26 Dr.N. Sivarajasekar Sukanya, K., Sivarajasekar, N., & Saranya, K. (2022). Spent filter backwash water treatment by coagulation followed by ultrafiltration. In Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Emerging Technologies for Sustainability (pp. 27-40). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (Book Chapter)
27 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Verstockt, B., Cremer, J., Verstockt, S., Sabino, J., Ferrante, M., & Vermeire, S. (2021). Understanding the molecular drivers of disease heterogeneity in Crohn’s disease using multi-omic data integration and network analysis. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 27(6), 870–886.
28 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Mehta, T. K., Koch, C., Nash, W., Knaack, S. A., Sudhakar, P., Olbei, M., Bastkowski, S., Penso-Dolfin, L., Korcsmáros, T., Haerty, W., Roy, S., & Di-Palma, F. (2021). Evolution of regulatory networks associated with traits under selection in cichlids. Genome Biology, 22, 25.
29 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Sudhakar, P., Machiels, K., Verstockt, B., Korcsmáros, T., & Vermeire, S. (2021). Computational biology and machine learning approaches to understand mechanistic microbiome-host interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 618856.
30 Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Treveil, A., Bohár, B., Sudhakar, P., Gul, L., Csabai, L., Olbei, M., Poletti, M., Madgwick, M., Andrighetti, T., Hautefort, I., Modos, D., & Korcsmáros, T. (2021). ViralLink: An integrated workflow to investigate the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on intracellular signalling and regulatory pathways. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(2), e1008685.

List of Publication before Aug 2019

  1. Shree, V. S., Sathishkumar, T., Kumaresan, K., Rapheal, V. S., Muthukumaran, P., & Muthukumaran, V. (2021). Therapeutic effects of purified polyphenols from Coccinia grandis: correlation between hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 1-12.
  2. Gowthama Prabu, U., Baskar, R., Kumaresan, K., & Poorani, G. (2020). Investigations into the phytochemical profile in the seeds of Elaeocarpus variabilis fruits: A potential untapped source endemic to Western Ghats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9(4), 566-571.
  3. Govindarajan, D. K., Viswalingam, N., Meganathan, Y., & Kandaswamy, K. (2020). Adherence patterns of Escherichia coli in the intestine and its role in pathogenesis. Medicine in Microecology, 100025.
  4. Saravanan, Y., Devaraj, B. S., Velusamy, N. K., Soundirarajan, P. S., & Kandaswamy, K. (2020). Phytochemical Extracts of Leucas aspera and Dahlia pinnata Exhibit Antimicrobial Properties in Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis. Current Biotechnology, 9(4), 297-303.
  5. Dinakari Sarangan, Keerthana Sakthivadivelan, Darsini Thiyagarajan, Apsara Sudhakar, Krithika Balakrishnan, Ram Kothandan, and Kumaravel Kandaswamy. In Silico Screening of Antimicrobial Compounds Using Docked Complexes of Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Peptides. Biosc.Biotech.res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 11 (2020) Pp-47-5.
  6. Gowthama Prabu, U., Anushri, I., Kishor Kumar, B., Saravanan, M., & Baskar, R. (2020). Study on the in vitro antioxidant properties of selected traditional medicinal plants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9(4), 1831-1837.
  7. Faisal, A. A., Ahmed, D. N., Rezakazemi, M., Sivarajasekar, N., & Sharma, G. (2021). Cost-effective composite prepared from sewage sludge waste and cement kiln dust as permeable reactive barrier to remediate simulated groundwater polluted with tetracycline. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(3), 105194.
  8. Udayakumar, G. P., Muthusamy, S., Selvaganesh, B., Sivarajasekar, N., Rambabu, K., Banat, F., … & Show, P. L. (2021). Biopolymers and composites: Properties, characterization and their applications in food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105322.
  9. Kothandan, R., Rajan, C. A. S. G., Arjun, J., Raj, R. R. M., & Syed, S. (2021). Virtual screening of phytochemical compounds as potential inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences, 10(1), 1-7.
  10. Sivaramakrishnan, M., Kandaswamy, K., Natesan, S., Devarajan, R. D., Ramakrishnan, S. G., & Kothandan, R. (2020). Molecular docking and dynamics studies on plasmepsin v of malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 19, 100331.

List of Publications (Last Update Aug 2019)

  1. Sharavanan, V. J., Sivaramakrishnan, M., Kothandan, R., Muthusamy, S., & Kandaswamy, K. (2019). Molecular Docking Studies of Phytochemicals from Leucas aspera Targeting Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis Subcellular Proteins. Pharmacognosy Journal 11(2).
  2. Sivaramakrishnan, M., Sharavanan, V. J., Durairaj, D. R., Kandaswamy, K., Piramanayagam, S., & Kothandan, R. (2019). Screening of curcumin analogues targeting Sortase A enzyme of Enterococcus faecalis: a molecular dynamics approach. Journal of Proteins and Proteomics, 1-11.
  3. Sivaramakrishnan, M., Sharavanan, V. J., Govindarajan, D. K., Meganathan, Y., Devaraj, B. S., Natesan, S., … & Kandaswamy, K. (2019). Green synthesized silver nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extracts of Leucas aspera exhibits antimicrobial and catalytic dye degradation properties. SN Applied Sciences, 1(3), 208.
  4. Janani, K., Sivarajasekar, N., Muthusaravanan, S., Ram, K., Prakashman, J., Sivamani, S., … & Selvaraju, N. (2019). Optimization of EDTA enriched phytoaccumulation of zinc by Ophiopogon japonicus: Comparison of Response Surface, Artificial Neural Network and Random Forest models. Bioresource Technology Reports, 100265.
  5. Balaji, S., Paramasivan, T., Veerabhuvaneshwari,V., Saraswathy, N., Ramalingam,P., Muthukumaran, P., Hannah, J., & Sukanya Devi, R. (2018). Production and Application of α-amylase from Indigenous fungal strain Aspergillus luchuensis bs1. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology,14(3), 215-228.
  6. N,Akshara.R, Elakiya.C, Muthukumaran.P (2016) Comparative evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity and phytochemical screening of leaf abd bark extract of Solanum trilobatum. L. Journal of chemical and pharmacetical research. 8(7) : 198-202.
  7. Sadhasivam Balaji, Thanaraj Paramasivana, Veerichetty Veerabhuvaneshwaria Nachimuthu Saraswathya*, Ponnusamy Ramalingama, Peraman Muthukumarana, Jabamalairaj Hannahb, Ramachandran Sukanya Devi, Production and Application of α-amylase from Indigenous fungal strain Aspergillus luchuensis bs1; Malaysian journal of Microbiology
  8. Saraswathy Nachimuthu*, Sahana Sadhasivam, Balaji Sadhasivam, Veerabhuvaneshwari Veerichetty, Ramalingam Ponnusamy, Muthukumaran Peraman; In Situ Synthesis Of Silk Fibroin Mediated Silver Nanoparticles In Chitosan-Peo Film And Studies On Release Kinetics For Wound Dressing Application; JCPS
  9. Sadhasivam Balaji, Veerichetty Veerabhuvaneshwari *, Nachimuthu Saraswathy, Ponnusamy Ramalingam; Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences
  10. Lakshminarayanan, V., Ponnuswamy, R., & Rengaraju, B. (2015). Screening, Purification and Characterization of β-Glucan from a Novel Strain Bacillus cereus LVK13 (KC 898956). Screening, 8(3), 1156-1162.
  11. R, Karunambika.R.,Ramya.G, Shanthi.R., Sweatha S(2017). Influence of methionine on ergothioneine content and antioxidant activity of Pleurotus platipus. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. 2017 (In Press).
  12. Sivamani, S., Chandrasekaran, A. P., Balajii, M., Shanmugaprakash, M., Hosseini-Bandegharaei, A., & Baskar, R. (2018). Evaluation of the potential of cassava-based residues for biofuels production. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 1-18.
  13. Muthukumaran, C., Kanmani, B. R., Sharmila, G., Kumar, M., & Shanmugaprakash, M. (2018). Carboxymethylation of pectin: Optimization, characterization and in-vitro drug release studies. Carbohydrate Polymers, 194, 311-318.
  14. Kamalini, A., Muthusamy, S., Ramapriya, R., Muthusamy, B., & Pugazhendhi, A. (2018). Optimization of sugar recovery efficiency using microwave assisted alkaline pretreatment of cassava stem using response surface methodology and its structural characterization. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 254, 55-63.
  15. Sivamani, S., Selvakumar, S., Rajendran, K., & Muthusamy, S. (2018). Artificial neural network–genetic algorithm-based optimization of biodiesel production from Simarouba glauca. Biofuels, 1-9.
  16. Aarthi, B. K., Aswini, V., Priya, M. L., Nirosha, M., & Shanmugaprakash, M. (2016). Optimization of Microwave Assisted Extraction of Pectin from Helianthus annuus Head Using Response Surface Methodology. In Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (pp. 35-45). Springer Singapore.
  17. Shanmugaprakash, M., Vinothkumar, V., Ragupathy, J., & Reddy, D. A. (2015). Biochemical characterization of three phase partitioned naringinase from Aspergillus brasiliensis MTCC 1344. International journal of biological macromolecules, 80, 418-423.
  18. Shanmugaprakash, M., Jayashree, C., Vinothkumar, V., Senthilkumar, S. N. S., Siddiqui, S., Rawat, V., & Arshad, M. (2015). Biochemical characterization and antitumor activity of three phase partitioned L-asparaginase from Capsicum annuum L. Separation and Purification Technology, 142, 258-267.
  19. Shanmugaprakash, M., & Sivakumar, V. (2015). Batch and fixed-bed column studies for biosorption of Zn (II) ions onto pongamia oil cake (Pongamia pinnata) from biodiesel oil extraction. Journal of Environmental Management, 164, 161-170.
  20. Kanmani, P., Kumaresan, K., & Aravind, J. (2015). Gene cloning, expression, and characterization of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PS35 lipase. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, (AHEAD), 0-0.
  21. Kanmani, P., Kumaresan, K., & Aravind, J. (2015). Utilization of coconut oil mill waste as a substrate for optimized lipase production, oil biodegradation and enzyme purification studies in Staphylococcus pasteurElectronic Journal of Biotechnology, 18(1), 20-28.
  22. Kanmani, P., Aravind, J., & Kumaresan, K. (2015). An insight into microbial lipases and their environmental facet. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(3), 1147-1162.
  23. Palanisamy, K., Kuppamuthu, K., & Jeyaseelan, A. (2015). Bacillus sp. PS35 Lipase-Immobilization on Styrene-Divinyl Benzene Resin and Application in Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Synthesis. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 13(3), 39-46.
  24. T, Seetha lakshmi.S, Archana.K, Aishwarya.M, Divya.S, Kumaresan.K, Stephen Raphael.V, Muthukumaran.V, Krishnaveni.V. (2017). Evaluation of in vitro cholesterol esterase and α-amylase inhibitory activities of purified polyphenols from Nigella sativa seeds. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(3): 312-320. (JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation, India). SJR (0.161); SNIP (0.242). [Approved by UGC].
  25. Vinish, V., Sangeetha, S. H., Aravind, J., Kanmani, P., & Sathiskumar, T. (2015). Optimizing the nutrient feeding strategy for PHA production by a novel strain of Enterobacter sp. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(8), 2757-2764.
  26. Sathishkumar, T., Anitha, S., Sharon, R. E., Santhi, V., Sukanya, M., Kumaraesan, K., & Rapheal, V. S. (2015). Evaluation of In Vitro Invertase Inhibitory Activity of Manilkara zapota Seeds–A Novel Strategy to Manage Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39(5), 517-527.
  27. Deivasigamni, M. R., & Ramalingam, P. (2017). Decolorization and Biodegradation of basic violet dye by fungal-bacterial consortia. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY, 13(3), 6438-6444.
  28. Nithyapriya Soundararajan*, Ramalingam Ponusamy And Shanmugaprakash Muthusamy,2017,Multiobjective Optimization of cucumber juice with lactobacillus acidophilus using response surface methodology,Asian journal of science and technology
  29. Nithya Priya S, Ramalingam Pand Kokilavani S,2016 Development of probioticated banana pith juice. Research journal of Biotechnology, 11(1):115-120.
  30. Nithya Priya S., Ramalingam P., Shivasuriya M., Suruthi G., Thilakavathi R (2015)Delopment of probioticated cucumber juice using Lactobacilus acidophilus, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 19(9)39-43.
  31. Peraman Muthukumaran, Nachimuthu Saraswathy, Vijayasekar Aswitha, Ramesh Balan, Venkatesh Babu Gokhul, Palanikumar Indumathi, Sivasubramani Yuvapriya(2016)Assessment of Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Tannin Content and Phytochemical Screening of Leaf and Flower Extracts from Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Backer ex K.Heyne: a comparative study. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2016;8(2):140-143
  32. Venkatesh Babu Gokhul and Palanikumar Indumathi Peraman Muthukumaran, Nachimuthu Saraswathy, Sivasubramani Yuvapriya, Ramesh Balan (2016) In vitro phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of
  33. Amorphophallus paeonifolius (Dennst. Nicolson) against some human. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research., 8(2):’388-392.
  34. Vijayalakshmi, V., Senthilkumar, P., Mophin-Kani, K., Sivamani, S., Sivarajasekar, N., & Vasantharaj, S. (2018). Bio-degradation of Bisphenol A by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAb1 isolated from effluent of thermal paper industry: Kinetic modeling and process optimization. Journal of radiation research and applied sciences, 11(1), 56-65.
  35. Vijayalakshmi, V., Senthilkumar, P., Mophin-Kani, K., Sivamani, S., Sivarajasekar, N., & Vasantharaj, S. (2017). Bio-degradation of Bisphenol A by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAb1 isolated from effluent of thermal paper industry: Kinetic modeling and process optimization. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences.
  36. Sivarajasekar, N., Balasubramani, K., Mohanraj, N., Maran, J. P., Sivamani, S., Koya, P. A., & Karthik, V. (2017). Fixed-bed adsorption of atrazine onto microwave irradiated Aegle marmelos Correa fruit shell: Statistical optimization, process design and breakthrough modeling. Journal of Molecular Liquids.
  37. Sivarajasekar, N., Mohanraj, N., Baskar, R., & Sivamani, S. (2017). Fixed-Bed Adsorption of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Onto Microwave Assisted—Activated Aegle marmelos Correa Fruit Shell: Statistical Optimization and Breakthrough Modelling. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-11.
  38. Prakash Maran,J, Priya,B, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi, Ponmurugan,K, Ganesh Moorthy,I, Sivarajasekar,N, Ultrasound assisted citric acid mediated pectin extraction from industrial waste of Musa balbisiana, Ultrasonics – Sonochemistry, Vol. 35, 204-209, 2017
  39. Karthik V, K. Saravanan.K, N. Sivarajasekar.N. Suriyanarayanan.N (2016), Bioremediation of dye bearing effluents using microbial biomass, Ecology, Environment and Conservation Vol. 22 (Dec.Suppl.), pp. S423-S434,
  40. Karthik V, K. Saravanan.K, N. Sivarajasekar.N. Suriyanarayanan.N (2016), Utilization of Biomass from Trichoderma harzianum for the adsorption of Reactive Red dye, Ecology, Environment and Conservation Vol. 22 (Dec.Suppl.), pp. S435-S440, 2016
  41. Sivarajasekar N, Nainamalai Mohanraj, Sivamani S, Ganesh Moorthy I, Ram Kothandan and Muthusaravanan S, Comparative Modeling of Fluoride Biosorption onto Waste Gossypium Hirsutum Seed Microwave-Bichar using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE Explore
  42. Ram Kothandan, Sivarajasekar N, Muthusaravanan Sivaramakrishnan and Vivek JS, An Ensemble based Model for the Adsorptive Removal of Amoxicillin by Microwave-biochar of Waste Cotton seeds – Response Surface Methodology Approach, IEE Explore 2016
  43. Vivek Jagadeesan Sharavanan, Arun venkatesh Aapakudal, Venkataraman, Muthusaravanan Sivaramakrishnan and Ram Kothandan Resolving Class Imbalance in Meteorological Datasets for Predicting Dengue Outbreak, International Journal of Chemtech Research, Vol:10, No:5 , pp 509-594
  44. Ponmurugan, K., Al-Dhabi, N. A., Maran, J. P., Karthikeyan, K., Moothy, G., Sivarajasekar, N., & Manoj, J. J. B. (2017). Ultrasound assisted pectic polysaccharide extraction and its characterization from waste heads of Helianthus annus. Carbohydrate polymers, 173, 707-713.
  45. Thirumurugan, A., Aswitha, P., Kiruthika, C., Nagarajan, S., & Christy, A. N. (2016). Green synthesis of platinum nanoparticles using Azadirachta indica–An eco-friendly approach. Materials Letters, 170, 175-178.
  46. Thirumurugan, A., Ramachandran, S. & Sivamani, S. Bacteriocin Produced from Lactobacillus plantarum ATM11: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies. International Journal of Food Engineering, 12(5), 501-505, 2016.
  47. Thirumurugan, A., Ramachandran, S., & Gobikrishnan, S. (2015). Optimization of medium components for maximizing the bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus plantarum ATM11 using statistical design. International Food Research Journal, 22(3), 1272-1279.
  48. Gurudharshini Natarajan, Madhumitha Muthusamy, Muthusaravanan Sivaramakrishnan, Perianayaki Periasamy, Poornimmashree A, Kumaravel Kandaswamy*:A big picture on antimicrobial strategies then and now. Research journal of Engineering and Technology.
  49. Rajan, N. P. S., Ponnusamy, R., Murugesan, S., Gopal, S., & Ranganathan, T. Development and Evaluation of Probioticated Cucumber Juice Using Lactobacillus plantarum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 1-8.
  50. Venkatesh Prabhu, M., Karthikeyan, R., & Shanmugaprakash, M. (2016). Modeling and optimization by response surface methodology and neural network–genetic algorithm for decolorization of real textile dye effluent using Pleurotus ostreatus: a comparison study. Desalination and water treatment, 57(28), 13005-13019.
  51. Aravind, J., Lenin, C., Nancyflavia, C., Rashika, P., & Saravanan, S. (2015). Response surface methodology optimization of nickel (II) removal using pigeon pea pod biosorbent. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(1), 105-114.
  52. Palanisamy, K., Krishnaswamy, R., Paramasivan, P., Chih‐Yang, H., & Vishwanadha, V. P. (2015). Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD‐induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by modulating MAP kinases and redox‐sensitive transcription factors. British journal of pharmacology, 172(19), 4726-4740.
  53. Muthusamy, S., & Venkatachalam, S. (2015). Competitive biosorption of Cr (VI) and Zn (II) ions in single-and binary-metal systems onto a biodiesel waste residue using batch and fixed-bed column studies. RSC Advances, 5(57), 45817-45826.

List of Book Chapters:

  1. Thirumurugan, A., Blessy, V. & Karthikeyan, M. (2018). Comparative study on effect of metallic nanoparticles in drug delivery against MCF-7 cell line. Applications of nanomaterials: Advances and Key Technologies. pp.303-313
  2. Varma, V. S., Muthusamy, S., & Rajendran, K. (2018). Organic Waste and Pollutants Reduction Through Composting. In Waste Bioremediation (pp. 141-164). Springer, Singapore.
  3. Mahapatra, D. M., Varma, V. S., Muthusamy, S., & Rajendran, K. (2018). Wastewater Algae to Value-Added Products. In Waste to Wealth (pp. 365-393). Springer, Singapore.
  4. Muthusamy, S., Govindaraj, D., & Rajendran, K. (2018). Phytoremediation of Textile Dye Effluents. In Bioremediation: Applications for Environmental Protection and Management(pp. 359-373). Springer, Singapore.
  5. A. Thirumurugan, (2017), Catalytic degradation of reactive red 120 by copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized by Azadirachda indica, Bioremediation and sustainable environmental technologies for cleaner environment, Springer Cham ,95-102, 978-3-319-48439-6
  6. A. Thirumurugan, (2018), Comparative study on effect of metallic nanoparticles in drug delivery against MCF-7 cell line, Applications of nanomaterials: Advances and Key Technologies, Matthew Deans, Elsevier303-313, 9780081019726
  7. K. Kumaresan(2020), A Novel Source For The Biologically Active Secondary Metabolites, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, (ISBN (10): 1-5275-4818-X)
  8. A. Thirumurugan (2020), Biodegradable natural polymeric nanoparticles as carrier for drug delivery, Integrative Nanomedicine for New Therapies, Springer, 978-3-030-11344-5
  9. N.Saraswathy (2019), L-Ergothioneine: A Potential Bioactive Compound from Edible Mushrooms:Medicinal Mushrooms : Recent progress in Research and Development, Springer NatureSingapore, 391-407, 10.1007/978-981-13-6382-5
  10. N. Sivarajasekar (2019), Recent Updates on Heavy Metal Remediation Using Date Stones (Phoenix dactylifera L.)–Date Fruit Processing Industry Waste, Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 34 (pp. 193-206). Springer, Cham, 193-206, 978-3-030-11344-5
  11. N. Sivarajasekar (2019), Graphene Family Materials for the Removal of Pesticides from Water, A New Generation Material Graphene: Applications in Water Technology , Springer Nature Cham, 309-327, 978-3-319-75483-3<
  12. N. Sivarajasekar (2020), Comparison and Evaluation of Electrospun Nanofiber Membrane for the Clarification of Grape Juice, Sustainable Development in Energy and Environment, Springer, 978-981-15-4638-9
  13. N. Sivarajasekar (2020), Properties and Applications of Natural Pigments Produced from Different Biological Sources—A Concise Review, Sustainable Development in Energy and EnvironmentSpringer, 978-981-15-4638-9
  14. N. Sivarajasekar (2020), Biobutanol: Insight, Production and Challenges, Sustainable Development in Energy and Environment,Springer, 978-981-15-4638-9
  15. N. Sivarajasekar (2020), A Review on the Production of Biogas from Biological Sources, Springer, 978-981-15-4638-9
  16. N. Sivarajasekar (2020), Saponin-aided reverse micellar extraction of malachite green dye from aqueous solutions, Springer, 978-981-15-4638-9
  17. A. Thirumurugan (2020), Biodegradable natural polymeric nanoparticles as carrier for drug delivery, Integrative Nanomedicine for new therapies, Springer Nature,Cham,231-246,978-3-030-36260-7
S.No Name and Address of the Industry / Institution Duration Type of interaction for the past three years
1 Malaysian Allied Health Sciences Academy (MAHSA) University, Malaysia 25.04.2023 (5 years) i. Faculty visit / training ii. Students internship
2 Sakthi Sugars Private Limited, Aapukudal 15.09.2023 (3 years) i. Faculty visit / training ii. Students internship

Doctors can cure diseases; Biotechnologists can create a world without diseases.

– Motto of Association of Biotechnologists

The Association of Biotechnologists was established in 2014 by the Department of Biotechnology to nurture the potential of students aspiring for careers in biotechnology and related fields. Through a diverse range of events, skill development workshops, and training programs, the association aims to enhance student learning outcomes while creating awareness about emerging opportunities in the field.   The structure of the Department Association of Biotechnology for the year 2024-25 is the following:

Faculty Coordinator: Dr Kumaresan K, Associate Professor

Student office-bearers

Position 2024-25 2023-24
Name of the Students Name of the Students
President Vibhash Ramakrishnan Sudharsan M
Vice President Vikas K Dhanya M S
Treasurer Anushree N Sukumar S S
Secretary Kavin Prasath M G Namrudha J D
Joint Treasurer Kavin Prasath M G
Joint Secretary Ashwath Pradeep Peragathis I
Joint Secretary Priya Sahana Harshitha Sakthi S
Documentation lead Mrithika Anushree N, Priyadarshini S K
Career Progression Lead Abishek M Karthikraja S, Vidhyavani S
Alumni Coordinator Shailesh G Saranyadevi S
Research and development coordinator Sreenikitha K Betsy Jemima S, Raksha A
RID Lead Vinu Madhavan P S Mahema C M, Akshayaa K B
Media and Marketing Swethaa Harshita M, Madhubala P
Sports coordinator Nora George Shailesh G
Executive Tanya Kumari Sakthivel, Nikitha D

The following recent events were conducted by the Department Association:

S.No Program Title Type of Training/ Program Date Organized by
1 Teacher’s day event Celebration event for faculties 5/9/2024 KCT
2 Intern Tales Unplugged Interactive session about internship opportunities in collaboration with Research Vertical 26/12/2024 KCT
3 Decade Alumni Meet 2010-14 batch alumni interaction with students 04/01/2025 KCT
4 BioBlitz Multi-sports event within department 24/01/2025 ABT
5 Alumni Talk Mr. Mahesh Chinnuswamy on various career opportunities 24/01/2025 ABT
6 Pixels to Prototype 1 3D Printing setup and introduction session 31/01/2025 ABT
1 Teacher’s day event Celebration event for faculties 5/9/2023 KCT
2 Engineering Excellence Challenge: Quiz Extravaganza Online Event 20/09/2023 KCT
3 Biotech Horizons A research prospects interaction between second years and senior students 6/10/2023 ABT
4 Contemporary Biotechnical Solutions for Societal Issues (CBSSI’ 23) Symposium with HOD of biotechnology from Bharathiar University as the chief guest in association with Institute of Innovation council (IIC). 13/10/2023 ABT
5 Immersion Familiarizing second years with their department in a session. 17/10/2023 KCT
6 Passing the Torch: A First Year Meet and Greet with Seniors. Interaction between first years and seniors. 28/10/2023 ABT
7 Biotech Basics Quiz Online Event 3/11/2023 ABT
8 Alumni Talk Series I Ms.Aswathi shared insights on Gate Exam Preparation 17/11/2023 ABT
9 Department Association Investiture Ceremony Event 22/12/2023 ABT
10 Alumni Talk Series II Raguvandhanan K S shared importance on mini-projects and strong connections with faculty members. 3/1/2024 ABT
11 Alumni Talk Series III Seminar 8/2/2024 ABT
12 Placement Talk Series Ferrin Anthony (BT-2014) shared his research on pathophysiology 17/02/2024 ABT
13 Charting Your Path-Higher Education Prospects in Canada – A Talk Dr. Nataraj Kav Shared the Perks in starting career in Canada and About the University of Alberta 21/02/2024 ABT
14 International Women’s Day Lecture Institutional wide Event 8/3/2024 KCT
15 Amplifying Life’s Blueprint: DNA with RT-PCR Hands-on Training in RT-PCR(YUGAM) 19/3/2024 KCT
16 Decoding the Green Script: Unravelling Plant Genome DNA Isolation Hands-on Training in Plant Genome DNA Isolation (YUGAM) 20/03/2024 KCT
17 Art O Mania Technical Event (YUGAM) 21/03/2024 KCT
18 Forensics 5.0 General Event (YUGAM) 21/03/2024 KCT
19 Empowering Publishing with AI: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Excellence Event 23/03/2024 KCT
20 Recognition Day Event 8/4/2024 ABT
21 Farewell’24 Event 12/4/2024 KCT
22 Bioindustry Conclave 2024: Academia – Industry Dialogues Top Industry Experts shared their insights and had an interaction session on how to bridge the gap between academic and industry. Event was conducted in association with Precision Scientific and AEC Global 26/04/2024 & 27/04/2024 KCT
1 Bio convention 2.0 Interaction session between department students 24/11/2022 KCT
2 Bio trivia Online quiz 14/12/2022 KCT
3 Ask the Audience Event 28/12/2022 KCT
4 Riddle Paradox Online riddles event 13/01/2023 KCT
5 Inter-Brains Online Event 25/01/2023 KCT
6 Alumni Talk Series-7 Ms Sagarika Prabhakar of batch 2016-2020 gave talk on job opportunities and entrance exams 28/01/2023 KCT
7 Battle of Nerves Sports Event 24/02/2023 KCT
8 Molecular Dynamics Workshop 27/02/2023 KCT
9 Basics in Cell Culture Techniques A hands-on skill development workshop 28/02/2023 KCT
10 Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology A hands-on skill development workshop on jam, jellies, ketchup and squash preparation 01/03/2023 KCT
11 Bio hunt Technical Activity 02/03/2023 KCT
12 Art O Mania Technical Event (YUGAM) 03/03/2023 KCT
13 Yum Food Bonanza Technical Event (YUGAM) 03/03/2023 KCT
14 Forensic 4.0 General Event(YUGAM) 04/03/2023 KCT
15 SHE Online Event 08/03/2023 KCT
16 Insights and Inputs about preparation for competitive exams Seminar 20/03/2023 KCT
17 Spectroscopic Techniques A hands-on skill development workshop on performing experiments using spectrophotometer 30/03/2023 & 31/03/2023 KCT
18 Pre-workshop seminar and hands-on training on laboratory animal handling techniques Talk on regulatory bodies for animal ethics and approvals in association with KMCH College of Pharmacy 05/04/2023 & 06/04/2023 KCT
19 Design Of Experiments for Medium Optimization Session teaching usage of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) 13/04/2023 KCT
20 Mammalian Cell Culture Techniques and Flow Cytometry Analysis of Cells Flow cytometry Demonstration, Annexin Apoptosis Analysis and Cell cycle Data Analysis was preceded by an expert talk by DR. R. Nirmaladavi. 28/04/2023 – 30/04/2023 KCT
21 Core Cultivation Culture: Hands-on workshop on Microbial Preservation Workshop demonstrating methods for preserving microorganisms, such as freezing, lyophilization (freeze-drying), and cryopreservation, to ensure their long-term viability and stability. 10/05/2023 KCT

  Highlights of the events during Academic year 2023-2025:

  • Bioindustry Conclave ’24: Bioindustry Conclave was a premier event aimed at bridging the gap between academia and the biotechnology industry. This conclave brought together industry experts, researchers, and students to discuss cutting-edge advancements, career opportunities, and entrepreneurship in biotechnology. Through keynote talks, panel discussions, and networking sessions, participants gained insights into the latest industrial trends and innovations shaping the future of biotech.
  • Contemporary Biotechnical Solutions for Societal Issues (CBSSI ’23): CBSSI ’23 was a technical symposium focused on leveraging modern biotechnological advancements to address pressing societal challenges. This event provided a platform for researchers and students to present innovative solutions in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. With expert-led sessions, discussions, and project showcases, CBSSI ’23 encouraged interdisciplinary collaboration to develop impactful biotechnological interventions.
  • Empowering Publishing with AI: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Excellence: This event explored the transformative role of AI in scientific publishing. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, researchers can enhance their writing, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. Experts in AI-driven publishing tools guided participants through hands-on sessions, demonstrating how to streamline the research publication process and improve scientific communication.
  • STEM CELLS: Nature’s Repair Kit – Insights from the Lab Bench: Stem cells hold immense potential in regenerative medicine and disease treatment. This talk event hosted a faculty researcher from Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. National University of Singapore (NUS), where he explained his work on Intrauterine hematopoietic cell transplantation (IUT) for combating congenital birth defects.
  • Intern Tales Unplugged: Intern Tales Unplugged was a unique workshop where students who had undertaken prestigious fellowships such as INSA, MITACS, and various other industry internships shared their experiences. The event aimed to guide aspiring students by providing firsthand insights into the application process, selection criteria, and the challenges and benefits of these programs. Through interactive discussions, participants gained valuable tips on crafting strong applications and making the most of their internship opportunities.

 List of Professional Societies/ Some of the Chapters in Collaboration with the Department

S. No Name of the professional bodies Web link
1 Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises – ABLE https://www.ableindia.in/
2 Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) https://www.biotech.co.in/en
3 Indian society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi http://www.isteonline.in/
4 The Institution of engineers (IEI) (India), Kolkata https://www.ieindia.org/webui/iei-home.aspx
5 The Biotech Research Society https://www.brsi.in/
6 Society Of Biological Chemists (INDIA) SBC(I) http://sbcihq.in
7 Nutrition Society of India (NSI) http://www.nutritionsocietyindia.com
8 Association of Microbiologists https://amiindia.info/
9 Indian National Science Academy (INSA) https://www.insaindia.res.in/
10 Indian Academy of Sciences https://www.ias.ac.in/
11 The National Academy of Sciences, INDIA http://www.nasi.nic.in/
12 Society for biotechnologists (India) https://sbtigene.org/
13 Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) https://www.afob.org/
14 Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology https://www.simbhq.org/
15 International Council of Biotechnology Associations (ICBA) https://internationalbiotech.org/
16 Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) https://www.bio.org/

Sl No Name of the event Program Details (Seminar, Workshop, Training, Skill development; Activity and events) Dates Academic year
1 Bioconvention 2.0 Event 24/11/2022 2022-2023
2 Biotrivia Online Event 14/12/2022 2022-2023
3 Ask the Audience 28/12/2022 2022-2023
4 Riddle Paradox Online Event 13/01/2023 2022-2023
5 Inter-Brains Online Event 25/01/2023 2022-2023
6 Alumni Talk Series-7 Online Seminar 28/01/2023 2022-2023
7 Battle of Nerves Sports Event 24/02/2023 2022-2023
8 Molecular Dynamics Workshop 27/02/2023 2022-2023
9 Basics in Cell Culture Techniques Workshop 28/02/2023 2022-2023
10 Fruit and Vegetable processing Technology Workshop 1/3/2023 2022-2023
11 Biohunt Technical Activity 2/3/2023 2022-2023
12 Art O Mania Technical Event 3/3/2023 2022-2023
13 Yum Food Bonanza Technical Event 3/3/2023 2022-2023
14 Forensic 4.0 General Event 4/3/2023 2022-2023
15 SHE Online Event 8/3/2023 2022-2023
16 Insights and Inputs about preparation for competitive exams Seminar 20/03/2023 2022-2023
17 Spectroscopic Techniques Workshop 30/03/2023 & 31/03/2023 2022-2023
18 Pre-workshop seminar and hands-on training on laboratory animal handling techniques Workshop 05/04/2023 & 06/04/2023 2022-2023
19 Design Of Experiments For Medium Optimization Workshop 13/04/2023 2022-2023
20 Mammalian Cell culture techniques and Flow Cytometry Analysis of Cells Workshop 28th, 29th & 30/04/2023 2022-2023
21 Core Cultivation Culture: Hands on workshop on Microbial Preservation Workshop 10.05.2023 2022-2023
21 Teacher’s day event Event 5/9/2023 2023-2024
22 Engineering Excellence Challenge: Quiz Extravaganza Online Event 20/09/2023 2023-2024
23 BioTech Horizons Online Event 6/10/2023 2023-2024
24 Contemporary Biotechnical Solutions For Societal Issues (CBSSI’ 23) Event 13/10/2023 2023-2024
25 Immersion Event 17/10/2023 2023-2024
26 Passing the Torch: A First-Year Meet and Greet with Seniors. Online Event 28/10/2023 2023-2024
27 Biotech Basics Quiz Online Event 3/11/2023 2023-2024
28 Alumini Talk Series I Event 17/11/2023 2023-2024
29 Department Association investiture Ceremony Event 22/12/2023 2023-2024
30 Alumini talk series II Seminar 3/1/2024 2023-2024
31 Alumini talk series III Seminar 8/2/2024 2023-2024
31 Placement Talk Series Event 17/02/2024 2023-2024
33 Charting Your Path-Higher Education Prospects in Canada – A Talk Event 21/02/2024 2023-2024
34 International Women’s Day Lecture Event 8/3/2024 2023-2024
35 Amplifying life’s Blueprint DNA with RT-PCR Workshop 19/3/2024 2023-2024
36 Decoding the Green Script: Unravelling Plant Genome DNA Isolation Workshop 20/03/2024 2023-2024
37 Art O Mania Technical Event 21/03/2024 2023-2024
38 Forensics 5.0 General Event 21/03/2024 2023-2024
39 Empowering Publishing with AI: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Excellence Event 23/03/2024 2023-2024
40 Recognition Day Event 8/4/2024 2023-2024
41 Farewell’24 Event 12/4/2024 2023-2024
42 Bioindustry Conclave 2024 Academia – Industry Dialogues Event 26/04/2024 & 27/04/2024 2023-2024
S No Name of the Event Title Co ordinators Year
1 One credit Course Biobusiness Management Dr.K.Ram 27t 28th July, 2019
2 Awareness Programme Awareness Programme on Assembling of foldscope Dr.K.Kumaravel 27 th July, 2019
3 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on Opportunities to become a entrpreneur Dr.R.Baskar 7th August,2019
4 Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on Nanotechnology and its applications Dr.A.Thirumurugan 21st August,2019
1. Guest Lecture Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Biotechnology Dr.P.Ramalingam 7th august, 2019
2. Faculty Development Program Faculty Development Program on Industrial Effluent Treatment Technologies Dr.P.Ramalingam 4th – 9th February, 2019
3. Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on Challenges and Opportunities in Food Safety Dr.R.Baskar 31st July, 2018
4. Conference ISTEM 2019 Dr.N.Sivarajasekar 15th February, 2019
5. Conference National Conference on Innovations in Bio Chemical and Food Technology- 2019 Dr.N.Sivarajasekar 2nd February, 2019
6. Guest Lecture Opportunities and Skill set requirements in Biopharma industry Ms.Veerabhvaneshwari 6th August, 2019
7. Workshop Workshop on Biopure Dr.M.Shanmugaprakash 2nd -3rdFebruary, 2019
8. Workshop Workshop on foldscope and fluorescence Imaging Dr.K.Kumaravel 8th February, 2019
9. Workshop Workshop on RTPCR Dr.K.Kumaravel 5th February, 2019
1. STTC STTC programme on extraction process design, isolation and applications of polyphenols and value added biomaterials Dr.T.Sathish Kumar 23rd November – 6th December, 2017
2. FDP Faculty Development Programme on

Medical and Healthcare Textiles

Dr.N.Saraswathy 4th-17th December 2017
3. STTC STTC programme on “Basic Techniques in Mammalian Cell and Plant Tissue Culture” on 09.07.2017 Dr.R.Baskar 9th July 2017
4. Conference International Conference on Waste Water Management, ICWW,2017 Dr.R.Baskar/Dr.P.Ramalingam 17- 19th August, 2017
5. Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on opportunities for biotechnologists in Healthcare Dr.R.Baskar 14th October,2017
1. Guest Lecture Guest Lecture on nutraceutical formulation in the current market Dr.R.Baskar 30th August,2016
2. Guest Lecture Inspirational Speech by Padma sri

Arunachalam Muruganantham

Dr.T.Sathish Kumar 19th August, 2016
3. Workshop Workshop on Bioprocess Design and Simulation Dr.Ram 7th February 2017
4. Workshop Workshop on FTIR spectrum interpretation Ms.Veerabhvaneshwari 24th August 2016
5. Guest Lecture Scope of genotyping and next-generation

sequencing data in medical and population genetics and Inauguration of Departmental Blog -Biofocus

Ms.Veerabhvaneshwari 23th September 2016
6. Guest Lecture An overview of pharmacovigilance and its relevance of life science professionals Ms.Veerabhvaneshwari 29th August 2016
Event Description Event date Location Category
Collaborative discussion with KINVAA private limited 24.03.2023 KCT Guest Lectures
IQAC Entrepreneur Talk (EarthCare Biotech) 01.02.2023 KCT Guest Lectures
Challenges, opportunities and recent advancement in wastewater treatment 03.09.2022 Aditya Birla group, Mumbai Guest Lectures
Dr. Arumugam Muruganandam on the topic of “Molecular Diagnostics, Product Innovation and Clinical Research” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Salavadi Easwaran on the topic of “Upskilling and professional growth” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Chella Pandian Pitchai  on the topic of “Upskilling and professional growth” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Anurag Varshney  on the topic of “Molecular Diagnostics, Product Innovation and Clinical Research” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Maneesh paul  on the topic of “Navigating Biomanufacturing and Biosimilar landscapes” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Sivanandam Kesavan on the topic of “Navigating Biomanufacturing and Biosimilar landscapes” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Kumar Chokalingam on the topic of “AI enabled devices and genomics in healthcare and precision medicine” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Arthi Rathinasabapathy  on the topic of “Decoding the regulatory challenges in bioindustries” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Ashish Mandlik  on the Topic “Bioeconomy: Pioneering the future of Healthcare and Bioindustry” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. A Premkumar on the topic of “Healthcare 4.0” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr.Saranya Nidhyanandan on the topic of “Decoding the regulatory challenges in bioindustries” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Mr. Arunsathyaseelan Palanichami (Alumni) 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Mrs. Abiraamasundari R  on the topic of “Molecular Diagnostics, Product Innovation and Clinical Research” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Mrs. Sibi Kulanthaivel  on the topic of “Healthcare 4.0” 27.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Vijay Venkataraman Janarthanan on the Topic “Bioeconomy: Pioneering the future of Healthcare and Bioindustry” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Dr. Chellappa Gopalakrishnan on the topic of “AI enabled devices and genomics in healthcare and precision medicine” 26.04.2024 KCT Guest Lectures
Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), and Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer 24.03.2023 KCT Guest lectures by Industry experts
Faculty Internship 08-05-2023 to 08-06-2023 SPINOS LIFE SCIENCE Industry internship
Design of Experiments for Medium Optimization KCT Industry skill training
Workshop on handling of laboratory animals 06.04.2023 KCT Industry skill training
Workshop on Spectroscopic Techniques 30.03.2023 to 31.03.2023 KCT Industry skill training
Workshop on FTIR & NMR Spectroscopy Techniques 29.09.2022 KCT Industry skill training
Visit to TICEL Park III for collaborative activities with Yazh Genomics 09.02.2023 TICEL Park III, Coimbatore Industry visits
Industry visit to JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty 17.02.2023 JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty Industry visits
Industry visit to Dodabetta Tea factory, Ooty 17.02.2023 Dodabetta Tea factory, Ooty Industry visits
Industrial Visit to Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor 24.08.2022 Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor Industry visits
Industrial Visit to Upasi Tea Research Foundation 09.09.2022 Upasi Tea Research Foundation Industry visits
Placement talk from Syngene International KCT Placement talk
Training to Industry on Formulation Development & QA & QC KCT Training for Industry experts
Hands-On Workshop on Chromatography Techniques 22.01.2023 KCT Workshop
S No Title of the project Name of the faculty Faculty Agency Amount (Rs. In Lakhs)
1. “Accelerated Aerobic Composting Biodegradability Test Based on Modified ASTM Method” Dr.Vinohar Stephen Rapheal DBT, GoI 11 lakhs
1. Design and development of fruit deterioration detector using IoT Dr.S.Nithya Priya TNSCST, Chennai. 2.60 (For 18 Months)
1. Synthesis of inexpensive and novel adsorbents from coconut coir fibers for the removal of synthetic dyes from textile dyeing effluents Dr.P.Ramalingam (PI)Dr.G.Ramakrishnan (Co-PI)

Dr.R.Manivel (Co-PI)

AICTE, Govt. of India 13.19 (For 3 years)
2. Development of high precision and high throughput screening platforms to identify novel anticancer and antimicrobial compounds from plant sources Dr.K.Kumaravel (PI) DST – SERB, New Delhi. 33.00 (For 3 years)
1. Development of non-absorbable soy protein nanofibre suture loaded with Rubia cordifolia and Eichhornia crassipes for surgical site infection Dr. Bhaarati Dhurai (PI) Dr.N.Saraswathy (Co-PI) and Dr.Sheeja Rajiv (Co-PI) SPARC, MHRD 47.98
2. FIST Program-2018 [TPN – 18144] Dr.N.Saraswathy DST 60
1. The development of foldscope based device to measure leaf hairiness.A plant breeder’s tool and rapid estimation of microbes using foldscopefor pest control. Dr.N.Saraswathy DBT 8
2. Screening and isolation of natural colorant from marine algae for food applications Mr. P. Muthukumaran TNSCST, Chennai 0.085
3. Popularization of Science Dr. N. Saraswathy
Mrs. S. Nithya Priya
4. Detection of Bacteriophage
Contamination in starter cultures in
dairy industry
Dr. N. Saraswathy KCT 2.07
5. Anaerobic and Methane
Production Process from Organic
Wastes using Novel Membrane
Dr. M. Shanmuga Prakash KCT 2.1
6. Three phase aqueous extraction of bromoline from pineapple waste Dr. M. Shanmuga Prakashrcal Re, KCT 0.35
7. Acylated cellulose fibres for dye removal Dr. P . Ramalingam Re, KCT 0.23
8. A remedy for dye pollution : Natural pigment extraction from black carrot Dr. N. Sivarajasekaran Re, KCT 0.09
9. Synthesis of higher acylatedcellulose cotton fibers for the

selective removal of dyes in real

textile dyeing effluents

Dr. P. Ramalingam KCT 2.25
1. Characterization and Immobilization of banana peel protease to incorporate in wound dressing material for genital warts Dr.R.Baskar DBT 32.87
2. Extraction of residual synthetic dyes from textile dyebath effluent using soluents in multistage centrifugal extract Dr. P. Ramalingam DST 27.85
1. Preparation and Evaluation of in-situ forming alginate hydrogel curcumin as bioactive wound dressing material (RGYI) Dr.N.Saraswathy DBT 10.4
Grant Total (In Lakhs) 86.395

Projects that were funded from KCT’S PLATFORM FOR RESEARCH & EXPLORATION (Re`)for the students of Department of Biotechnology for the period of 2016 -2018:

Polymer based alternative method to extract bromelain from pineapple 0716-026 24,000 Dr. M. Shanmugaprakash
Removal of synthetic dyes from textile dying effluents using propyl and butyl coconut coir fibers 0716-056 23,000 Dr. M. Shanmugaprakash
A remedy for dye pollution 1116-001 20,000 Mrs. R SukanyaDevi (TXT) and Dr. N. Sivarajasekar
Development of biomaterial based peelable film for acne treatment 0717-018 15,495 Ms. V. Veerabhuvaneswari
Development and evaluation of epidermal hydrogel patch loaded with Cocinia indica aqueous extract for treating psoriasis 0717-010 58,930 Dr. N. Saraswathy
Development of mobile fluorescence microscope for biomedical diagnostics 0717-012 13,200 Dr. K. Kumaravel
Ideal usage of food and vegetables waste from kct hostel mess 0717-013 1,00,000 Dr. D. R. Manimaran
Anti-diabetic potential of combination of fermented soy milk and flax seed milk in a rat model 0717-015 40,000 Ms. V. Veerabhuvaneswari
Synthesis of novel adsorbents from bacterial enzymes for removal of dyes in textile dying effluents 0717-022 37,480 Dr. P. Ramalingam
A novel herbal tea formulation for liver and kidney protection and rejuvenation:
Nutritional, physicochemical and sensory analysis
1117-009 38,800 Dr. R. Baskar
2018 – 2019
Modulation in the expression of GLUT-4 receptor in the adipocytes of Type II diabetes by tannoid principles of Emblica officinalis 1118-015 50,000 Dr. R. Baskar
Academic Year Total Placed Enrolled Percent placed Higher Studies Entrepreneurship
2024-25 2 40 5.00 24 1
2023-24 9 30 30.00 5 1
2022-23 33 35 94.29 23 1



Batch Number of Companies visited No of Student placed Total Strength
2020-21 5 8 56
2019-20 10 18 55
2018-19 14 31 59
Batch No of students placed in IT company No of students placed in Core Company No of students opted for placement Total strength
2010-2014 36 7 41 58
2011-2015 35 5 40 55
2012-2016 22 10 38 57
2013-2017 17 5 30 58
2014-2018 9 23 30 63
2015-2019 7 16 35 59



Students were placed in academic institution as Assistant Professors with salary package of 3- 4 lakh per annum and were hired by core industries like Neuberg Erlich lab (Chennai); Evolva Biotech (Chennai) with salary package of 2.5 lakh per annum. Students join as junior research fellows and senior research fellows in reputed research institutions.



Academic Year


No. of students offered Placements








Placement Details (3 years)


S No Name of the student placed Register number Designation/ Program Name of the Employer / Research Institution


S No Name of the student placed Registration number Designation/ Program Name of the Employer / Research Institution


S No Name of the student placed Registration number Designation/ Program Name of the Employer / Research Institution


S No Name of the student placed Registration number Designation/ Program Name of the Employer / Research Institution


MoU was signed with Molecular Connections Pvt Ltd, on 14.12.2018 and a dedicated facility- Life Science Informatics Facility was inaugated on by Executive officer, KCT and Mr. Venugopal B Director-Talent Management Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

Molecular Connections Pvt Ltd., Bangalore has hired our B. Tech Biotechnology students and offered full time internship training from December 2018 to April 2019. The internship training was conducted by Ms. P. Nithya Priya and Mr. G. Sachin, subject matter expert from Molecular Connections. Future career guidance workshops and domain specific skill-set training are planned to be done at the facility.




Career Day 2017

Dr. K.N. Brahmadathan, Director, Microbiological Laboratory Research and Services India Pvt. Ltd gave a guest lecture on “Opportunities in Diagnostics “ and Dr. D. Ramesh Kumar, CEO, Salem Microbes Private Limited, gave guest lecture on “Opportunities in Aquaculture and Bioremediations using Natural Microbes “ during Career Day 2017. During Career Day core skill set required and opportunities were discussed by subject matter experts from industry. Different speakers from the industry focused on the topic of Opportunities in Diagnostics, Opportunities in Aquaculture and Bioremediations using Natural Microbes, Social Entrepreneurship, Literature curation and Medical coding. The students also had a presentations prepared by the industrial experts designed in a way to understand the work atmosphere of an industry.

The session was very interactive and students gained more information in different aspects in different industry. The experts explained about the techniques and procedures that they use in industries.

Career Day 2018 mainly focused on industrial process and techniques carried out in Biocon. Three different speakers from the Biocon industry namely Mr. Thirumurugan Nagulasamy, Associate manager, Biosimilars, Biocon Pvt, Ltd., Mr. Unni Krishnan, Senior Director, Quality, Biocon Pvt, Ltd., Mr. Dinesh Baskar – Manager, Biocon Pvt, Ltd focused on the topic of Quality control in Pharma, Biologies Process Development and A case study on Monoclonal antibody production – Production perspective. The students also had a small case study report prepared by the industrial experts designed in a way to understand the work atmosphere of an industry.

The session was very interactive and students gained more information in the aspects of production, Upstream, Downstream processing and also on Quality control. The experts also explained about the techniques and procedures that they use in industries for the production process.


Career Day 2018


Interaction with Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor

Focus has been given to students for industry exposure through industry visits and internships at Industry. MOU has been signed with Pasteur Institute of India, Nilgiris, Coonoor and has recruited our PG students as interns with a stipend in various departments like Vaccine production, Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

Course Code & Name Faculty handling Active Learning Method used Assessment
U18BTI5201: Genetic engineering and Genomics Dr. K. Kumaravel Mini project on Biofilm associated infections Journal publication
U18MBT7001 : Engineering Economics and Financial Management Dr. Padhmanand Sudhakar Socratic Debate on pros and cons of GDP Report based on debate
U18BTE0010 : Bioentrepreneurship Dr. Manimaran Stock Trainer App App-based stock simulation performance
U18BTI3203 : Concepts in Biochemistry Dr.R.Baskar Think-Pair Share Pair presentation
U18BTE0008 :  Neurobiology and Cognitive Sciences Dr.P.Muthukumaran Gamification-assignment Peer assessment and Evaluation
U18BTI5201: Genetic engineering and Genomics Dr.N.Saraswathy Video Assignment Assessment is based on content and presentation